Revoked P License Need Advise.


I just want to drive
Senior Member
Sep 7, 2004
Revoked P License Need Advice..

Hello people, about 4months ago i got busted for doing 160 on a 110km.h zone. i took the ticket and 2 weeks later when i tried to renew my P, JPJ tells me that i've been blacklisted.

i wrote an appeal letter to JPJ, but the appeal was rejected and they have made the decision to suspend me for 1 year (effective today 12th Jan '06)

the officer also told me that there was an alternative - that i should write another appeal letter to the Ministry Of Transport to try to get the license back.

i need advice, what should i write? how do i make my appeal effective? i have no clue what to write. has anyone had the same experience?
well, i got no experience in it, but you just gotta be honest in your mail.. just admit your fault that you seek an apology and to lighten the punishment and also promise not to commit anymore offence loh...

write in proper BM...

good luck... and drive save...
resilienthunter said:
Hello people, about 4months ago i got busted for doing 160 on a 110km.h zone. i took the ticket and 2 weeks later when i tried to renew my P, JPJ tells me that i've been blacklisted.

i wrote an appeal letter to JPJ, but the appeal was rejected and they have made the decision to suspend me for 1 year (effective today 12th Jan '06)

the officer also told me that there was an alternative - that i should write another appeal letter to the Ministry Of Transport to try to get the license back.

i need advice, what should i write? how do i make my appeal effective? i have no clue what to write. has anyone had the same experience?

Dude, on one hand I emphatise. On the other I support the punishment.

The problem is people know they can break laws and get away with it in this country. How then can laws be properly enforced? Fact is you broke the law... by 50 km/h judging from what you wrote. You knew the punishment could be severe and yet you broke the law.

In any case, you'd probably have to write in stating WHY you tried to set a new land speed record. You'd have to say that you were rushing to the hospital for an emergency or something to that effect. If they deem you had good cause for trying to achieve Mach 1, they may reduce the sentence. In most cases, they do. I've no personal experience as I never had a P license but I assume it's like dealing with any other summon.
i too dont have any experience...but as zephyr3d said...
just apologize...u must sound really convincing...make urself sound really sorry
Duke Red said:
Dude, on one hand I emphatise. On the other I support the punishment.
Duke Red said:

The problem is people know they can break laws and get away with it in this country. How then can laws be properly enforced? Fact is you broke the law... by 50 km/h judging from what you wrote. You knew the punishment could be severe and yet you broke the law.

In any case, you'd probably have to write in stating WHY you tried to set a new land speed record. You'd have to say that you were rushing to the hospital for an emergency or something to that effect. If they deem you had good cause for trying to achieve Mach 1, they may reduce the sentence. In most cases, they do. I've no personal experience as I never had a P license but I assume it's like dealing with any other summon.

lalalalalalala.... yayaya...
there r hundreds or maybe thousands of plp who drives n exceed the limit of 110..
even singaporeans drove their car at our highways to feel the excitement...
but juz noe ur limit.. b wise..

but pity u..... u r one of the unlucky ones..
like zephyr3d said, just b humble, admit ur mistake...
i'm sure they cud lighten the punishment..
gud luck man..:cyclops:
haha yes i do consider myself unlucky, perhaps they will use me as an example of "law enforcement at its best" :confused_smile:

i am in the process of writing the letter but am stuggling as i have no BM qualifications at all. :retarded: (studied overseas lah..) will get a friend to translate it later. lol.

i will write 1. why i was speeding and 2. apologise frantically and be really humble. i think that should do yah? =\ ...
unlucky? you're lucky you didn't hit anyone. your license would surely have been revoked for more than a year then. fact is that you do have a probationary license and as such you have to be extra cautious if you are to be deemed worthy of a permanent license.
Duke Red said:
unlucky? you're lucky you didn't hit anyone. your license would surely have been revoked for more than a year then. fact is that you do have a probationary license and as such you have to be extra cautious if you are to be deemed worthy of a permanent license.

i forgot he is P...
sorry... that make sense...
I feel for you, but if you do not repent, you deserve to have your driving license revoked. Anyway, I sense a deep remorse in you, so lets see how I can help you. I have no experience whatsoever, but I'll try give some tips on this one.

Writing a letter of appeal, you have to sound convincing. First of all, apologize. Make yourself sound like you have committed some kind of big offence! Apologize, apologize AND apologize. Second, admit your fault and convince them you ain't gonna do it anymore. Third, try negotiating with them that your probationary period has expired and that you are about to be a competent driver and that you will not do it ever again. Fourth, if this is your first offense, tell them this is your first and you did it for a reason. Maybe an emergency? Tell them, had it not been an emergency, you wouldn't have committed the offence. Emphasize to them the "first offence" as well in your appeal.

