New Toyota Vios Launch Malaysia

from now on, i will keep saying roy_fatboy's face n car (if u have one lah...) are the ugliest things in this world god ever created.. i dun care bout other people's opinion or other people's feeling. Just like u..

yeah good.. express your feelings brother..
i like your style...
if you read my post, its an open opinion.. not some personal issue..

you are very clever..:hmmmm:
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i just can't understand y this guy (roy_fatboy) keep on saying bad things about this new vios.. r u from proton or wut?? trying to psycho people around not to buy the car..saying so much of craps.. fyi, no one cares whether u like or dislike the design or wutever the car is.. they're not using ur money or tryin to make loan from u to buy the car.. so just let the car be..

u're so annoying.. i'm wondering wut car u r driving.. malaysian car issit? u can't afford any outside car right? if not y u must curse the new vios or the designer or wutever.. so u dun have to keep on say it ugly la apelah.. i think ur face is uglier than the car even i never see ur face. i think u're just jealous.. i met lot of people like u.. say bad things bout sumthing, but actually they like n fancy that thing.. but can't afford right?? too bad bcoz u'r too poor for the car..

from now on, i will keep saying roy_fatboy's face n car (if u have one lah...) are the ugliest things in this world god ever created.. i dun care bout other people's opinion or other people's feeling. Just like u..
come bring your VIOS test with my PROTON WIRA..:thefinger::thefinger::thefinger:
i just can't understand y this guy (roy_fatboy) keep on saying bad things about this new vios.. r u from proton or wut?? trying to psycho people around not to buy the car..saying so much of craps.. fyi, no one cares whether u like or dislike the design or wutever the car is.. they're not using ur money or tryin to make loan from u to buy the car.. so just let the car be..

u're so annoying.. i'm wondering wut car u r driving.. malaysian car issit? u can't afford any outside car right? if not y u must curse the new vios or the designer or wutever.. so u dun have to keep on say it ugly la apelah.. i think ur face is uglier than the car even i never see ur face. i think u're just jealous.. i met lot of people like u.. say bad things bout sumthing, but actually they like n fancy that thing.. but can't afford right?? too bad bcoz u'r too poor for the car..

from now on, i will keep saying roy_fatboy's face n car (if u have one lah...) are the ugliest things in this world god ever created.. i dun care bout other people's opinion or other people's feeling. Just like u..

our car maybe cheap.... bring ur vios race wit our wira lah! let u 2 tiang enuff? bang the car lah... see who sakit hati! :thefinger: :thefinger: :thefinger: :thefinger:
i just can't understand y this guy (roy_fatboy) keep on saying bad things about this new vios.. r u from proton or wut?? trying to psycho people around not to buy the car..saying so much of craps.. fyi, no one cares whether u like or dislike the design or wutever the car is.. they're not using ur money or tryin to make loan from u to buy the car.. so just let the car be..

u're so annoying.. i'm wondering wut car u r driving.. malaysian car issit? u can't afford any outside car right? if not y u must curse the new vios or the designer or wutever.. so u dun have to keep on say it ugly la apelah.. i think ur face is uglier than the car even i never see ur face. i think u're just jealous.. i met lot of people like u.. say bad things bout sumthing, but actually they like n fancy that thing.. but can't afford right?? too bad bcoz u'r too poor for the car..

from now on, i will keep saying roy_fatboy's face n car (if u have one lah...) are the ugliest things in this world god ever created.. i dun care bout other people's opinion or other people's feeling. Just like u..

Dude, are you trying to have a party with us? I guess, everyone have his/her right to point out their is just roy's opinion towards the new vios.My family own a vios too and i agreed with that..the newest version looks odd to me because it looks more like a city overall and afterall city is getting much more better.Driving a wira or a local cars doesn't means we can't afford a better car..please mind your words before you post some skunk piece of crap over here..
you got me?
anyway i don't think that ur face looks good too..please get a mirror for urself before you start pointin others..
diff ppl hav diff taste of their cars...sumore roy oled said 'sorry n chill' to whom may have offended on his point of view....

so pls stop the flames & back to topic.....
hahaha.. can afford wira only ah?? no wonder la u're so jealous.. hahahahahaha.. can buy 2 wira for one new vios.. hahahahahha.. i'm so happy

eh why got this kind reply from a retard?

so wats wrong if buying a malaysian made car??

ppl post comments none of ur business laa, he said its nice or not nice also none of our problem

honestly i dont know anyone of u here, but in zth history i've seen many un-orthodox post's but u are way out commenting this way...

i buy cheap malaysian cars but my wallet is full so???

