photos! comment/suggest please =P


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Senior Member
Apr 29, 2005
Hey all the sifus here! Please comment on my shots and give some suggestions. =P






All shots by Canon PowerShot A530. Thanks in advance =P
*edited links xD*
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hi polkiuj,
1st comment will be... retype ur link haha...
i like the 2nd pic,colour and contrast very nice, did u photoshoped it?if no then nice colour u got haha... ISO how much? the sky seems bit noisy to be haha,mayb u can use mini tripod and timer for ur shot, will be nicer i guess.

4th pic blur oh haha gotcha =p
Hey sot! or isit plug or DESIGNER? xD sorry..

sorry bout the link thing.. i uploaded the pics too big (full res). hehe. and i was uploading 20 pics and it took too long and some1 wanted to use the com and i needed to sleep. *breathes* fuhhhh..

thank you soooo much for ur comments!

all my pics did not go through any editing at all (except resizing). and i dun even know if i have photoshop in my com xD.

2nd pic - ISO 80. The noise comes from 15 secs shutter. That can't be helped coming from a compact xD. I put the cam on a pole and used timer. I can't hold it steady for 15 secs. lol.

4th pic - yea. haha. actuall this pic is an accidental pic. i just randomly pressed and it came out nice (except for the blur) i like all the colors xD

5 more for today. =P






All shots by Canon PowerShot A530. no editing (except for size)
hahaha here i come to cucuk u again,soly im not giving pro comments juz some of my feeling haha no offence

1st pic- hmm trying to play with macro? but if can try look for better subjects since macro can see detailing so if u take some "geli" subject then result is the pic oso geli haha btw nice try

2nd + 5th pic - erm...for me,i feel like "what's the main point in this photo?" abit lomo feel to me, mayb u can try to practice more on ur photo composition, it will be more interesting since u noe how to play with the low light condition

3rd pic - nice angle and composition too, but remember to set timer and move aside coz i can see ur shadow hahaha...or...izit "something else" lolx

4th pic - nice colour, but the trees under there too dark, not to say dark not nice, just the trees under there so flat, seems like a wall disturb the overall feel, if some of the trees like the left hand side can see through it will be better

ohya bout the previous comment, nice try since u can get nice colour without photoshop it, and seems like low speed shot is not a prob for u hahaha, if u have deeper interest on shooting then it's good for u to buy a normal tripod, i saw RM40++ oso can get, but is cheap plak 1 lah, nvm still can fit ur A530 better than u try hard to put it sumwhere else haha

btw ur house area seems familiar to me, where ah?

cheers hapi shooting~ ^^
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Aha! Yay! Comments! Weeee!! Hehehe.

Ok, let me explain beforehand. I shoot colors. Anything Vivid, contrasty, deep, rich colors colors colors!! hehe =P thats y i shoot in low light. cos the colors just run wild.

1st pic has an interesting purple which i love. And the subject is oh so weird, thats y i lov it. lol.

2nd pic is just to show the colors of pyramids lighting. I dun even know Y i shot it. lol.

3rd pic - The shadow is actually... I also dunno, maybe a car or porch or stg. its shot from a curb xD which is what u see on the left side.

4th pic - Unfortunately the contrast is too great. If expose extran i'll lose the vivid red and overexpose the sky. I think there is too much tree and not enough sky though. lol.

5th pic is about the explosion of lights and colors. Note the way the lights 'explode' out at the tree, behind the house, etc.

btw, no offence taken. in fact, thanks for ur comments. there is a lot to learn about art xD (not that u can actually 'learn' it. ok.. i'm sleepy, talking nonesense)

oh.. which house u talking about? the 1st set 5th pic was taken from my house, 1st floor, bedroom window, SS18 subang jaya.
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5th pic, yup i saw the tree,nice colour there but please lah walk nearer next time hahaha...

no wonder the houses design looks so graduated from SEGi tats y oways hanging around Subang haha

btw if u like colour so much,then tell u a way to play with colour photography study. prepare a tripod,mini 1 oso can,if dunhav oso nvm, find a steady still place which u can put ur camera nicely then ok, start from 6am to 8pm, shoot 1 photo every hour in the same place, then in the end u can find out different time gv u different colour and might be prettier than what u get at nite, but try on sunny day lah not cloudy or rain haha...remember subject must be wide,like what u did on 5th pic,can see half sky then half other things then nice,u'll amaze what u can get haha happy trying!!!

hehe. Cool! what did u study? where r u from?

ahh! thanks! ehehe. from what i've shot so far (not much, ~2000++ pics), best times are just b4 and after the sun sets. night can get color explosions from long shutter and artificial light. bright daylight usually can't get anything cos too bright. sunlight is too harsh. maybe i'll go try it someday. need tripod.. xD
Im from seri kembangan, graduated in segi with diploma in industrial design and elective photography haha..

