
Known Member
Senior Member
May 8, 2004
hey brother this day din see you in zth... kena tangkap when curi tulang arh?? :)
Hehe...Chun Kit is not wit da comp edi. So he din online. Now he'z in Taiping ;)
Yea last week he'z at Amoil. Went bek to Taiping last Mon only.

Errr as far as I know...he'll b workin alongside wit me in a publishing comp. About doin biz diz kinda stuff wit his other wifezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...I know nothin.
other wife???? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

but then, taiping got no internet connection aaa? hahhahhaa :lol:
Ahakz...U dunno meh? He got awfully damn lotza gf here n there aduiii. His Taiping house no internet. Wait till I bought him a laptop kayz LOL
wow... u gonna buy him laptop...

wah.. i wish that i can have g/fs like u.. let say i got 10g/f like u... sure i'll get 10 laptop and then sell it back... then i can gain almost 40K.. then upgrade my car kaw kaw... muakakkaaaa....

ck so lucky laa....
Aiya...if only he know he'z lucky hehehehe

I used to drive from Kajang -> Kepong -> Subang -> Kepong -> Kajang a few timez a week hahahah...imagine tat.
No la...he too tired to drive to TT so I fetch him lo. But sumtimez v juz stick to a small lil cozy din din at Kepong :lol:
wah my big brother so hang fook to have qb as her wife lar ;) :P
qb you mean he gonna working in kajang???? then that is good i can find him easier.... miss hil lar cny want to find him also hard
hoi tiong koh how are you... i back to hell d. that day saw your car damn nice lar the sound ^_^
CH >>> He'z gonna b workin at Cheras. Nearby Kjg only. Aiya U oso not at Kjg. Of course la hard to find me. Dun say U...even me oso hardly c him. He damn bz.
ok i am going to sleep now send my regard to him comment cava?
Originally posted by D16Y6@Mar 21 2005, 08:43
ok i am going to sleep now send my regard to him comment cava?

ppl bz to wake up this time but u wanna go sleep? hehhehee... u sure rich guy... :lol:
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