ZTH Kepong Area's TT

arh...i miss the tt again...i see the post tot it postpone to tonite(friday nite) but ended up on thus nite..haih...seem i have no fate with u guys la..haha...so how is the car showoff?hehe..:driver:
who want to tapau maroon kaler wira?? i wan to release some stress :banghead:

your car is wolf cover with sheep skin la.....twin turbo inside..who dare to tapau u....kekekeee

arh...i miss the tt again...i see the post tot it postpone to tonite(friday nite) but ended up on thus nite..haih...seem i have no fate with u guys la..haha...so how is the car showoff?hehe..:driver:

tonite........11pm onward.....see u..if u lost yr way can call 5115 or fstrader or myself.....but call the 2 taikor 1st..coz their territory .....
act bobby eat "pussy"cat :biggrin:

wakakaka...unker fstrader vry pro 1....

arh...i miss the tt again...i see the post tot it postpone to tonite(friday nite) but ended up on thus nite..haih...seem i have no fate with u guys la..haha...so how is the car showoff?hehe..:driver:

come 2nite....:wavey:

who want to tapau maroon kaler wira?? i wan to release some stress :banghead:

walao...we sure kena tapau by u!!!!:adore:...y dun u go to serbis plug or piston to release the stress....:rofl:

TT tonite 10.30pm at yuan kee
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yesterday my windscreen almost pecah when an evo "fly" beside me...:banghead:
huh...mcm ni hebat ka....like tat my car sure tergolek!!!!!!!!:rofl:

u both didn continue the spirit of the gen2 R3 and the TRD supercharger vios meh?
huh...mcm ni hebat ka....like tat my car sure tergolek!!!!!!!!:rofl:

u both didn continue the spirit of the gen2 R3 and the TRD supercharger vios meh?

i wanted to try the 2jz tt bmw white conti monster but he looked down on my car, and show me hand, asking me to go far far...so i paiseh la..........wat to do.....ppl's car 450hp compared to mine.....sad.....sigh
kanasai,once i put throttle,his car ald in front of me...2nd gear 5m away,3rd gear 20m away & 4th gear he is gone :driver:

i call him & ask him to wait for me,he said he is going to bed liao...imagine how fast the beast!!!!!!

i better find another way home next tt :banghead:
wah, so many "geng" car, i paiseh to join also.......
if i got time and permission granted tonight, i will come
u r welcome to join us bro,gimme ur contact so u will get unlimited calls & sms 24/7!hehe
windscreen nearly crack very big wok d dat engine...need to have enuf serbis and lubricants :biggrin:
yeah u need to put up a big manila card with your ZTH nickname...then we will recognise you liow :biggrin:
i wanted to try the 2jz tt bmw white conti monster but he looked down on my car, and show me hand, asking me to go far far...so i paiseh la..........wat to do.....ppl's car 450hp compared to mine.....sad.....sigh

walao...u really need to do until so humble meh?ur car should be hop in front of the white conti monster when u release ur E7 clutch...

kanasai,once i put throttle,his car ald in front of me...2nd gear 5m away,3rd gear 20m away & 4th gear he is gone :driver:

i call him & ask him to wait for me,he said he is going to bed liao...imagine how fast the beast!!!!!!

i better find another way home next tt :banghead:

wakakaka...vry fast lo...2jz oso kenot chase with da 4G63t...

wah, so many "geng" car, i paiseh to join also.......
if i got time and permission granted tonight, i will come

do come...if no...u will regret...hehe

windscreen nearly crack very big wok d dat engine...need to have enuf serbis and lubricants :biggrin:


looks like both of u 5115 and evoz got continue the "spirit" frm the previous car....here it goes agian!!!
so sory bro...yesterday no join gathering...
coz i so tired...then sleep early liao...

Bump: :wavey:
so sory bro...yesterday no join gathering...
coz i so tired...then sleep early liao...
huh!? so damn long din join kepong TT already.
You wiper still inside my car, bro 5115
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going to yuan kee for a drinks....u got my sms kent,come to yuan kee or at least reply me
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