who get's the last laugh then... get real, get a life!
popotamus plz chill bro..ppl commenting abt da car u talk abt other ppl's face..roy also got mother born one ler..dun get over with ur words man..if u say ur mum born ur vios out then i bet roy wil shut up n not critic..

btw ths is a website..a place to share..cant stand other ppl's critic or comment..go complain to ur mum..dun flame ppl ere la..peace k..

btw owning a vios is not big deal..i own 2 c-class and 1 beemer..anytime can buy few of ur car dude..oh n not forgetting i hav a wira too..but i have more than double of horses compared to ur girl next door looking vios..

so think before flaming other ppl..there is always sumone better than u outside..dun think owning a vios can laugh at wira drivers..i bet u cant laugh when u smell their smoke..or maybe u dun even stand a chance to smell any smoke nor look of a wira rear light..

peace juz expressing my feelings as well..btw da old vios look much better..dats my opinion..
i own a vios b4, but lose to a wira 1.5 auto in both drag and down hill battle.
wat a shame. maybe my skill too lousy cannot drive such an "expensive" car properly larr..cuz when taking sharp corners the vios macam wanna roll over like that.

so i sell it off and buy 2 cheap wira.
one for me and one for my wife.
now my car modded wif new engine and can smoke any 1.5 wira auto and also any vios. practically any family car driven by racer ah bengs larr.

i think i can never see them in my rear view mirror when i floor the gas paddle.

yeah, buy one vios can buy 2 wira.
but i'm happy wif my 2 wira.
at least my wira get more attention than a brand new vios
i'm very happy~!
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the vios new advertisement slogan damn funny larr

"the car you own determines how you face the world"

if i own this new vios, i really have no face to face this world larr...
so UGLY!!!
Kesian la fatboy, he just gave an opinion about the new vios, suddenly got popotamus cannot tahan the opinion, then flame here and there, he already apologize about that, why that popotamus still tak puas hati??need a tea for you??No way...!!!

One more time to new vios, is really ugly/ubi/dungong/or wat eva..!! If popotamus tak puas hati, flame la all you want, Nobody Cares...

Drive Proton Wira doesn't mean no money, please becareful your words, your face, cz i don't think you look good since you like to flame ppl :)
Kesian la fatboy, he just gave an opinion about the new vios, suddenly got popotamus cannot tahan the opinion, then flame here and there, he already apologize about that, why that popotamus still tak puas hati??need a tea for you??No way...!!!

One more time to new vios, is really ugly/ubi/dungong/or wat eva..!! If popotamus tak puas hati, flame la all you want, Nobody Cares...

Drive Proton Wira doesn't mean no money, please becareful your words, your face, cz i don't think you look good since you like to flame ppl :)

you rock proton wira doesnt means POOR :thefinger:
anyway things that i want to say is local cars doesn't mean cheap...imported cars doesnt mean good too...different cars suit different ppl...i do support local cars alot...wira is a good car after all the proper touch up...haha is a car by MITSUBISHI sucker !@#$%^&*()
hey.. he says "who am i to say all those comments"...

he say, "ppl dont give a damn about what i say"

looks like mr. hipopotamus really give a damn about what i say..

yeah, i met ppl like you too before.. all talk only.. but never think properly what they should post..
maybe you just some rich kid, which ur dad just bought the new vios for you, but you dont like it.. haha, who knows..

chill ar bro.. its a general comment.. you go take a chill pill..
if u really unsatisfied, come, call me up, i bring my cheap ass wira..

i really dunt like to flame, and brag up, its just not the forum ethics.. ppl here discussed with an open mind, and ready to accept any ppls comments and opinion.. if you dont like what i say, theres a proper way to deliver your feelings..

but if u insist, we can still flame around, but not in the forum..
if u dont like to see my wira, fine, i bring my A-class, or my C-class, or maybe my myvi or my camry, or if u still dun like, i bring mazda fighter also can..:biggrin:

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wat are u guys kidding...:mad:

nice laaaaaa...

this girl..:rofl: xD
feewitt!!! cun lah... the cun girl i refers to..... hehehe...

'popotamus', be a grown up guy (or gal), dun be a grown up 'kid'...this is zth forums... not ur fancy flame war zone....
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vios are "made in thailand" rigth? correct me if i'm wrong.

Old vios looks better than new vios....look more girlish..

by the way, where is popotamus?
hehehe..guys..that guy(popotomus) don have car one..he uses public transportation..hes interested in buying new vios..but dun have money one..wakakka..then we all give comment on how bad new vios look like..thats why he is so piss off...wakakakakakakkakaakkaa...:rofl:

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