my supra for sale

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Cars for sale

my supra for sale

i think he jealous u taikor teamadvan....

free bump for u.....
ignore those bump for a nice ride!

LOL...thanks for the fee bump bro...
but unfortunately, i cant ignore fools because your nick is "fools"...
i cant be so cold blooded ignore u after i got a free bump from u...
appreciate that...:biggrin:
i think he jealous u taikor teamadvan....

free bump for u.....

haha....seee who we have in here!
buy cars like buying cina teh ice at coffee shop...:adore:

the mighty super fat ass supra!:adore::adore:
but i think i jealous on your car more!:adore::adore::adore:
the only one i knew on earth who had plenty of cash 24hour.:adore::adore::adore::adore::adore::adore:
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haha dun play me la taikor....i am kinda small potato compare to u....:biggrin: a...i didnt play u la....wait till u collect your car...

we will ignore those total sohai newbie with his sohai beginer car's knowledge who say other people's car as sohai monster ...
and wat i see is a total sohai who wasted his parent money who send him go to school but all he learnt is iritating himself and show middle finger to peoples he dont know. hope he will learn...

well, infact, i dun get angry but pity his parents.....

advice for sohai: whoaaa.....ah beng, u englis very powderfool la...
me car no nice la...
u toyota collola veli nice la...
u ar sohai come in ka-ka-chiao chiao wat do? play jauh jauh la...
go back kindergarden baca la.....u make u mama cry la like this,...
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i also pity your parents..... :biggrin::biggrin:

Woit ... Dumb arse .... I don't know what's you fuckin problem huh, NEWBIE ... You wanna be good, maybe you should shut the fuck up and listen to people for ONCE ....

You pity TA parent? Are you kidding me - wanna talk about parents like a 12 year old, school-boy? Maybe WE should pity your sorry arse wannabe try hard, wet dirt wanna make a wall!!! You can stuck with your pathetic Corolla and Corolling away from here please ...

By the way, there are many people here knows TA personally and I have no doubt on his standing is WAY much higher than you'll ever gonna achieve in your pathetic life ... EVER.

If you can't afford something, don't say it's bad ... Give some respect ... And if you can't, BITE YOUR FUCKIN LIPS THEN ...

Sorry TeamAdvan ... I have to be so vulgar here ...

Free BUMP for you again, Bro.
some people just have to learn the hard way how to behave....let "IT"'s obvious this dude has got no interpersonal skills and doesnt know what to say and when... must be a kid...
Woit ... Dumb arse .... I don't know what's you fuckin problem huh, NEWBIE ... You wanna be good, maybe you should shut the fuck up and listen to people for ONCE ....

You pity TA parent? Are you kidding me - wanna talk about parents like a 12 year old, school-boy? Maybe WE should pity your sorry arse wannabe try hard, wet dirt wanna make a wall!!! You can stuck with your pathetic Corolla and Corolling away from here please ...

By the way, there are many people here knows TA personally and I have no doubt on his standing is WAY much higher than you'll ever gonna achieve in your pathetic life ... EVER.

If you can't afford something, don't say it's bad ... Give some respect ... And if you can't, BITE YOUR FUCKIN LIPS THEN ...

Sorry TeamAdvan ... I have to be so vulgar here ...

Free BUMP for you again, Bro.

the big big bro had spoken....maybe we should save our breath from yelling on a little street rat who had no brain....hehe....
new hot topic is the 22nd...are u joining us? but have to pay the rm280 wor....mind u joining us?
we spoken to the organiser that we will have our own booth, own DJ and alcohol for our own members only....wat say u?:listen:
some people just have to learn the hard way how to behave....let "IT"'s obvious this dude has got no interpersonal skills and doesnt know what to say and when... must be a kid...

definately a pre-school kid with napkin still on...and pendidikan moral fail-ed...
wah pokai yau come again ohh...:thefinger::stupid:
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ya... come and see this monster car sold oe not ?

