Savvy got rammed from behind by a bus

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Jul 21, 2005
Amazing the owner's still alive to tell the sandwiched between a car in front and a bus behind.

rapid kl bus smash into my car. the bus driver ram 11 cars that night. mine first. no sounds of braking before it hits my car. I'm glad i'm in savvy. and no passenger at the back. i with my co driver is ok. i'll post another photo tomorrow.




the force of impact is so strong that plate no of the car i hit printed on my bumper.


More stories at Proton Savvy Owner Club :: View topic - savvy total loss.... but i'm ok
wow......luckily the owner is still in one piece.who want to say bad thing
about savvy now....hehehehe.....
Ummm...I suppose you know that crash worthiness isn't the only aspect of a car, right?

Not that I have any criticism to share, just found your response to be strange.
Are you going to do damage claims from rapid kl?
get your insurance to write off the car, dont let them repair it!
Ummm...I suppose you know that crash worthiness isn't the only aspect of a car, right?

Not that I have any criticism to share, just found your response to be strange.

no lar silverfish,lately i only hear negative feedback from those anti-proton guys.
at least the body strength show's that what they claim is true.i'm not saying that
those who bought savvy should drive their car through brick wall.
if u found my response to be strange,it's ok.but i found those who condemn the
car without even drive it before to be much more stranger.just my opinion.:_:
It prove Savvy's worthiness, never tot i would say that....
get your insurance to write off the car, dont let them repair it!

issurance will write it off if they deem the value not worthy to repair BUT i have seen even worse off/smashed car (overturn/flipped car) being repair cause insurance dont want to pay off >100K car. :shocked:

11 cars and the Savvy is the first to receive all that impact, while remaining so intact... sure is one tough little brick. :biggrin:
that savvy is strong.. glad to hear the driver and passenger ok! ..

pls sue rapid kl...
yeah...yeah....sue them till their pants fell off...
I suppose with a full complement of airbags it'll do quite well, because the shell structure surrounding the occupants is quite sturdy. Without the airbags, less so. The violent jolt you get in a crash will still be able to cause quite a lot of damage (neck, head, internal injuries, etc.) if theres nothing to soften the blow.
reading this article really makes me feel sick of all these irresponsible bus/van/lorry/truck/bigfoot-SUV drivers.

they're reckless ...... and because of their size and density of the vehicle, they're not worried about crashing.

they don't run away from problems. they run OVER it.

sometimes, i feel like taking down a few license plate numbers and making a police report.
So is the savvy tough enough to ram down like 100 rempits in a night and still be able to drive away?
reading this article really makes me feel sick of all these irresponsible bus/van/lorry/truck/bigfoot-SUV drivers.

they're reckless ...... and because of their size and density of the vehicle, they're not worried about crashing.

they don't run away from problems. they run OVER it.

sometimes, i feel like taking down a few license plate numbers and making a police report.

hey, i feel u.. i've been in many incidents where these BIG vehicles cut blindly from left lane to fast lane w/o giving signals or caring for other motorists.. sumtimes u can see them race among each other.. wtf

So is the savvy tough enough to ram down like 100 rempits in a night and still be able to drive away?

woohoo.. i like the sound of that..kekeke:regular_smile:
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