Student attacked by Mat Rempit after crash

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Perak JPJ enforcement chief Danny Al-Jeffery ....

Danny Al-Jeffery??? Stop kidding me ok ... What kind of name is "Danny Al-Jeffery" anyway? :hmmmm: :hmmmm: :hmmmm:

Maybe JPJ Perak is as funny as their chief's name ... Hahahaha ... :biggrin:
Haih,don't rely on Police anymore la.They got no balls even they're holding guns.To the extent the police station was thrown rocks & sticks by Mat Rempit few months back,u think thos bastards reli scared of Police??

Only Msian Military know how to do tis clean up job u know.They r well trained PHYSICALLY & MENTALLY.Human killing machine i would say.
Mat rempit + Police = G
50 yr of....??????
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I don't know what kinda name is that. hahaha Sounds like the name of a retarded spastic. haha

Though police wield guns, they are not allowed to simply use it unless a particular situation calls for it. However, when they abuse their guns or whatever, they'll simply say, "the situation calls for it" even though it's just a man shouting at them. Such is the way of the govt.

50 years of char siew all over malaysia lor. hahahaha Just when the few people who thinks the cops are good, here's how good an example they are.
Some time ago Government say they are accepting Mat Rempits to be part of society and they are the future stars of the country. They will represent the country in motor-cross racing. s95, u feeling angry liao boh?
well, if JPJ is really mean wat they said in the press...they shud deploy plain clothes officer to all the petrol station which matcibairempits always gather. once they spotted any illegal gathering or activites, then they shud inform HQ for immediate action.

like u all commented, these bunch of JPJ are just NATO.

i bet if these mat rempits are non-malay, JPJ has oredi rule out heavier penalty.
Though police wield guns, they are not allowed to simply use it unless a particular situation calls for it. However, when they abuse their guns or whatever, they'll simply say, "the situation calls for it" even though it's just a man shouting at them. Such is the way of the govt.

Well, if they are so light handed on using their guns on the Rempits, but they sure are easy on usig their Syeksen 117 ruling based on "Syak" ... Lokap for 3-7 days after they can't prove anything, then release back out. Under 117, even your attorney has no right on anything whatsoever ... not even on the suspect whereabout ... Now, what sort of F-up ruling is that?
they said.......
indians - drink early so that they can start a fight early and go home and sleep (10pm-2am)

malays - go around rempiting so that they can show who is the road bully (2am-4am)

chinese - after clubbing cannot drive,scared kena summon or no money to pay kopi,after that accident....(4am-6am)

it's true actually,looked at the number of accident happens at early what i'm trying to say is that,malaysian chinese try to adjust yr clubbing time to 3am so that u can meet up the mat rempit and give a clean sweep at the road........a big thank you.

once u bang them.. ure in big trouble..serious big...i was questioned like as tho im de 1 who did wrong when de rempit just jump his redlight....
i think we should form own group of volunteer to restore the security in the own area, police are not working and seems country are turning into somalia........

whatever there is a member's car get downed by the rempits, rescue team will gathered and despatched to help..........."leaves no man behind".......
i think we should form own group of volunteer to restore the security in the own area, police are not working and seems country are turning into somalia........

whatever there is a member's car get downed by the rempits, rescue team will gathered and despatched to help..........."leaves no man behind".......

Less likely going to work. Lots of mat rempits causes so much problem that even the police will not bother. Sometimes I even feel that the police take the mat rempits as their kids and will do nothing at all. Imagine the case about mat rempits killing a guy? Imagine the case that a guy driving in these mat rempit's kampung got bashed up because the mat rempit crashed into the guys car and the guy did nothing wrong at all.

This Hari Raya I remember going to buy raya food and while coming out from the parking lot this group of mat rempit almost crashed into my car and followed me all around town. But in the end they probably was low on gas thus giving up the opportunity to follow me. Whats the point to call the police? The police's reaction might still be too slow to save you.

If you form such 'volunteer groups' the government might grand you a title 'Kongsi Gelap' to protect citizens from these mat rempits thus throwing you to jail. There's no real point since the government has already accepted the Mat Rempits and called them the 'Future Star Of Malaysia'. These Mat Rempits even race at the traffic lights while a police car is parked right behind them. What action has been taken still? Nothing!

