Tokyo Auto Salon 2006 -Exclusive Coverage | Part 1

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Helmet Clan
Jul 6, 2000
Kuala Lumpur
<a href=""><img border="0" src="" width="500" height="200"></a><p><b>Tokyo Auto Salon 2006 - Exclusive Event Coverage</b></p>'s Mad Journalist, Remus Da Supremus travels to Japan yet again. Where's he off to this time? <p>His mission: To conquer the 2006 Tokyo Auto Salon.</p><p><b>Images by: Supremus</b></b></p><p><b>Tokyo Auto Salon 2006 Part 2 coverage:</b><br><a href=""></a><p><b>Tokyo Auto Salon 2006 Part 3 coverage: </b><br><a href=""></a><p><b>Tokyo Auto Salon 2006 Part 4 coverage:</b><br><a href=""></a><p><b>Tokyo Auto Salon 2006 Part 5 coverage:</b><br><a href=""></a><p><b>Tokyo Auto Salon 2006 Part 6 coverage:</b><br><a href=""></a><p><b>Tokyo Auto Salon 2006 Part 7 coverage:</b><br><a href=""></a><p><b>Tokyo Auto Salon 2006 The Girls:</b><br><a href=""></a><p>&nbsp;<table border="0" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="600" id="table1"><tr><td><p>Temperature's low, real cold. While all regular visitors are locked-out, frozen-solid, privileged Remus Da Supremus, heads into the premier of The ultimate automotive tuning exhibition. The 2006 Tokyo Auto Salon for </p><p><img border="0" src="" width="600" height="450"></p><p>Equipped with a press pass, couple of compact cameras, plenty of batteries and memory sticks, he vowed to deliver a whole lot of nutritional wholesome goodness TAS 2006 coverage. Imagine complete show coverage of the 2006 Tokyo Auto Salon. How'd they do it? - There's only one way to find out and digest the Tokyo Auto Salon 2006 Coverage.</p><p>By parts of course. will showcase comprehensive part by part coverage, including bonus images of the Tokyo scene, The Osaka Motorshow 2006 and not forgetting the all-important, ever-popular complete report by Remus Da Supremus.-'s Mad Journalist. Brace yourselves, grab some pop corn too.</p><p><img border="0" src="" width="600" height="450"></p><p><b>Show dates</b><br>January 13, 14 and 15 (Friday through Sunday)<br>Exhibition not open to the public on Friday morning until 1:00 p.m.</p><p><b>Location</b><br>MAKUHARI MESSE (Nippon Convention Center)<br>International Exhibit Halls 1 through 8.<br>2-1, Nakase, Mihama-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba-ken, Japan </p><p><img border="0" src="" width="600" height="450"></p><p><b>Show schedule</b><br>Friday, January 13 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.<br>Trade and media day. Restricted to media, affiliates, exhibitors, manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers.<br>(You can buy &quot;Premium ticket&quot; which let you in after 1:00 p.m. on Friday.<br>But no tickets or passes are for sale which invite you to the show hour before 1:00 p.m. Only limited numbers of invitation tickets will be available through exhibitors.)<br>Saturday, January 14 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.<br>Open to the public<br>Sunday, January 15 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.<br>Open to the public</p><p><img border="0" src="" width="600" height="450"><br><b>The 2006 Mugen Dominator - A pumped up 2006 Civic </b></p><p>Exhibitors' booth set-up and tear-down days<br>Booth set-up days (Freight target time)<br>January 11, 3:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. January 12, 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.<br>Tear-down day<br>January 15, 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. (Target time to complete the tear downs)</p><p><img border="0" src="" width="600" height="450"><br><b>Mad 2006 Voltex GDB WRX - The way to do up a 2006 WRX.</b></p><p><b>Admissions</b><br>(Entry permitted after 1:00 pm January 13, 2006) : 3,000 Yen (Good for Friday only)<br> Advance ticket(Friday) : 2,500 Yen<br>  (will be sold at “Lawson”, convenience stores.Not available on wire or abroad.)<br><br>: For January 14, 2006. 9:00am-6:00pm or 15, 2006. 9.00pm - 5.00pm (Good for one day either Saturday or Sunday)<br> Adult - 1,800 Yen.<br> Advance ticket(for Sat or Sun) : Adult - 1,500 Yen<br>  (will be sold at “Lawson”, convenience stores. Not available on wire or abroad.)<br> High school and Junior High students - 1,200 Yen<br><br> Elementary schoolchildren and younger - Free of charge</p><p><img border="0" src="" width="600" height="450"></p><p>Performance and custom dress-up parts and technology display<br>Exhibition of innovative and newly developed products for enhancing vehicle's performance and vehicle appearance.