[team Shadowfax]: Ek 4drs 99 Spec If Possible!

halo shadowfaxers...
why u guys never come seremban TT 1 leh???

if all EK gather at seremban... woooooooooooo :D
i wanted too bro. seriously. but RM250 a little bit mahal. don't u think. if pay RM150 only will miss out the GT gals in the pitlane. aiyo.....
i got additional 2 tickets to 2night's premiere movie Initial D siapa interested? KLCC 9.15pm. let me know ASAP.
CivicClan said:
i got additional 2 tickets to 2night's premiere movie Initial D siapa interested? KLCC 9.15pm. let me know ASAP.

Free one ah bro. Where can collect? hehehe...
haha...i announce it here of course free ler. collect at KLCC. i'll pass u the tickets.
CivicClan said:
haha...i announce it here of course free ler. collect at KLCC. i'll pass u the tickets.

OK. Meet u at 9:00pm sharp in front of Cinema. Just in case, my no. 0178708550, wat is urs? Wong rite? Arigato...
bro, how many tickets u want. i got 2 left and u sure coming or not? and yes..Wong here. my tel is 60123138817.
Sure come one! I come with my wife. So two lor. Thanks again. Simon here.
wah so nice. go 1U to see the actors. okie bro. give me a call when u r there at KLCC. let say about 9pm.
hahaha, next time bro. got chance one. hehe. brian and simon tried b4 my ticket service. haha !! but brian not premiere lah.
Mi, sorry ya...

Wong, NEXT Saturday TT. Shadowfaxers all must attend!!! hahaha... 10pm Kencana Subang.
where is kencana subang ah ?? eh, friday better. saturday go out kau lui leh. hehehe !!!
Tomorrow night is ok for me. Just scared all complaint too short notice lah, not free lah...
I think next Friday is OK. Better has a full TT rather than only half turn up.

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