RE Club Gathering Meet

unfortunately i will be in penang celebrating new years with the family. you guys carry on and keep the rotary club going!!
wah lau..
i penang go back down to KL.... u KL come back up penang....
Penang boring la... don't u think... other than the parents...

anyway.. forget about it.. i've been saying this for the pass 1.5 years.
anyway.... if u're around in penang from christmas onwards... spot me in my red FD... or sms me....012-4103142.. can come out have a chit chat or so.

some weekends i'll be back in KL
i think i've seen your car around the factory area, DELL thereabouts. I'll be in me fd as well but will be down for some "work"
hahaahha tomorrow will be a drag race at Sepang if i'm not wrong. most of the people will be there. but not sure if we able to meet there or not....

sunday evening i'm not free already as i'll be going back to Penang.

what about others ?
i would suggest we meet up next week before christmas? what does everyone say? bangsar? anywhere else?

phat7 said:
i would suggest we meet up next week before christmas? what does everyone say? bangsar? anywhere else?

that will be great how about bangsar ? please confirm thanks...
christmas eve ? dun think alot of people can make it.

friday night.... hmmmm if around 10 PM then i should be able to make it as i start driving back to KL around 5 plus arriivng 10
friday is good.... i'm able to make it if it's later :) i should be arriving by 10.30 PM back in KL.. if it's later.. then i'll show up :)
phat7 said:
friday? thursday? kindly confirm attendance.
Um...I'll try my best to come...I'd really like to meet up with you guys, seeing that I missed out on the last two.
Do inform =)
guys, is it THIS Friday ie 23rd or next Friday 29th ?
If its this Friday, I sure can make it. (keeping my fingers crossed)
phat7 said:
i an yet to consult glen but this firday sounds excellent. lets arrange for approximately 10pm at Canteena next to Telawi Street Bistro. Its an excellent spot with good food and excellent drinks including coffee, tea and fruit juices.
I'll try my best to come by. Will check back later for updates. Looking forward to meet all of you guys =)

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