Smart Forfour stolen! WPW 8629


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Senior Member
Feb 20, 2006
Hi all,

My car has been stolen!

Its a Smart forfour Black/Silver color.

No Plate WPW 8629.

If anyone has seen it on the road please call me at 012 9106308 or PM me immediately! Please keep a lookout as this car is not common and is easily spotted! Thank you all!
Sorry to hear bout your lost. Will keep a look out. Damn those thieves. God bless!!!
Hey, look familiar. Around Kemensah/Zooview area if I'm not mistaken? Will keep an eye out for ur car.
Hi all,

Anyone in seremban / cheras / or pandan indah area? Please lookout for it!

Thank you everyone for your concern.

@xandras: Yes Im from that area. You nearby? Please keep a lookout for the car. Thank you
Yea... saw ur car a couple of times.. Modded/remapped eh? Wicked acceleration.. :driver:

When was it stolen? and @where?

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