Sweden Legalizes Looking Up Ladies Skirts!


500 RPM
Senior Member
Nov 27, 2003
This is pure rubbish


ADDING to its reputation as the most sexually liberal nation in the world, Sweden has just legalized looking up ladies' skirts!

In a nearly unanimous vote in the Swedish Parliament, the motion was carried 332 to 17. To celebrate the new law, the Parliament's second floor was replaced with a see-through glass floor, and women were invited to stand on the floor, wearing their loosest, widest skirts, with or without underwear. Men were invited to bring their cameras, stand on the floor below and look up.

"I was fully aroused for the next three weeks," gushes male viewer, Tor Lundgren, 24.

The women standing above the men were no less enthusiastic. "It was even more exciting than I'd imagined," reveals Christina Schollin, 32. "I chose to wear no underwear, and, well, I just felt this electric thrill run through me as the men stared up at me. I may just leave my underwear home from now on."

Lutheran minister Gunnar Bjoernstrand, 40, has made peace with the new law. "It was just a question of time before it became legalized. And, really, something harmless like this should not be a crime. Sex and the body are beautiful, natural things.

"When we appreciate and adore the body by looking up ladies' skirts, we are, to a certain degree, giving thanks to the creations of God, who after all made us in His image."
like this also can ahhh.....

let pack and go SWEDEN....yea!!!

Jeng jeng .....

No more hidden camera pictures ............. Will the ladies come clean shaved from now on ??? Will the pose for camera shots ???
Ai sey no more thrill to see hidden shot any more ???

Aiyoo so many questions ......
aiyo yo yo samy......wahhh....i think it's time we organised a trip la. next matta fair we book tickets la. get group discount. ehehehe.
Where did you get this?
It sounds like a joke article to me...
Holy crap. It is true.

Later guys, I need to pack my bags and get the latest flight to Sweden.

if it's true, then they are stupid haha

better use the money for some high class prostitute than paying for the trip to sweden
hmm...must ask my gf to wear pants..no sklirt in swenden
hmm.. looks like human society's going backwards.... soon in near future, all human will walk naked like cavemen............................................
Roach said:
Walk naked is ok but to run naked might be painful

how about ride lrt/lift....that also can be painful and messy. ahahahah.

zephry....good la if like caveman.....see a girl you like, take stick bang her head,
then go home bang her 9 9...ahahhaa
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