viper alarm

Nissane..the shop is at USJ to the police station...nice and friendly staff...he said RM250 for viper alarm voice module is unbelievable...i was there yesterday and even savvy and myvi also there installing the voice module...

the shop staff showed me his car...really love his voice module and vibrator sensor..touch the car and the voice goes 'stand back..viper arm' gadget...

but i m hoping for the gal voice module..sounds more sexy..hehe!!
ok thanks...i'll check it out when i have the u know wat time they close?

the 250 voice module only has 2 languages i think...the more expensive 400+ ones has more languages....he might have those...

hey a@ron ,

juz install mine las week its was unplan wen 2 kl attend meeting but cancelled so meet han at desa pandan the shop call super star beside restaurant maulana, the model is 516U got ProIce Sdn Bhd sticker as authorized Viper distributor....yeah it got 2 language eng and spanish
Nissane..the shop is open everyday and it closes very late around 8pm...its 2 shop do tinting and bodykit and the other shop selling the alarms,lights,sound system and etc..(name of shop i terlupa)
maybe we can meet up for TT in subang area and discuss more.hehe...

Shay,alamak u alr install viper ar..aiseh...thought can sama sama do with how is the system working in ur car? cool? is it make in china or US?
give me a buzz when u in KL la..then can TT.hehe

thx aaron...might check it out after work today....would love to join u 4 TT but only on weekends lar....other days quite bz...i work in ampang but stay in usj u know the jam lar...very tiring....
aiks..USJ 11 i use to stay there last time...ahaaha....ok time we meet up lerrr...
hope u can check out the shop...


hehehe very nice wooo!! got 3 command arm ,disarm and warn away message "Protected by Viper ,Stand back" .....not sure laa china made or US but it distibuted by Proice which i understand they are authorized viper dealer, plus han do offer me motion sensor frm directed audio coz rm280 which will warn people if too close wif the only warn when people knock the car coz i do hv shock sensor

shay4664 said:
hey a@ron ,

juz install mine las week its was unplan wen 2 kl attend meeting but cancelled so meet han at desa pandan the shop call super star beside restaurant maulana, the model is 516U got ProIce Sdn Bhd sticker as authorized Viper distributor....yeah it got 2 language eng and spanish


Can tell me how to drive to Han's shop?..Just say I m coming from Jalan Ampang and KLCC will be on my right and turn down to Bulatan Kampun Pandan..after tat I sesat alr...dun noe how to go his shop lerrrr...

hmmmm ........ frm bulatan kg pandan take left then go straight .....then u'll see the new flyover going to tmn maluri/pandan indah ......turn left again ....then just drive straight until u see esso on ur right ...turn right thats desa pandan scout ard search for car accessory call super star or call han he will guide you...alaaa u won lost laa ade sign board summore
i guess u know the shop.. if anyone ask again, just tell them.. ya? :) hehe..

shay4664 said:
hmmmm ........ frm bulatan kg pandan take left then go straight .....then u'll see the new flyover going to tmn maluri/pandan indah ......turn left again ....then just drive straight until u see esso on ur right ...turn right thats desa pandan scout ard search for car accessory call super star or call han he will guide you...alaaa u won lost laa ade sign board summore
hi nicole / shay, :biggrin: found the shop and met Han..and yeap..i also install the viper system alr...his shop very good business leh...have to wait so long but it was worth the wait...
tried calling u nicole,but dun noe where u go..haha!!!

May I know ... if buying viper alarm at oversea is it all the function fully operating if using it in Msia? Coz I heard differ country may have differ transmiter and receiver
guarantee all function fully operating but the installer must know how to install. As for the transmitter and receiver, it is exactly the same as those models found in Malaysia. But one thing though, if u buy from overseas, no warranty coz the local distributor here would not recognise the warranty. U would have to send it back to wherever u bought it for warranty.
Are u 100% sure bout this? Coz some of Japan alarm cannot be used in US and Canada and some of US and Canada alarm just for their own use only. Btw ... viper Msia coming with GPRS tracer or not? If yes .. is it can be used all over Msia or just in Klang Valley ?
wah, awake at 5am...?? lol... Yes, i bought my Viper in from US. There is just no reason why the alarm cannot function. It is just a matter of wiring...

No, Viper is a just an alarm manufacturer and no GPRS tracer (think u mean GPS?).
hi, i'm back.. just got back from bintulu.. tiring trip but i ate alot.. hehe.. anyway, glad u guys found han's shop :)
do u guys have any idea where can i get that thing below the pics that i attact?expensive ar?i jus wanna that things cos my alarm dun have..izzit possible to fix? izzit put beside the windscreen there one?:biggrin:

that's a viper EL (Electronic Light).... price is standard at RM100 with installation...
a@ron, wahh! U install viper alarm oso ka? glad u found the shop, hmmmm ....u oso don hv change meeting nicole hehehee

mi_scuzi, yup that viper EL embled rm100 include installation
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