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SF, the guys are just joking about your manhood...blank & JPJ his GF is just too controlling....not to say SF not man enough....Hehehehe~~

SF, I think the message that we wanted to convey to you is that. You only live once in this world. Your youth will be only once. Don't live to regret about what you should have done when you were young.

listen to sifu ... sure will not regret ...:driver:
Auto ar? But TR bro recommend manual wor..but so far persona and Satria NEO CPS got any problems bo?

Me tak ada takut gf la..masih hanya sayang dan respek saja ni. Kalau saya takut, I wouldn't have scolded or have any heated arguments with her before lo.

Kia Forte arr? Kia cars good ka? Nvm lar I just buy this car and convert to KiaLica GT4 la. Since my dream car is ST205 just make it a wannabe car like those SAGARU STI.

If I fetch more chicks later JPJ roadblock say I overload the car with chicks then you guys issue me a summon for overloading chicks then have to confiscate my chicks for further investigations I susah lo...I fetch one enough adi, Buy Satria at least can be alone with FY ma lolz!

Me not so small gas geh. Don't worry, I can accept comments, opinions and critics geh. :biggrin:
Ya, i know is my $$$ but I also understand why my gf dun want me to buy M/T cuz to her jam is really suffering and tiring. Well, she has a point there la, 2ndly don't really want me to get Satria is cuz is not convenient if wanna pick up passengers or when it is raining, the front passenger have to get down as well. This is her main concern not that she totally controlling la just giving me her point of view.

Yes, persona may be a good choice since is a 4-door. Thanks for suggestion and opinions.
Depends on situation but to me, I really like Satria Neo compare to the rest. 1st of all will go and test drive both Satria and persona and see the cost for each month only decide.

Dream car, once can afford, is a must for me to achieve, that I really dun care who agrees or does not agree with me. I only live once!

Me look like a small boy, how to look like a man? lolz! But inside is indeed a real man, and also a gentleman MUAHAHAHA! :laugh:

What about Myvi, why no one recommend? cuz later I cucuk u guys with myvi is it? Lolz!

Ya i understand your point here about M/T cars due to our road congestion and heavy traffics. Nicer to drive when the road is empty yet FC is better than A/T cars. Well, u can't get everything in a package, sure got + and - points.
Auto ar? But TR bro recommend manual wor..but so far persona and Satria NEO CPS got any problems bo?

Me tak ada takut gf la..masih hanya sayang dan respek saja ni. Kalau saya takut, I wouldn't have scolded or have any heated arguments with her before lo.

Kia Forte arr? Kia cars good ka? Nvm lar I just buy this car and convert to KiaLica GT4 la. Since my dream car is ST205 just make it a wannabe car like those SAGARU STI.

If I fetch more chicks later JPJ roadblock say I overload the car with chicks then you guys issue me a summon for overloading chicks then have to confiscate my chicks for further investigations I susah lo...I fetch one enough adi, Buy Satria at least can be alone with FY ma lolz!

Me not so small gas geh. Don't worry, I can accept comments, opinions and critics geh. :biggrin:
Ya, i know is my $$$ but I also understand why my gf dun want me to buy M/T cuz to her jam is really suffering and tiring. Well, she has a point there la, 2ndly don't really want me to get Satria is cuz is not convenient if wanna pick up passengers or when it is raining, the front passenger have to get down as well. This is her main concern not that she totally controlling la just giving me her point of view.

Yes, persona may be a good choice since is a 4-door. Thanks for suggestion and opinions.
Depends on situation but to me, I really like Satria Neo compare to the rest. 1st of all will go and test drive both Satria and persona and see the cost for each month only decide.

Dream car, once can afford, is a must for me to achieve, that I really dun care who agrees or does not agree with me. I only live once!

Me look like a small boy, how to look like a man? lolz! But inside is indeed a real man, and also a gentleman MUAHAHAHA! :laugh:

What about Myvi, why no one recommend? cuz later I cucuk u guys with myvi is it? Lolz!

