hey.. he says "who am i to say all those comments"...
he say, "ppl dont give a damn about what i say"
looks like mr. hipopotamus really give a damn about what i say..
yeah, i met ppl like you too before.. all talk only.. but never think properly what they should post..
maybe you just some rich kid, which ur dad just bought the new vios for you, but you dont like it.. haha, who knows..
chill ar bro.. its a general comment.. you go take a chill pill..
if u really unsatisfied, come, call me up, i bring my cheap ass wira..
i really dunt like to flame, and brag up, its just not the forum ethics.. ppl here discussed with an open mind, and ready to accept any ppls comments and opinion.. if you dont like what i say, theres a proper way to deliver your feelings..
but if u insist, we can still flame around, but not in the forum..
if u dont like to see my wira, fine, i bring my A-class, or my C-class, or maybe my myvi or my camry, or if u still dun like, i bring mazda fighter also can..