X-TrEMe C-A-R Mo-Di-Fi-Ca-Tion

Dior said:
hhahaha..legendary kcar........

aiyo the Red kenari so low can jalan at road meh?? He think at japan MEH? Solar type spoiler also...bruce lee n crazy frog more nice...hehe
Freddy VS Jason oredy in history book liao, now is MoveNRF VS David_KIA_Racing time!

wah seh...i jst watch 2 movies..then so many posts liao...haha...

move taikor...of coz i wan2 join ur club la..er...sonata is my mum's car la...she dun wan drive...ask me b driver..so i get the car lo...parents dun let me use bike..dangerous..haha...post my own car pic a..ok oso lo..jst tat pic no so clear...haha...so dun mind o...sibu mod car...stil ok la..onli got a few nice one...

dior da jie...got anymore pics of the TWC garage one or not..and do any1 hav team ANTERA's pic? they r nice too...fill up the thread wif more pics..hehe...msn sessions too long ki...

btw...so far onli got this 2 includin my own car..lol...i wil try my best to snap somemore..

harrier wif custom bodykit + big rims....

normal kenari wif custom made grill

my own ride...haha...
kelvin--- said:
wah seh...i jst watch 2 movies..then so many posts liao...haha...

move taikor...of coz i wan2 join ur club la..er...sonata is my mum's car la...she dun wan drive...ask me b driver..so i get the car lo...parents dun let me use bike..dangerous..haha...post my own car pic a..ok oso lo..jst tat pic no so clear...haha...so dun mind o...sibu mod car...stil ok la..onli got a few nice one...

dior da jie...got anymore pics of the TWC garage one or not..and do any1 hav team ANTERA's pic? they r nice too...fill up the thread wif more pics..hehe...msn sessions too long ki...

btw...so far onli got this 2 includin my own car..lol...i wil try my best to snap somemore..

harrier wif custom bodykit + big rims....

normal kenari wif custom made grill

my own ride...haha...
hey isn u want to add me in msn??i am waiting u know
kelvin--- said:
wah seh...i jst watch 2 movies..then so many posts liao...haha...

move taikor...of coz i wan2 join ur club la..er...sonata is my mum's car la...she dun wan drive...ask me b driver..so i get the car lo...parents dun let me use bike..dangerous..haha...post my own car pic a..ok oso lo..jst tat pic no so clear...haha...so dun mind o...sibu mod car...stil ok la..onli got a few nice one...

dior da jie...got anymore pics of the TWC garage one or not..and do any1 hav team ANTERA's pic? they r nice too...fill up the thread wif more pics..hehe...msn sessions too long ki...

btw...so far onli got this 2 includin my own car..lol...i wil try my best to snap somemore..
harrier wif custom bodykit + big rims....
normal kenari wif custom made grill
my own ride...haha...

waaaaaaaaaa..kelvin, ur home private carpark so big arhhh... bun-girl-low wor.... hahahaha.... twc pic...got..wait me go cari my sampah doc...
kelvin--- said:
haiyo..where got big..jst semi detached la...apa la....

me poor lor...still stay in bukit...one of the pokok ..but with lift~~~~:shades_smile:
Dior said:
me poor lor...still stay in bukit...one of the pokok ..but with lift~~~~:shades_smile:
omg..pokok with lift...i oso wan wor...got anymore ma...haha...would like to book one...can stay over there
Kelvin ur mom dun let u ride bike dangerous...u so lucky lo...ur mom sayang u alot.....i wan to be ur mom driver also...u try ask ur mom wan god son...hehe....
haha...too bad mum cant hav any god son...not she dun wan..is cant...haha...parents say if i ride bike..if peng..99% mati...car better..at least got metal cover me...
kelvin--- said:
haha...too bad mum cant hav any god son...not she dun wan..is cant...haha...parents say if i ride bike..if peng..99% mati...car better..at least got metal cover me...

ur have very good parents......next time u go jalan jalan i have to wear baju besi...hehe JK...

u takut got other god bro rebut ur sonata?? hehe
haha...no scare rebut...jst tat my mum cant have god bro...erm..sth to do wif her fate...dun have the "life" to get a god son....=)
kelvin--- said:
haha...no scare rebut...jst tat my mum cant have god bro...erm..sth to do wif her fate...dun have the "life" to get a god son....=)

aiya just kidding nia la...dunwan share ur sonata la...wan share ur new car when u buy soon...hehe...JK JK
kelvin--- said:
haha...too bad mum cant hav any god son...not she dun wan..is cant...haha...parents say if i ride bike..if peng..99% mati...car better..at least got metal cover me...

lol i agree with u 99% mati if the bike speeding 100km/h and above

cruising around with bike won't mati leh, mostly kena langgar jatuh only
lol...gohkoheng...kena langgar jatuh.then anotehr driver run me over....lol...if i m reli tat unlucky la
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