need help! heart ache sound coming from gearbox

sdil...not sifu..baru belajar maa..malu lah ngan other old timer,..we are biginner...baru belajar spin tayar[/QUOTE]

finally, change the drive shaft and the sound is gone, according to the mechanic, this is what usually happens to cars which is always use for drag..... so have to spare one at home already... muahahaha.....

all thanx to u lah howard.. KNN.. racun me into drag already.... wei dun sell the 7a first lah... test wif me first mah..aiseh....

anyway.. still finding ways to improve my car's performance... ultimate target is to be at par with b16b... thats all i want... if can be faster then why not!! hehehe.....

group dyno in penang this weekend..... those who are interested, come come come!!!!! rm70 only for three runs.. muahahahaha....
fuh,.. this scott car become drag machine oledi.. hahah
fuh,.. this scott car become drag machine oledi.. hahah

nolar.... my ultimate objective is to prove that toyota is not that bad after all... at least can be at par with the infamous vtec loh... 1.6 vs 1.6 loh... that y dun wanna play 7a first.... maximise the 4a output first.. then only consider others alternatives...

it is dream, but i will try make it happen...that is without touching the internals lah...

so dear all sifus.. plz share ur experience...
metal gasket
port n polish
n others

coz i think that my bt got some potential.. juz need effort to maximise it... next oil change will open the oil pan n see what the fxxk is inside.....


always support the so called the "under dogs" !!!!

not trying to show off or anything...juz that toyota is in my blood....

to me toyota always rules!!!!
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all thanx to u lah howard.. KNN.. racun me into drag already.... wei dun sell the 7a first lah... test wif me first mah..aiseh....

KNN,wei u heard b4 a chinese saying ah...if the cow dun wan drink water,u can't force him to drink ...:thefinger: u sendiri wan to drag wan woh...i scare lose to ur ultimate 4AGE lah,tat's y i fast fast sell the engine then i hv no reason to race u loh,no need to lose face somemore...haha..:rofl:
scott: if u wanna tapau b16b, go get some advice from KM CHEW..his car can whack prob..muahahahaha
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