<br>Vehicles display<br>Vehicles display with manufacturers/tuners parts and/or accessories installed.<br>Vehicles display to show manufacturers/tuners’ technology of their tune up and/or dress up.<br><br>General promotional goods display and sales.<br>Display and sales of promotional items including accessories, apparel and games.</p><p><img border="0" src="" width="600" height="450"></p><p>Event attractions, discussions and special presentations<br>TOKYO INTERNATIONAL CUSTOM CAR contest 2006<br>Entertainment activities and industry reports, discussions by exhibitors, affiliates and show-sponsors. Stage entertainment presented by the show management.</p><p><img border="0" src="" width="600" height="450"></p><p>Special programs to attract more attendees to the Tokyo Auto Salon<br>1. Gifts give away<br>During show days, a survey will be handed out to all attendees at the gates. Attendees who fill out and return the forms to designated officials on the show premises are eligible for a giveaway drawing.<br>Public are also able to participate in the drawing via the official web site.<br>2. Stage events<br>As an attraction, show management sets up an event stage on the show premises for conducting exhibitor presentations, professional entertainment and popular racecar drivers presentations. </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Stay Tuned for Part II of the 2006 Tokyo Auto Salon Super coverage!<p><b>Tokyo Auto Salon 2006 Part 2 coverage:</b><br><a href=""></a><p><b>Tokyo Auto Salon 2006 Part 3 coverage: </b><br><a href=""></a><p><b>Tokyo Auto Salon 2006 Part 4 coverage:</b><br><a href=""></a><p><b>Tokyo Auto Salon 2006 Part 5 coverage:</b><br><a href=""></a><p><b>Tokyo Auto Salon 2006 Part 6 coverage:</b><br><a href=""></a><p><b>Tokyo Auto Salon 2006 Part 7 coverage:</b><br><a href=""></a><p><b>Tokyo Auto Salon 2006 The Girls:</b><br><a href=""></a></td></tr></table><p><a href=""><img border="2" src="" xthumbnail-orig-image=" (19).JPG"></a><a href=""><img border="2" src="" xthumbnail-orig-image=" (22).JPG"></a><a href=""><img border="2" src="" xthumbnail-orig-image=" (6).JPG"></a><a href=""><img border="2" src="" xthumbnail-orig-image=" (7).JPG"></a><a href=""><img border="2" src="" xthumbnail-orig-image=" (16).JPG"></a><a href=""><img border="2" src="" xthumbnail-orig-image=" (1).JPG"></a></p><p><a href=""><img border="2" src="" xthumbnail-orig-image=" (12).JPG"></a><a href=""><img border="2" src="" xthumbnail-orig-image=" (13).JPG"></a><a href=""><img border="2" src="" xthumbnail-orig-image=" (24).JPG"></a><a href=""><img border="2" src="" xthumbnail-orig-image=" (14).JPG"></a><a href=""><img border="2" src="" xthumbnail-orig-image=" (11).JPG"></a><a href=""><img border="2" src="" xthumbnail-orig-image=" (15).JPG"></a></p><p><a href=""><img border="2" src="" xthumbnail-orig-image=" (21).JPG"></a><a href=""><img border="2" src="" xthumbnail-orig-image=" (23).JPG"></a><a href=""><img border="2" src="" xthumbnail-orig-image=""></a><a href=""><img border="2" src="" xthumbnail-orig-image=" (2).JPG"></a><a href=""><img border="2" src="" xthumbnail-orig-image=" (3).JPG"></a><a href=""><img border="2" src="" xthumbnail-orig-image=" (4).JPG"></a></p><p><a href=""><img border="2" src="" xthumbnail-orig-image=" (5).JPG"></a><a href=""><img border="2" src="" xthumbnail-orig-image=" (10).JPG"></a><a href=""><img border="2" src="" xthumbnail-orig-image=" (17).JPG"></a><a href=""><img border="2" src="" xthumbnail-orig-image=" (18).JPG"></a><a href=""><img border="2" src="" xthumbnail-orig-image=" (20).JPG"></a><a href=""><img border="2" src="" xthumbnail-orig-image=" (8).JPG"></a></p>
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ya man....more chicks pls...
thank you!
wa...the Turbine ngam my car la....hehe

BTW, photos not enuf la...but oso happy la to see tat..

Thats a subaru legacy if i am not mistaken

<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" width="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">Cool pix dude</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">
wira_na said:
Totally awesome pics...MORE MORE, pls....

Btw, what car is this

And the chargespeed impreza is the same as the one we saw in KLCC car show, right?
Nice photos Supremus. You can be a professional photographer already.
Can't wait to see the part 2. Good Job!
nice..... part 2.... more cars.... girls last part lo..... :)

**cabut ***
i like that S2000 ....damn nice !!

nice photo shot also ....thumbs up !!!
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