Weekend drive.

I had a feeling that the car I will be buying could be Jebu's ex GTR...:confused:
may i ask who's the orange R32 (with super high gt wing wan) and the R34 without number plate wan??? I was on my way back from gohtong jaya that time :)
Kong: Aiyah...mana lah you pergi lah....long time never see you lah....have not really see your r32 gtr in action for a long time liao....hehehehe..

the orange r32 is our new member..and also the r34 4-door...soon you will see malaysian nomura-ken performing...hardcore drivers both of them...
r u guys touge-ing to genting this sat nite? me wanna join....:)
R32 GTR orange ? Thomas it is ?
R32 GTS magnenta colour with R33 GTR wing ?
Jane: sorry really long time never see ya and ariff....hahahahaha have to meet ya guys adee.... yeah, just wanna say hi to them, mah friend happened to go cucuk a bit during downhill with his evo-ed gti..friendly friendly type ler :) then he waved to the orange sukarain at toll there...hehehehe....

Ken nomura huh? looking forward to see that... the car is nice :)

when go touge thingy again, I mati mati also will join ya guys this time. But not with the GTR ler hehehehe GTS ok ler :)

CMNG: dunno if it's a GTS or GTR, but the wing taller then me...:)

KonG3286 said:
when go touge thingy again, I mati mati also will join ya guys this time.

Errr..didn't you say that for the last meeting that you failed to turn up too?LOLOLOLOL
Skagee, pls dun 'jar' me.... u know my luck wut, always bad...

CMNG, i also dunno what is touge...
when going taugeh again?
me no more car la

GTR won't come until sometime next year :(

hopefully new owner will be join the taugeh drives too
must keep my car happy oh, dun feed it taugeh every now and then the fella sure won't perform for you hehehe
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