2000 oledi consider "much" loh haha, bright sunlight sometimes can gv u amazing results also, try try then u'll know, just kful dun 4get to take ur camera away after shoot coz if put there 1hr then u come bk gone haha
ahhhh. okok. i'll go try. =P yea.. but only been 1 or 2 months. lol.

i'll go try.

LOL!! ok.. hope i dun leave it there. xD
hey polkiuj,

firstly i'd like do disclaim that i have no offend towards you or your photo. all comments given is based on learning and constructive critiquesism that would not lead into disagreements or arguements.therefore , forgive me if say anything that you do not like or any anyway i lost my manner. we're all to learn here so please remain steady and calm.

if it's a compact you shoot from and it'll be a compact critique.

all your images doesn;t have a proper framings and composition which also means it doesn;t have one subject or one thing to support your images. apart from your compact camera control and your interest in playing around with shutters...that doesn;t helps alot to produce your image.

it is good that you posted your images here to learn and seek advices...
you will need to learn about composition eg; rules of third and also about framings as in choosing the correct shot/frames.

the whole idea of photography is not just shooting and wahhh..te whole photography of shooting is capturing time and save it as a treasureable moment. therefore, if you want to post something make sure it's worth posting.

i'm sorry with a lil bit of principle all very much depends on teh photographer itseld nonetehless..

regarding your photography,
you shoot it because you think it was nice andnothing else...
you did not check on the horizontal lines, you did not measure the space did not realise the subject and you did not care about the just shoot it and get happy because you had a sunset shot #1. which is actually not pretty at all if you look at it in a more profesional way...

then you'll say...i didn;t say i was a profesional..and i would say i'm not also....but i just want to take a better picture LIKe the profesional.

the term profesional from my knowledge is when you get paid to shoot are pro.

on your pic #2...i dun even know what it'd say..look at the lights and slow shutter speed..isn;t it beautiful..but does it lead you to anywhere in the photo..?what is there to see? no subject ah? anotehr thing about ophotofraphy is leading your audience ...give you rphoto a flow(rules of third + artistic sense) take your audience to teh subject and let them tell a story themselves...~

pic #3,..ok ok..dark sky...but interesting? if you have this kinda shot? don;t post it online..keep it to yourself..ask yourself some question before posting any like what so special about my shot? the cloud?nope...just a common rain...what about framings/any story?..nope...~get what i mean? give it a supporting cast to support your story...~

i guess tehre is nothing more to speak of the other pic..correct?

ok i may sound abit too harsh but it is the best way for you to learn...instead of lulaby-ing ....

there is a thing or two about good photo;s
-correct exposure
-art sense.
-lights(w/o lights there is no photograph)

google about it...anotehr way to learn is too observe people's photographs..see how the put things together...

kekeke sifu alan start shooting hahaha
sifu teach slowly ppl just start learning later takut dun wanna touch photography anymore haha

polkiuj, alantan no offence 1, dun angry haha cheers
Ahh! Yay! Comments! Got reply la.. just a bit late xD

Thanks for ur comments, actually i should be clear from the start, sorry. I'm new to photography and just started. I'm taking things slow, and step by step.

My journey, in order

1. Get colors and exposures right.
2. Subjects, "Artifying", Lighting, etc.
3. Composition.

As u can see i'm not past stage 1 and 2 so din really touch on 3 yet. Also, at that time i din know how to retouch photos, so.. yea..

Pic #2 is about yellow against blue. The subject is purely colors. Thats already the last part of the sky so its shoot or miss it completely. And having no tripod (or IS/VR) sucks.

Will try to work more on composition soon =P

Hope u can give more comments. =)


Is this composition better? The time of shooting sucks so the sky is not what i want.. =(
edit: ahh.. dang.. its not straight.. need photoshop.. O.o


A practice on colors. Hope its ok.. Lost a lot of shaprness converting to 800x600 though..


Forgive the stain on the glass top.. I dun have photoshop..

And u dun need to critique me as a compact xD Just throw the full blast xD Thank you so much sifu Alantan. I think i've seen u b4.. INTI?
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Not from Inti though~..

by the way....knowing colours is not by shootin all this...~
knowing colours is knowing the tone/temperature/settings/white balanced and so on~

whatyou've done is completely waste on time as first basis you should start with composition and framings...

so lets not waste our time too much on colours(liek what you;ve done) and photoshop is just a tool not an assistant or something so important.

lolx dun shoot to kau la alantan, since from his 2nd batch pics atleast i saw "subject" oledi, he is improving oledi haha, too much theory later scare him off as a beginner lolx
i terasa. i think i need to get tembak-ed also lor like this..
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