I doubt Mat Rempits problem will be easy to solve considering that their influences are getting bigger. You can see 12 year olds in these mat rempits gangs and they are vandalizing things. If anyone have a better idea to solve this problem it should be now. Otherwise, I really doubt that we will live in peace. Afterall, the chances of hearing mat rempits racing all around housing areas are much more than people who race in their sport cars, dont you all agree?

Meh, I'm sure some of you will disagree with what I've just said above. But I'm just stating out my opinion. Not pointing fingers at anyone as well. Hope to make this clear.
My friend from indonesia they used to have own self-guarding volunteer group in their estate. each family will have their male adut registered and have a duty schedule for the patrol around the estate.Any suspecious person moving around in the area will be observed and questioned by the patrol team. They did have own simple self defense equipment such as baton and peper spray.

During the riots in 1998, they even pay money to the indo army to protect them, and they acquire some fire arms from the army and build a wall to protect the housing estate. I am not sure how truth is the story but my friend did show me a picture while he carrying a m16 riffle with a few of his neighbour guarding their estate back in 1998.He said they managed to shoot and disband a group of mobs which trying to break in their estate.shots were fire and people in the mobs got hitted. then later no mobs dare to attack their estate till the end of the riots....

i think we can pick up some good experiences from the indonesian chinese, they are good in unite together and protect themself from the monkies.
All tis happen is bcoz of our useless retard Police FAILED to do their job properly.Look at the crime rates ourselves.Nobody is relying on the Police nowadays.Nurin news & start to vanishing into the air.

Bout Mat Rempit,tis type of barbarians only will met their days dying on the roadside.No need pity tis type of animals.Even if they still managed to survived after a tragic accident but 4ever stick to a wheelchair,they still got both hands to push the wheelchair to do a wheelspin :biggrin:
My friend from indonesia they used to have own self-guarding volunteer group in their estate. each family will have their male adut registered and have a duty schedule for the patrol around the estate.Any suspecious person moving around in the area will be observed and questioned by the patrol team. They did have own simple self defense equipment such as baton and peper spray.

During the riots in 1998, they even pay money to the indo army to protect them, and they acquire some fire arms from the army and build a wall to protect the housing estate. I am not sure how truth is the story but my friend did show me a picture while he carrying a m16 riffle with a few of his neighbour guarding their estate back in 1998.He said they managed to shoot and disband a group of mobs which trying to break in their estate.shots were fire and people in the mobs got hitted. then later no mobs dare to attack their estate till the end of the riots....

i think we can pick up some good experiences from the indonesian chinese, they are good in unite together and protect themself from the monkies.

You did say its in indonesia. In Malaysia I think that method will be difficult to apply. Do remember acquiring firearms in indonesia is much easier. It's more of a COD trade there. You create such group and before you know it they twist the law to protect themselves. There's no point wasting such time. In the end it'll just end up in a fight that probably wasnt meant to be fought.
indonesia is indonesia.......
this is MALAYSIA..........MADNESS ?? THIS IS MALAYSIA !!!!!!!!!!
Some time ago Government say they are accepting Mat Rempits to be part of society and they are the future stars of the country. They will represent the country in motor-cross racing. s95, u feeling angry liao boh?
You like me to be angry, is it? hahahaha
indonesia is indonesia.......
this is MALAYSIA..........MADNESS ?? THIS IS MALAYSIA !!!!!!!!!!

the monkey politicians are driving the country towards the neighbour current state. 10 years ago maybe its really a big difference, but now.....try to feel it.....different country but going towards similar direction.

ask the people in the east, some still think malaysia are in africa~~!!
Ask some people in the west and they think directly below Thailand is Singapore .... Hahahaha .... And I am serious too! times i felt its also the skin matter. The kampong style attitude they possess is just sickening...i mean majority..not all of them..but still..they are having blind "guts" just because they are in a flock..and they think they are taiko of this day pay for a 5k old pickup truck and they should learn their lesson..mccb..

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