mohawk(red) price???


Senior Member
Senior Member
Jul 5, 2004
hi all...
my previous subwoofer cant be used edi...whenever i turn on higher volume the amp will cut it checked n its subs prob...its 12" mohawk (blue) anyway...

went to an accessory shop just now...that guy intro 12" mohawk(red) wif double coil(or somethin like dat)..price RM280...n if i give him my spoilt sub then the price will be RM236... question is izzit too expensive?? lots of ppl other brand is good??

saw ripples there also...RM220...single voice coil...

n that guy also told me that its best to change the woofer its too small for double coil one...izzit true??

need opinion/confirmation from sifus here...thinking of installing tml...

thanks in advance...
u increase ur vol. & ur amp cut off??
go check what is ur sub impedence. Use multimeter to measure in ohm.

usually if the amp cut off at high vol., it is the amp that is having a prob.

ask that shop to let test with ur amp. If ur amp still cut off, change the amp.
shouldn't be the amp prob...
coz test wif another sub then the problem goes away d....
i'm now listening onli wif the works fine....
Amp cutting and change sub.. Haha!

Calvin, my suggestion is to change your installer :P

Mohawk blue single voice coil 4ohm or 2ohm? All depends on the matching of your sub and amp la.

If sub is SVC 4ohm, and your amp can handle 4ohm MONO.. then match nicely.
If sub is SVC 2ohm, and your amp can handle 4ohm mono, your amp will cut after long periods of usage. Why? Cuz amp can handle impedance 4ohm you go and use a 2ohm sub.. sure cut la.

DVC means double voice coil. DVC 4ohm means you can wire the sub at 8ohm or 2ohm. It has nothing to do with the box size.

Mohawk Red recommended box size should be 1.0 to 1.2 cubic feet.

Change your installer la. He sounds like he knows shit about his subs. Either that or he's ripping you off kao kao.

Whats your budget for a sub? What amp are you using? Tell a bit la we can recommend.
so technical...
i'm using agako 4 channel amp...
all this while the sub is working nicely....dunno much abt the matching stuff between amp n subs though....
agako 4-channel doesn't tell me anything. Can it be bridged to work mono? At how many ohms? All depends on that la dude. Don't later burn something then blame kao the installer.. cuz he doesn't seem to know shit!
yeah, i agree...i think its better if u check with another installer first before deciding to change anything. just to make sure ma. btw, mohawk reds are got new series. cheers
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