Ya i understand your point here about M/T cars due to our road congestion and heavy traffics. Nicer to drive when the road is empty yet FC is better than A/T cars. Well, u can't get everything in a package, sure got + and - points.

k3-vet :driver:vroom vroom passon ride:driver::driver:
next week serbis plug TT...

list down :


where got ppl dare to put name like tis taikor...

tt where? sms me
and bro 5115, sell yr bimmer then can buy the celica la..don wait...act now while stock last!

hehe...prefer take my sweet time until the time is right :biggrin: (most of the budget ppl always use this statement :biggrin:)

SF:understand ur situation but manual ain't that scary la,normal manual car won't broke ur leg 1,or else GH sure collapse...

get an used car if u r in a tigh budget,use it just for short distance (ur house to bdr sri d'sara=10km nia) meanwhile start saving for ur own dream car or prefered family car in future :driver:
SF, MyVi no to say not good. It's consider OK also since my sister is driving one SE M/T one. Khoo also got a Myvi.

Power wise, quite ok loh..since it's a compact car. But the problem of MyVi from factory is the brakes...The brakes feels kinda spongy and not that good. Normal maintenance is consider cheap. The engine is quite lively once you get about 2500RPM above....can rev all the way to 6K or close to red line. My sister tried it and showed to me..

Interior wise, no comment as it's about the same like P1. But you have good head room so tall ppl won't complain. Leg room at the back also not bad.

Small car easy to find parking and easy to take care eg. washing, cleaning...etc..

The thing I don't like about the MyVi is it's auto lock doors. Once you press the brake the locks will engage so if you are fetching people need to wait for everyone to get in before you step on the brakes. Natural reaction once you put down the handbrake sure you step on the brakes and the door is locked. To unlock the doors have to pull the lock button...why don't they just put something like a switch at the power window area to lock and unlock doors..silly..the driver side power window got auto roll down but no auto roll up...funny....

The stock tires...well....are crap....the stock tires are too narrow...doesn't make me feel better when taking a corner.

Overall, it's a good city car. If I have a Myvi 1st thing I would upgrade is the brakes and the tires.....

For P1, I tested the Gen2 CPS AT wanted to test the M/T Neo but no car so tested the A/T Gen2....the car felt heavy and the engine feels blank when the rev builds up from low....i pedal it through the floor but the rev just takes it's sweet time going up but at mid range the rev goes up faster...might be the CPS...not sure....I bet a M/T would perform better.

Quality of the car was better...the doors felt solid and quite heavy...the light stalk and the wiper stalk has switch place so you might not get used to it at 1st...not sure for Neo and Persona..but could be the same. Dashboard feels like P2 quality...Well that's not my concern...can live with it. Head room is a bit low.

Neo also has that solid body feel as my gf tested drive it before, engine is powerful might be due to the smaller & lighter chassis compare to gen2 or Persona....Most probably i would get my GF a M/T Neo CPS...when the time is right....

NVH, is not bad...quite quiet inside but when you get down the car...the bassy exhaust note is notable....the CPS engine start up is also nice to hear....very crisp sound...

Above is my opinion, feel and observation.
and myvi gearbox is exp..wakakak...
SF...join TT...get more upclose and personal suggestion and info from the taiko..seriously...
oh yea..how tall r u ady?coz the Neo design flaw as mention by TR taiko is tat the sunvisor will kena ur head if u too tall..other than tat..nth much...engine wise...u juz change to drop in K&N den u can drive it nicely ady...gosh..1st time i suggest ppls to get proton..wakaka
nothing special abt Mybie la....juz like plain porridge for me....jump into car n press pedal go here go there only.....really dun knw why all -->'zen dui':rofl::rofl:mybie drebar:biggrin:
where got ppl dare to put name like tis taikor...

hehe...prefer take my sweet time until the time is right :biggrin: (most of the budget ppl always use this statement :biggrin:)

SF:understand ur situation but manual ain't that scary la,normal manual car won't broke ur leg 1,or else GH sure collapse...

get an used car if u r in a tigh budget,use it just for short distance (ur house to bdr sri d'sara=10km nia) meanwhile start saving for ur own dream car or prefered family car in future :driver:

nemind 1 laa unker.... ur wife got browse zth kah??? :adore:
My choice would be Neo CPS hi-line M/T, nice drive, excellent handling.

