[Proton Putra Collective] A Princely Alliance..

yam cha dont want, cannot high...
if go yam sing call me, ok? hahahahaha
or if go Spa call "nat1B". i think he interested.
JEJ said:
yam cha dont want, cannot high...
if go yam sing call me, ok? hahahahaha
or if go Spa call "nat1B". i think he interested.

call KEVINBOEY oso! he sure interested oso! ooopss..

so whos going this saturday? come come convoy! long time never convoy with u all
JEJ said:
yam cha dont want, cannot high...
if go yam sing call me, ok? hahahahaha
or if go Spa call "nat1B". i think he interested.

Yam Seng ,,,, sure or not oh??
JEJ said:
yam cha dont want, cannot high...
if go yam sing call me, ok? hahahahaha
or if go Spa call "nat1B". i think he interested.

Yam Seng ,,,, sure or not oh??
Guys, check out putra board..
new event coming up this saturday!!
tonight got yam seng? come puchong jaya.
got 1 pub very happenning.
can do alot of stuff there.
"workers" there very "open" minded.
JEJ said:
tonight got yam seng? come puchong jaya.
got 1 pub very happenning.
can do alot of stuff there.
"workers" there very "open" minded.

sure or not??
if you open 2 jug,, then i think all the member can come and meet up with you..:X-:
woiks!!!! y the event this saturday one :( i just went workshop see my car today. monday only ready la!!! adrian, i drive down to subang then tumpang ur car there can ma?:P
Okie.. noted..

you sure you want to sit in my car..my car coming out with smoke..
tonight if ON or tomolo...
come to opposite IOI mall, behind brothers. HSBC Bank, UOB Bank,
few "tiu hai " pub there.
Call me ok .
tai loo. you organise ler...
call out the member ler...

JEJ said:
tonight if ON or tomolo...
come to opposite IOI mall, behind brothers. HSBC Bank, UOB Bank,
few "tiu hai " pub there.
Call me ok .

wow so nice... aihz.. sorry guys cant make it on saturday coz have to work... wanted to get keiichi's autograph man.. one of his fans =P
mengz said:
woiks!!!! y the event this saturday one :( i just went workshop see my car today. monday only ready la!!! adrian, i drive down to subang then tumpang ur car there can ma?:P

wei.. ffk ah...
jej also the same case..
SSO last saturday was great. Got to see the king and fellow champion in action....No wonder they are called legends....hehehehe.....:regular_smile: :shades_smile:
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