ZTH Kepong Area's TT



---------- Post added at 09:11 AM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 09:05 AM ----------

brader....ur hypertune mag eh...i send it back to you....wht time u at home today???
Lolz! Nvm lar I come and collect tonight at CJ no need ma fan u come my place lar...

I think i feel the difference lar bro...pick up not so good after taking out the K&N filter and using the stock one...

You want it back or not bro? Cuz tat time service car I adi take it out...if not then I continue using 1st :thefinger: lolz!
aiseh...im not coming to TT tonight lar....tonight my goat's mating season...hehe

good to heard that u felt the different...so was it worth for you to invest on it???

nope...u use it la...until u sell ur car,but don't sekali jual sama gaban hang...just don't spoil it...because i still can felt the pain 2 year ago when i bought it...:rofl:
Lolz! Your goat's mating season or your are going to mate with some girls to celebrate Pre-CNY? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

My house, my mum is at home if u wanna drop by but I don't want to memuafankan you to come all the way lar...or shud I come to your house tonight? lolz!

I think okay lar shud be quite a good investment at least no need to change filter all the time when service car at UMW...no extra cost to change filter ma hehe! Yet K&N can wash and reuse. I sell together with my gaban and tell the buyer got K&N filter & HKS Grounding Kit lar..so the car sell to you 76K lar lolz! :rofl:

Why feel pain to buy? Quite okay ma...no need UMW charge u for new filter. But I think TRD filter better.
wah...u bring ur zze122 to umw toyota to service eh???

btw,my fren K&N got lost when he bring his vios to service at umw toyota...so be careful my pren....^^
K&N lost?waseh...sue kau them ask for new K&N...muehehe...juz talk to the service manager...better juz go to HR..muahaha...they wan jaga muka de...muehehe...who is the mechanic of he car sure will kena pecat...muahaha:biggrin:
wah...u bring ur zze122 to umw toyota to service eh???

btw,my fren K&N got lost when he bring his vios to service at umw toyota...so be careful my pren....^^
Don't worry bro, when I borrow things from friends/others. I'll take good care of it as if it belongs to me...Before I send the car for service to UMW, I took out your K&N and replace it with the dirty original Toyota Filter. Is because I don't trust outsider as well. K&N filter not cheap, it could be missing if i send the car for service without me monitoring.

his balls very big i guess:rofl:


SF:ur essay very the long....my eyes veli the pain leyh:banghead:x50
Consider very short liao lo...last time when 1 first post, essay writing was longer leh...now got improvement of "talk less, save ass" :thefinger:

I adi retire from long essay writing adi...a lot of ppl can type longer than me now :rofl:
Now my essay consider standard 1 essay adi lar hehe!
Really KNN when my fren found out his KNN air filter gone...the best is the mechanic replaced the KNN air filter with a old dirty used air filter...

yes...he did done that...complaint to the manager even wrote an e-mail to umw malaysia...but end up with some service vouchers and some free gift...huhu~~~
Really KNN when my fren found out his KNN air filter gone...the best is the mechanic replaced the KNN air filter with a old dirty used air filter...

yes...he did done that...complaint to the manager even wrote an e-mail to umw malaysia...but end up with some service vouchers and some free gift...huhu~~~

bwahaha,ur friend should'nt accept the old filter if he dun like it..and bising on the spot...too bad ady pass..if similar thing happened..just tell the service manager to get bck the filter,dun care how or replace a new 1,else..see him in Consumer Tribunal and stuff...wrote letter bo use de...u juz on the spot dunwan,and make a big hoohaa there...hehe..well at least that is what i do and my father work as Sales Advisor at Toyota de....so i knw how they operate inside de...muahaha,so u will end up with more goodies or nt juz get bck the KNN..haha:biggrin:
waseh...so free no need to work?holiday ady?haha...heard ur KP mating today huh?
wif which species?hehe....
this is why i dun use drop-in filters. next time, just open the 2 clips of your air-box, take a pic before handing over your car keys to the service center. if they make dunno, show them the pic. your pic got time and date stamp, they cant taichi. :biggrin:
tat why nw i use open pod lor..wakaka...open can see ady...wakaka,anyway i juz leave it to my mechanic in front of my house..suka suka go and see..no worry...lolzz

mizu - saw a rare evo wagon at curve leh..ur kaki?
SF, I beg you...please.......................................don't put scissors door on your car....I will definitely 150% label you as Ah Beng and will post your Altis at 'Pimp my ride' section....don't do it.....

scissors door are meant for super cars like Lambo, CCX..etc...not on our mere mortals car....
thx for the info...^^

he said said only...don't so serious with wht he said...

Blank, mana tau he this time serious.....you know diam diam ubi..
i kena before...:biggrin:

thats why i will said like that....

btw,sorry for that day...regarding the "thanks*...ahehehe....the weather was freaking hot ....so i abit blur that time...
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