Oh well, this is what I can think of at the moment. All the best of luck, mate. I really hope you have repented. :)
Duke Red said:
unlucky? you're lucky you didn't hit anyone. your license would surely have been revoked for more than a year then. fact is that you do have a probationary license and as such you have to be extra cautious if you are to be deemed worthy of a permanent license.

Yes i do understand my mistake. Dont need to instigate anything here.
So unless you are a perfect human being who does not err, you have no right to judge me. I am not asking for ur comments on my situation, i am asking for advice, not a nag. So please if you have nothing to contribute, save it. I don't want to hear it.

And yep..thanks ppl fer the helpful advice, i have based my letter on what you guys have told me to write (: its done now and hopefully my appeal will be successful!!
aiyak, how come P licence, doing 160 in a 110kph zone ( sure highway one ) terus revoke licence? what happen to your Kejara points? when i had my P, i always check my P licence details ( like Kejara points etc ) often.
just nice 10 demerit points.. the higher the speed above the limit, the more demerit points..
my elder bro oso kena las time, car no roadtax n insurance.....license suspensed directly but my bro appeal thru internet n send letter to jpj KL..duno which one la...

appeal appeal n appeal....then they receive my bro apeal leter n can renew lesen......appeal bout 6months continuosly....

my bro wrote to jpj only..

resilienthunter said:
Hello people, about 4months ago i got busted for doing 160 on a 110km.h zone. i took the ticket and 2 weeks later when i tried to renew my P, JPJ tells me that i've been blacklisted.

i wrote an appeal letter to JPJ, but the appeal was rejected and they have made the decision to suspend me for 1 year (effective today 12th Jan '06)

the officer also told me that there was an alternative - that i should write another appeal letter to the Ministry Of Transport to try to get the license back.

i need advice, what should i write? how do i make my appeal effective? i have no clue what to write. has anyone had the same experience?
yah not easy.. hopefully i can get mine done soon. =P

KL.. should be the JPJ at wangsa maju ..

my cousin went through exactly the same situation as you bro some months back. they wanted to revoke his license cos of excessive speeding (speeding was much worse than yours in fact) and he was also instructed that if he had to write a letter of appeal. was there at his house when he was writing. His letter was SUPER SHORT and honestly, not very apologetic at all and almost bordering on rude. He claimed that his speedo was FAULTY (i swear!) and didn't realise how fast he was going (which is complete bullshit) then said he was also RUSHING! so overall the first sentence was his bullshit reason, then 2nd sentence said that it would never happen again. but i never saw the word 'maaf' at all in the letter.

verdict: appeal approved... i couldn't believe it. makes me wonder was it even READ? hahaha!

but i don't recommend u follow my cousin's footsteps, as the others said, SOUND apologetic and sucker them kao kao dude.
yup, thing is my first appeal letter was like that. very direct.. that got rejected =\ ..haha but this new letter is much better.
sometimes these govt officers just want to show power la...

i deal with them everyday...almost....tension woo..have to say "please" all the time...have to speak like u respect them so much...

we do respect people,but sumtimes these guys are juz too much...

hope u'll succeed in your appeal. tulis lentok habis laa...nangis punya...musti dia kesian u....

gud luck!
resilienthunter said:
Yes i do understand my mistake. Dont need to instigate anything here.
So unless you are a perfect human being who does not err, you have no right to judge me. I am not asking for ur comments on my situation, i am asking for advice, not a nag. So please if you have nothing to contribute, save it. I don't want to hear it.

No i'm not perfect of course. Many Malaysians including myself ask for better law enforcement. Only when we are caught ourselves, do we appreaciate the current system. I am not judging you as I don't know you. I'm judging your actions but as you've said, you know you did wrong so fine. It's just that sometimes I feel people do not want to be held accountable for their actions. I'm sure you realise this by reading our newspapers everyday. I'm not here to start an argument if that's what you think. And if you read my first post, I did give you some advice whether it be correct or not.

Anyway it was not my intention to sound naggie if there's such a word. I myself get enough nagging at home.
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ace79 said:
aiyak, how come P licence, doing 160 in a 110kph zone ( sure highway one ) terus revoke licence? what happen to your Kejara points? when i had my P, i always check my P licence details ( like Kejara points etc ) often.

How and where to check ar? Thanks

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