Wiper not smooth..

rain X no good...!! well.... for me that is . I prefer using just the silicone wipers . it works for me well... abit noisy when it's not pouring but it works well... without sound if it is raining heavily.
siangmh said:
Its the "arch" shape thing in the wiper, like 4 (or less) "bow" holding the wiper blade/rubber. Those are the one that lost its strength after long term usage.

Try pull up / stick up ur wiper, comparing its condition when its new VS when its "old, you will able to see that after long time, those arch doesn't hold the blade as strong as they use to do.

But frankly, when accs ppl point out to me that my wiper "bengkok" abit, i also cant differentiate it.

My most regreted thing about wiper is not having change them when they start to have a little bit split end in the tip of the wiper blade, ends up with pernanent wiper scratches :cry_smile:

I use to thought (too lan si already) that since i have taken good care of my rubber wipers (last > 2 yrs) it shld still able to do d job although a little split end occurs, but fren, learn from my painful lesson, replace it!!

Ooh...yea. I got it. But that's not the problem here, the problem is the squeeking sound still there after replacing a new set of wipers.
Have you try the rubber type wiper instead of a silicone type?

You can try clean your windscreen using glass cleaner. If all fail, try rub with a potato and rinse off (don't quote me, is the Dura-Edge guy said so)
Kye said:
maybe try changing your wind screen..hohoho

Hah, mights well just smash it and claim insurance. Only applies to those who insured their windscreen.
sorry for the late pic:
Soft99 Glass Compound:

Compound and polish your windscreen.
can also try:

1) Car Plan's Glass Polish (about rm12 per bottle)
2) Auto Foam's T-Cut for glass polish (about rm19, bigger bottle)
3) Red color winscreen cleaning liquid (strong asid) (about rm12 per bottle) (any brand will do)

1) & 2) make d glass surface smooth after use. 3) is more corrosive that others, use with care.
Just bought a windscreen resovoiur addictive by "Amourall". RM13-17 (forgot the price d) from Carrefour. Quite good and clear visions after wiping.
Maybe that's why the expensive price.
Boon..that amourall windscreen resovoiur addictive is actually an addictive which u add into ur tangki or a liquid detergen washer?

Anyway, i think the windscreen polisher is what i need now... where did u get that soft99 product? couldn't find it...
that armourall is added to the tangki.
and the soft99 I got it from Eunos.
I spoke to my friend who owns Autodetailer in SS13 about his issue before and he told me that inspite of all these products, wax does a perfectly good job at keeping the surface smooth. If that doesn't do the job, nothing will. I don't have all the details to your problem but that was what I was told.
guys, i have a similar problem. I bought a water mark removal thing from eneos. it got rid of all the water mark stains. but since i use that water mark liquid, i realize there was one small layer of the glass which looks not so clear under the sunlight. so i came home today and put that water removal thing again. now looks like the whole driver side is not clear. from outside, it looks like an oily layer (when it's wet). but from inside its not so clear.besides that, the glass is also not smooth coz of that oil layer i guess.

Before this, the glass was so smooth coz i apply polish then wax then rain x on the glass. now i really don't know how to get rid of that layer.

Any idea wat to do? if i send it to the shop, can they remove it? price? or any good way to DIY?

All coz of my itchy hand :cry_smile:
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silverware, try the compound thing that I introduce. It's suppose to compound a layer off ur glass, so hopefully it would smoothen the surface.
b00n said:
silverware, try the compound thing that I introduce. It's suppose to compound a layer off ur glass, so hopefully it would smoothen the surface.

boon, after doing something to my glass today, it looks smooth n all. when it's dry, its look like nothing is wrong. when i sprayed water on the glass, i realise that it is flowing slowly or i can say like a big oil patch getting smaller slowly. however, this problem i wrote in the post is only on the right side. the left side is so smooth that water does not even stick on it. just flowing without any stains of water left.

i also tested the wiper with the water on. this time i realised that when the wiper wipes the water off, there is an oil stain on the glass each time the wiper wipes. but it eventually evaporates. do u think i still should use the product u recommended?
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