Reminds me of my old Satria GTI, less power, but very nice ride. Low head-room though, not suitable for my height.

As me for, I certainly don't feel bored in my A/T car when stuck in a jam...I feel very happy hahaha.
Have to see the wiring diagram...but shouldn't be hard. Maybe wire to the lights motor, car body, light switch...etc..

When I got my license...I was driving a Datsun 120Y....Hahahahaha~~~plate no. NQ1748..solid maroon colour...now still can spot it sometimes around Kampung Rahang...driven by an old man....
Had lots of memories with that car....it fetch me to school before, went into ditch with me before, get trap in mud with me before, i hit my face on the dash of that 120Y before...kena lock in the car boot by my uncle before, the AC is always so cold even on hot days....

TR, why you dowan carry the number with you when you change car? it would be a very nice number leh, 1748. very easy to get rich leh :biggrin:
Yes, I thought of it before but I'm really worried la. If car break down or anything need to change, I really tak ada wang to repair. Have to save money for 2 months for one repair. Repair that cost RM1k above really can't afford to pay with my 1 month salary.

So, to be on the safe side, i get a new car, drive for few years until got money then change better car. IF i want to get 2nd hand car, I would get ZZE122 again as I love it a lot. Will go to few show rooms lar...maybe will go to Toyota TOPMARK as well this saturday. At least car they sell are in better condition and can be trusted. If not then just get NEO la if price allows me to.

What is NVH? U r referring to Neo is it bro? P1 and P2 stands for? Sorry bro, I really dunno.

Yes, smaller car, easy to take care and yet polishing and waxing also cheaper lolz! :biggrin:

Actually, I would prefer to wash my car on my own but just too busy and I'll take roughly up to 4 hours to wash, remove tars from the body and clean the rims. The last time I did that was like 4 hours.

Wah, myvi auto lock doors so cacat? Altis will only auto lock doors once the car hit the speed of 20km/h. Safety measures good hehe! That's the silliest auto driver window I ever come across, even the old Proton Iswara hatchback have a proper auto wind down and up window.

As for NEO, yes from the look of it I think it is much more solid and I guess is a nice car to drive around just like what ST and u guys mentioned. I will test drive both manual and auto ones. Hopefully the salesman won't cucuk me for dying off when driving M/T lolz!

Is the A/T NEO powerful as well? Is 125HP. Not bad for a 1.6. Altis 1.8 adi 134HP.

I guess most probably I'll be buying A/T for the moment, until I have a 2nd car, will go for M/T. Cuz I will be giving my car to my gf to drive once awhile to work and she is not really good at driving and a nervous driver. An M/T car surely a foreign car to her lolz! Well, sort of to me as well for now.

Test drive dun buy salesman will cucuk or not geh? Cuz, I test drive A/T and M/T then Persona pula. :hmmmm:

I drove my sis's bf GEN 2 before but not CPS type, to me I'm really not use to it, especially its torque and I hate the auto downshift function where once you slowed down or when going downhill, downshift till 1st gear from what I heard but I know once downshift is like lost of power. Compared to altis it has this function too but won't downshift until like that. Is like slow down slightly nia.

Thanks for your advise again bro TR, very nice of u to explain in detail and share your experience with me. Hope can afford to buy a car for my gf like u 1 day :adore:

My gf adi said up to me if I really want to get the NEO, is just her opinion previously.