u say i'm pokai yau , so u are rich guy loh.. buy from him lah...
if not , dun say me is pokai yau... eat shit !!!!!!:thefinger::thefinger::thefinger:
i say i got money but i wont buy this car ready SOHAI

hey,just curious why you so care TA car can sell or not...? (u r not the owner rite) :biggrin:

bro, BUMP for you...
hey,just curious why you so care TA car can sell or not...? (u r not the owner rite)

bro, BUMP for you...
mable is TEAMADVAN on enmity maa...?
bro ronniehor, bro gsr_evo, bro joethurr and bro eyong....

guys....i found our situation right now is like when we go zoo together...
we pass the babi hutan site, when talking about piglet behaviors, one is looking at us (u know who i'm refering to), screaming and rolling...
so, we normally don't know what is he screaming and rolling for as we really can't understand babi's languages....
so, we just ignore this low-life-species and continue our topics while walking away...
leaving that lonely and pity low-life, stinky and iritating animal behind his cage continue screamin and runing alone...

now, back to topic....

eyong....where u?
so, are u joining us?:smokin:
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FREE BUMP TeamAdvan and his car.. :biggrin:

thanks for bump on me and bump on my car.... hehe...

i cant say all people is rich...
but at least they don't talk or act like rich (even some i know is really rich peoples who really own cars which cost millions a unit ...but they talk in low profle way, humble speech and greetings up and down)....

but i hardly come accross these words like "ceh, nowdays this kind of car how much....i can buy one and mod myself the rest"...
no matter how much it is, we don't show or act like we can affort or not "EVEN IF WE REALLY CAN"..

these kind of statement shows disrespect...just like when u go your fren's house (not invited somemore) and simply complain
"eh...why your sofa so old one?
eh, why the wall paint not nice one...
eh, why the colour not match one"....and then follow by someting like
"will wait and see when will u pokai"...kind of statement of similarity...
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i am not sided on anyone, but after reading this post,
i felt that its very rude to kacau in ppl's post.
how much the owner wanna sell it's the owner's business,
whether ppl will buy it or not also his business.
worth or not worth depends on diff individual.
but if u think its not worth u can keep it to urself or make it a topic with ur frens during mamak session. BUT NEVER EVER GO AND MAKE NOISE IN PPL'S POST.
yes its a free country, but in this world we have a thing call respect and being civilized. if u dun like it, its ur business, dun go and kacau ppl to tell the whole world u dun like it. i mean i am no fren of whoever, but just mind ur own business la.

let me ask u, if u dun like Mcd, u dun go and kacau in the outlet and shout that u dun like it right? i just hope ppl have more respect to each other.we all are car lovers, aren't we?

anyway, free bumps for TEAMADVAN, love ur car even i am not a hardcore car mod guy.
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i am not sided on anyone, but after reading this post,
i felt that its very rude to kacau in ppl's post.
how much the owner wanna sell it's the owner's business,
whether ppl will buy it or not also his business.
worth or not worth depends on diff individual.
but if u think its not worth u can keep it to urself or make it a topic with ur frens during mamak session. BUT NEVER EVER GO AND MAKE NOISE IN PPL'S POST.
yes its a free country, but in this world we have a thing call respect and being civilized. if u dun like it, its ur business, dun go and kacau ppl to tell the whole world u dun like it. i mean i am no fren of whoever, but just mind ur own business la.

let me ask u, if u dun like Mcd, u dun go and kacau in the outlet and shout that u dun like it right? i just hope ppl have more respect to each other.we all are car lovers, aren't we?

anyway, free bumps for TEAMADVAN, love ur car even i am not a hardcore car mod guy.

well said.....thanks yn_hell.....
ignore those babarian who shout and yell at Mc.Donalds and complain about the taste sucks and price expensive....while don't forget, some times, they make them self babaric because of telling that the apple is sour when they cant get to eat em'....
so, ignore "it"..not "him" and let "it" yell at "its" own cage...:proud:
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