my ride and ur ride

hattech-v said:
my ayam in the jungle.... hehe


Your EK damn cun!! ;) Now I'm jealous :p
my bro's ride

hi guys...your cars are great and love seeing all of them...anyway, just wanna share my bro's car haven't mod much so malu2 wana share...he's using bmw(dunno which series) spoiler. the other spoiler (all black), is the fully plastic ae86 spoiler. :smile:

my car... dunno got post up here before or not..
got zth sticker on my bonnet too... but vr hard to notice la.. coz near the wiper there...
aiks... O.Z ar? no le.. veri slow la.. old school edi.. if so happen 2 came this saga across the road play nice ok..? :biggrin: every cars has its own value.. dun sey like dat liao fren..
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