Ya, will join TT for sure. Don't know when yet :biggrin:
I'm not that tall as u can see previously during TT. I think you are taller than me. I'm almost the same height as TR and slightly shorter than BLANk. Once get NEO change to K&N filter, tint the car, and place in 2ZZ-GE inside? :thefinger: or should I get the Lotus R3 Neo :rofl: :banghead:

I'm not looking for a powerful car now lar..just want an enjoyable ride with acceptable performance as a daily car to work.

Seriously, I have always been anti-proton but now no choice, need a temporary and hassle free car for few years. The only thing I'm worried is their power windows :bawling:

Ya, I don't feel bored or even feel stress during jam lolz! That's my only concern on traffic if get M/T.
Have you tried the A/T NEO? is it as powerful as the M/T? I know A/T pick up is slower than M/T.

Can't afford his E63. :thefinger:

You sell me your MR2 at 40K i take la :rofl:
So, to be on the safe side, i get a new car, drive for few years until got money then change better car. IF i want to get 2nd hand car, I would get ZZE122 again as I love it a lot. Will go to few show rooms lar...

Come Seremban, I bring you to my showroom. :idea:

70k sell to you, plus K&N filter that I just bought 70.2k :biggrin:

you wash what car o, need 4 hours. You wash lorry also no need 4 hours gua :confused:

Altis is using SpeedLock, will automatically lock the door once it reached a certain speed level. not sure why yours is at 20 km/h, but mine is 30 km/h.

---------- Post added at 10:25 AM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 10:20 AM ----------

khoo is selling his 2 at 53.3k lah, if he install the new stuff :rofl:
I'm not sure la, just roughly estimate is around 20km/h cuz I drive so long didn't really see when the car lock at what speed but I know is around that speed la.

Yours maybe cuz you transplant 2ZZ-GTE inside with 400HP that's why only lock at 30km/h gua :evil:

Mine stock ma lolz! Only got HKS Grounding Circle Earth Kit. :rofl:

Huh? You buy from who geh that K&N? Why didn't help me order as well :rofl:

Khoo's car arr? wait for the price to drop 1st lolz! and your zze122 I can't afford and dunno how to drive with so much power.
What la you, must observe one ma. I observe it when driving near my house, watching the speedometer go up and listening when the door lock sound will come out. So after listen few times, so I 100% confirm for my car is 30 km/h, should be the same for all ZZE-122.

I bought from kaitospeed loh, 2 weeks ago installed liao. good seller :top:

you need to slowly wait lah, khoo's 2 won't be lesser than 50k one. My 2ZZ? come drive then you will know :thefinger:
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I didn't observe cuz not really important la...as long as it still in working condition I'm ok adi geh. Now, I'm doing some testing on the proper way to use the ECT power lar but have to sacrifice a lot of petrol. There is a certain timing where you switch it on, it will give u a slight boost geh. Still testing la but not always cuz tires still new I don't want to waste it so fast lolz!

Unless my pocket deep, I test how many times also nvm. :wink:

Test your ZZE122 arr? can also (at least i can use YH car to test the ECT instead) haha! :evil:

1)Save my petrol
2)Save my tire lifespan
3)Brakes but nvm adi worn off anyway. Need to change liao. Steering shaking during braking. If not selling the car, might consider better performance brakes.

TRD brakes system, have to change to 17" tires right? from what i heard.

As frens, maybe khoo give me discount leh...:biggrin:
SF, just slowly shop around until you can focus in a few car from your list. Then compare them again..the Pros and Cons, which will suits your need..ask around at few workshops or owners for the maintenance cost for the car you would consider so you can estimated monthly have to keep how much for the car and need to have an emergency backup cash just in case car got major problem or broke down..etc..

Just example:
Monthly maintenance: MYR300. 1st few service got FOC labour or parts so would cost you lesser.
Loan repayment: MYR550
Emergency cash: MYR300 (if under warranty can claim) but also need to keep this cash just in case...if nothing happens also can use to buy some performance parts, spare parts, acc. Sikit sikit lama lama jadi bukit.

So you need to allocate at least MYR1150 each month for the car. This is just example. Maybe other ppl have different way of doing it.
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