ZTH Cheras KL

Originally posted by little_monster@Oct 15 2004, 12:55
elanie wat JD ..? jack daniel ekekke...

hey VR4rojak welcome aboard..
no lah.. hinting wordss.. :P

just now @ projet connaught... i saw someone alike donut.... but that fella abit meat... :P
i am from cheras yulek, near Old Mast Wong Temple there :) nice to meet you all.
i'm from cheras too :)

tmn cheras mewah 2, if u know where tmn len sen is, u should know where i am la haha.

should have a TT at connought projet ler. or the mcDs there or something.

go to nelly's curry hse there then can call udj from traffic to yum cha haha
Ok time to organize again, and confirm how many coming b4 setting the date ;)
Don't organize far far ar.. Cow Boy Delight sounds great, man :( wish I knew about the previous gathering earlier.
Ok , Cheras Kaki
Lets TT , Where cheras kaki want ? Cheras connaught project or Mc. Or others place ???
Can I drive 4x4 come ??? :P
ah??? cheras TT again aaaaaaaar???? u guys sure want to come or not??
everytime i organize also same old face coming only...?
Taman Connaught Esso station ...

Call the Traffic guys lah ... Udj lives nearby I think.
pls pls I beg you, I will be still at work at that time, I won't be able to make it. Pls change it to weekend. :(
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