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500 RPM
Senior Member
Jul 26, 2005
p e n a n g
found this on the web... kinda funny... come to think of it... we got tons of real padi and these "padi" here in malaysia

Ricers are a stupid bunch of young idiots who decide they are car experts after watching The Fast and the Furious, Pimp My Ride and playing Need For Speed Underground. They then try "SOUPING UP" or "PIMPING" their "RIDES".

This has no relation to making soup which probably tastes nicer than ricers (and is undeniably infinitely more useful) but there might be a connection between SOUP BOXES and the material they use for making body-kits.

Ricers In General

Ricers have many different tastes but in general they operate by the following philosophy:


Ricers have a tendency to tell REAL car enthusiasts that their cars don't look fast enough to beat theirs (LOOK, being the operative word). They tend to see themselves as able tuners of the motor racing world as they try to modify their cars by themselves and believe professional advice or help is useless since "The Fast And The Furious" taught them everything.

They have a strong desire to spend hundreds upon thousands of dollars on unnecessary body-kits, televisions and wings(spoilers) to their cars. Yet they will try to dismantle and destroy the rear seats, side panels etc and say it's to reduce weight.

What Is a RICER?

The word “Ricer” is used chiefly as a noun to describe the driver of the said car, although it is sometimes used to describe the car itself. Variations of this usage include ricer (both vehicle and driver), rice car, rice cooker, rice mobile, 'rice rocket, and the most common fucking ricer idiot looser.

A Ricer’s car is an automobile that that has been modified to give impression of high performance, but does not necessarily have any high-performance capabilities. They usually do this by buying typically (but not necessarily) cheap Japanese Import cars (hence the term “Rice”), and then installing as many “cool” visual modifications on their cars as they possibly can, without any regard to practicality, cost, style or taste. Often, these “modifications” end up costing so much that they ironically could have used that money to actually buy a better car.

Ricers are also typically people who actually know very little if not anything at all about the mechanics of cars. Hence they will often make poor installations of their said “modifications”, by doing things like putting spoilers on their cars that serve no useful function (especially if the car is front wheel drive), possibly increasing drag and decreasing traction, painting flames up the side of their cars that only serve to make the car look like a children’s toy, installing monstrous tachometers into a car which has automatic transmission, and so on.

pls check this out if u want more... hehe

Ricer - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia
haha, i guess he must hate ricers then
nola... i dun hate ricers... sometimes it really make my day when i c a riced up car... kekekeke
HAHAAHA.. I dun get whats the big deal man about all these, ricers trying to prove they're this , and self-proclaimed "real-time" car modders trying to prove they're that.

What's with all this political shit?

Want to mod just mod, wanna mod ur aesthetics, just mod it. Wanna look fast, so what? Wanna BE fast, so what?

Some ppl have the money to soup up their ride to actually BE fast.

Some ppl don't have the money to soup up their ride to BE fast, so what do they go to? To look nice and fast la obviously? Honestly, I don't see a problem in that, it's merely self-preference.

How would u know if a "rice" lookin car on a road isn't fast right? Eat that.

There are those lucky ones who have the money to do both, look fast and BE fast.

Of all u know, ricers may be calling the performance craze money spenders "kuey teow" ..

Like if a ricer sees a fast car on the road, they'll go like "WOW it's a kuey teow! WUAHAHAHAHAHAHAA .. so fast for what? wanna go to hell sooner isit? LOL"

Yeah.. so, chill out and let the politics die.
actually you know, the term 'ricer' was cooked up by the westerners to insult asian car tuners and cars. Ever since the boom of highly stickered, colourful asian import vehicles (some poorly modified) in western countries, the westerners refered the word 'ricer' to asians whom modify cars. This is mainly because asians, in actual fact, consume rice as a staple diet. Hence the name stuck.

p.s. if it offended anyone do forgive me.
what mokomoko said it's true.i read it in a u.s magazine once.
or maybe breader for them?

sometimes it is like entertainment on road when we see a car full of stickers, neon, lights everywhere, gt wings, fibre parts here n there, wit so many watever 'abang shop' things on dboard, then when he noticed we r looking at his car, he will open his window n louder up the radio (tweeter sound only), chiss.. chuss.. chiss.. chuss..

hehe.. funny things, donno how they thinking..
haha....me wear sleeper all the time..so do i consider myself and sleepers.....

anyway..some ppl love to mod on the beauty side..some like performance side..some love both....for me..performance all the way man......outlook..nah...
no...europeans are called rissotoes
not pasta
hey moko moko i saw ur ride last sunday at ss14 subang... having bak kut teh with my frens then i saw this cool black satria passed.. saw ur sticker n i remembered seeing it somewhere.. hehe nice ride bro...
hey moko moko i saw ur ride last sunday at ss14 subang... having bak kut teh with my frens then i saw this cool black satria passed.. saw ur sticker n i remembered seeing it somewhere.. hehe nice ride bro...

ohh ic ic, thanks!
was it at yu kee bah kut teh? I was having dinner there also. Their dry bah kut teh not bad, very tasty.

So if we eat lotsa bah kut teh as our staple diet are we called bah-kutters? lol
yeah man yu ke... haha but i din eat the dry 1... i like the soup~~ oooh
hahah dude... next time bak kut teh tt... haha dun forget me :P

off topic liao >.< or is that so? bak kut teh also consists of rice... oil rice in this matter :P
1st, we got ricer... then come koay teow... followed by breader and so on... now we even have bak kut teh in this tread... loL
am a real big fans of bak kut teh here
ohh ic ic, thanks!
was it at yu kee bah kut teh? I was having dinner there also. Their dry bah kut teh not bad, very tasty.

So if we eat lotsa bah kut teh as our staple diet are we called bah-kutters? lol

This sounds like previous Jet Li movie... Dim Sum a black guy called him.....
ha ha...wah wad if there is a RICER member here at zth...lolx
anyway fun thread...guys
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