Using small kid to make sympathy money

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1,500 RPM
Senior Member
Aug 30, 2004
Klang, Selangor
Have u guys ever seen small kids(look like kindergaten) wif a few packets of prawn crackers which is almost the size of him or a wooden tray with biscuits n etc n sell to u during ur meal at certain restaurants??? Wif their age, walking around wif those stuffs are not light at all for them.

Nowadays i observed that adults used this way to make customers pity the small kid n sell of thier stuffs faster. Coz most of the ppl sure pity them n but their stuffs to let them fulfil thier job faster.

They were even taught to "cheat" by telling these r the last few packets n etc. After tat they will come bak wif a few more packets again.

Do u guys think it's very unfair for the kids? They should be enjoying thier childhood. I also wonder if they were given any proper education as well after wroking so hard.
That's still not that bad. Seen the beggars who purposely starve their kids?

Iirc, there used to be a woman at taman segar pasar malam who is always there with her baby. Poor thing.
government should control.......but so far government dont care
Yup children suffer because their parents are either too lazy or too naive to get a job. As much as they would like to think it's down totally to bad luck, it's more to do with having a poor mentality.
yeah, the other day got some riff-raff came to my house door, i just got home and lucky the gate close already. then he come to me cuz i go to the mailbox to check, then he just say "mintak duit". I'm like wtf? so confirm one more time, "apa? duit ar?" then he just reply in half sleeping face "ya...". Then i say "sik ade" then ignore him and go into my house.

then he FRIGGIN SLEEP IN FRONT OF MY GATE!!! maybe he want to test patient with me cuz he see me in semi-formal overall and maybe i want go out (but i just came back), or maybe he just want to sleep in the shades. dunno lar.. so i ignore him again.

then when the garbage truck came, he's gone liau.. dunno he go away or the garbage collector throw him into the truck... :biggrin:
sometime, some parents are like that but you can't blame them 100%...every people have thier own better for them to sell things then go and mintak duit by the roadside or shopping complex... :)
recently these few week 1 old folk...begging money around sunway pyramid be exact, ming tian restaurant there...i really cant tolerate him, everytime stop the car,, sure come beside ur car....tok those hakka/cantonese language...say wanna eat , no money, pity me lah..all shit...first time i see i run, second time i make angry face warn him....third time just looking at him fiercely...mch, got leg and hand still wanna beg....go do work lah....mop floor 1 hour also got 3 bucks lah....really dunno wat to do if this continue...who to complain? what can we do ar?...that day saw the police who walk past ask him to show IC...i tot ok d..he wont come d...who knows it continues...mch...

so i feel atleast they sell something better than they go beg....they sell something atleast they can use it proudly, and ppl wont look down..
yeah... now they all use small kids or old lady to cheat people lor... because they look innocent ma... u guys wont suspect anything...

if for me, i jz ignore them lar... u got kaki and tangan, cannot find proper work meh??... wanna beg for money pulak.... go wash plates also can earn money ma...
One Saturday morning I encountered this dude outside my GF's house in Subang. As I was getting back into the car (parked outside) ready to leave, he walked up to me. I got back out and stood up to see what he wanted. He immediately started by saying, "I've to ask you something, but you'll surely scold me. In fact I've already been scolded by so many people". All this was in Cantonese. Since my Cantonese isn't exactly fluent I mixed it up with a few English words. He then started to speak in fluent English about how he needed RM 3 to take a bus to erm... Segambut or something. 3 bucks can't hurt so I just gave it to him. He ended up spending the next 10 mins thanking me under the blistering sun. Not wanting to sound rude, I started getting in the car but he insisted on knowing my name so he could pay me back. I declined and he said he would return and place an envelope with the 3 bucks at my GF's gate. I told him where the nearest bus stop was and just buggered off. Didn't seem the beggar sort as he looked lucid and spoke good English and Cantonese.

Whatever it is, I normally give some money knowing that it may be a con. In this day and age, we can never be really sure. Therefore, I take it as though I'm doing a good deed. If he wants to take advantage of me, then well... that's up to him. I did my part.
so did he pay u back or not? :) just out of curiousity....
Duke Red

I had similar experience like u too. i was nearby Pudu waiting for friend. suddenly came this guy full suit with briefcase. started by asking me the time, then he told me he needed rm3 to get back home. his money not enuff. well why dun he sell one of his things? i dun want to make fuss so just gave him the money. then he went away.
K_Takuya said:
Duke Red

I had similar experience like u too. i was nearby Pudu waiting for friend. suddenly came this guy full suit with briefcase. started by asking me the time, then he told me he needed rm3 to get back home. his money not enuff. well why dun he sell one of his things? i dun want to make fuss so just gave him the money. then he went away.

Beggers upgraded already? LOL, 'we have to sacrifice something at the beginning'.

Pudu Raya, Central Market, Kotaraya, Petaling Street are some pariah places.
Wah full suit and not even 3 bucks on him??? Hmmm... wonder why it's 3 bucks and not 1 or 2 or 4 or 5...
Duke Red: mayb 3 bucks is the standard pricing for this con man leh. he dun wan 1 or 2 he just wan 3 bucks.

this morning saw one kid standing infront of RHB bank in subang, holding a paper asking ppl to donate for charity house. but somehow no one donate $$$ to him which including me. sumtime i hv doubt whether they are control by a sindicate instead of their parents who askin them to do so.
haih.. some times.. looks this kind of things comes to me.. i will just close my one walk away.. cause i know it is cheated wan.....No choice.... because the adult control them like this... what to do?

so just can close 1 eyes.. 1 more eye looking forward lor
Here's my take on this.

The goodness of it.
We were placed on this earth with the reason of doing good deeds in favour of God's eyes. Thus, in this topic, a good deed would basically mean helping out when people ask from us. So, it seems that providing that bit of financial support is a good deed. At least that person who is "begging" gets to get home, or gets that meal, or whatever that he/she wanted with that few RM's.

The contrary, or maybe the badness of it.
As some have mentioned, they are not physically disabled or challenged. Why want to beg when they can get a job? Even at the very least, doing a dish washing job could easily earn them a few hundred RM's a month. I'm not sure if that few hundred RM is sufficient or not, but heck, it's still a proper paying job. However, maybe they tried looking for a job but all the places rejected them. Hence, they have no choice but to go begging.

However, some just choose to beg instead. Beggars are aplenty in their types. There are even some well-to-do beggars, as many may have heard before, to the extent that some of them drive mercedes benz, hidden in some back lane.

So how do we make out who is the genuine beggars, and who isn't? Such is this contradictory goodness we may try to practice. If they are bad beggars, and we think we're doing a good deed, it will encourage them to continue begging. What if they were genuine? Would we just dismiss them without even sparing out a few RM's?
As I said ler, we can't control and save the world on our own but we can each do our own part. If people want to take advantage of the goodness of other's, that's their prerogative. Come judgment day, we'll at least have peace of mind that we have good intentions
tat lady is at everywhere.. i see her at sri petaling pasar mlm... oug... happy garden.. everywhere.

kinda pity tat kid.. just makes me wonder if itz her child or not.
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