Super Safe Balik Kampung Journey


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Senior Member
May 10, 2005
festival sesson coming again. long holiday also coming. some of you of coz want to balik kampung. some buddies already got flight ticket, some buddies got bus ticket for balik kampng journey. and of coz many people journey drove a car.

come on guys and gals... lets discuss here what should to prepare to our car for SUPER SAFE AND ENJOY BALIK KAMPUNG JOURNEY to avoid any accidently happen during your journey.
be patient, dont cut Q, dont stop or slow down to see accident - just ignore unless you want to help, if yes park ur car nicely away from traffic. check ur timing belt, lubrication, check hoses, spare tyre, battery, radiator & off course ur wallet b'cause JPJ & Police are looking for you.....heh
jombiee said:
be patient, dont cut Q, dont stop or slow down to see accident - just ignore unless you want to help, if yes park ur car nicely away from traffic. check ur timing belt, lubrication, check hoses, spare tyre, battery, radiator & off course ur wallet b'cause JPJ & Police are looking for you.....heh

also do... but sometimes it's suddenly happen.

that times, maybe gelabah... not know mechanic at that area..maybe kena kencing from sohai mechanic.. if you know good mechanic at that ok... if not.. what happen?
thats why u are in this forum, get to know some members from different states & give em a call in case ur in trouble, for minor probs its ok lar to refer to nearby workshop, for major probs pls ask for frens advise otherwise leaving ur car for days.....neverending story perhhhIf u have a routine service time 4 ur engine, it should be ok, i frequently inspect my underhood.
this story from my fren..

he go to servis center to do a major service... change pad brake,engine oil, oil filter, gear oil and etc laa..

but, after change new pad brake, 'not eat' one... then he go back to services center and re-check by mechanic. after few hour, he think their chief mechanic told, that brake already ok after re-check.he tell la my fren, its coz of have air on brake fluid. that why not eat when you tekan brake.

it' ok la. but after few day, another problem happen. brake become noisy when you tekan brake. sound like 'cit...cit...cit'.
my fren angry la, go back to servis center and same buddies tell cannot do bcoz working time is over.

terpaksa la my fren go to another bengkel to do re-work for the sohai job do from servis center.

why its should happen? they not know ka.. brake are important thing one.. like nyawa when you drove car..

i told my fren, don go anymore at servis center. all mechanic there cannot pakai... cannot do job..dont work la.. get orang lain susah aje...

so, what happen when after you go to idiot servis center and after that you long journey.....? fusshhh... i cannot think one....
Check and service your car before your journey but MOST IMPORTANT
drink 5 Liters of NESCAFE before the journey... have a thai massage to relax.
Pray to god that u'll have a safe journey. :)
ftzone said:
drink 5 Liters of NESCAFE before the journey... have a thai massage to relax.
Pray to god that u'll have a safe journey. :)

Hey FTZone not coming to KL ka, i pray for u la safe journey come to KL :biggrin:
pack your bags properly.
Make a checklist of the items that you need.
make proper plans of your travel.
make sure you bring ticket along with you.

once everything ready, relax and enter your transport and take a seat.
then....go ahead, feel the thing cruise at 800km/j.....
just make sure you are not the one driving it since you don't have a license to pilot an airplane :P :D

have fun guys...make sure you drive safely.....whatever it is that you're driving.
Think of your loved ones (parents, gf, bf, wife, husband, pets, friends and etc).
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kamikaze said:
Hey FTZone not coming to KL ka, i pray for u la safe journey come to KL :biggrin:

hahaha.... u pray for my wallet to be safe la better... if got money sure come la to KL...

oh yeah... dun forget to lock your car when u stop to take a leak... even with passenger still inside the car...

coz my place last week (Juru Rest Area There) one couple.. the BF go take a leak.. while the GF in the car... suddenly 2 fellas enter the car and drive away... later the GF kena geng bang... the culprits yet to be caught. so.. never open the car door for strangers.. even if they claim they are police officers in plain cloths.. unless they show their documents.
ftzone said:
hahaha.... u pray for my wallet to be safe la better... if got money sure come la to KL...

oh yeah... dun forget to lock your car when u stop to take a leak... even with passenger still inside the car...

coz my place last week (Juru Rest Area There) one couple.. the BF go take a leak.. while the GF in the car... suddenly 2 fellas enter the car and drive away... later the GF kena geng bang... the culprits yet to be caught. so.. never open the car door for strangers.. even if they claim they are police officers in plain cloths.. unless they show their documents.

but how would one know if the documents are real?
take 5 days off before raya reach your kampung first then mah no need rush wit people lor sure reach safe.
u got police hq number ritez... gif a call n check his ID.

but so far, no one reach that situation yet i guess...
for road users....plz be patient...dun drive dangerously n harm other safely n carefully.....people lifes is in our hands....

dun drive if feel sleepy...go to toilet wash face n continue..
and if a black evo tiong u kaw kaw, and you behind a lorry whose driver is humming to a hindustani tune, for god`s sake, let the evo pass u laaaa.... hahahahaha
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