MH 17 down

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1 word, badly orchestrated. Damn good one, face skin thicker than 20w-50 engine oil! HA Funny only in Malaysia, head will not roll if there is a scandal associated with a public figure which seems to contradict the norm. Perhaps this explains why Malaysia is always stuck in 2nd gear all the time facing the same identical shit. Remember very clearly, Tun Dr. M was asked about existing premier and Tun's reply still rings true.

This is just an extreme assumption, I wonder will the existing premier step down BEFORE anything happens to the iconic twin towers OR AFTER the twin towers is reduced to a pile of shit, just like the World Trade Center. Most Americans never believed it could ever happen because of its military superiority but it did, when it happen even the President couldn't believe it for the first 1/2 hour. Now with daily pictures of militants within Malaysia boundaries, that assumption wouldn't look that extreme now, wouldn't it. What is crazy, even our policemen are dressed up like militants, why, your guess is as good as mine!

Lost of innocent civilian lives appears to be collateral damage but it is not, it is much more than that. Its not only the families of deceased that are affected, we too are affected indirectly via internal and external economic pressure. The longer this shit prolongs, the more Malaysians have to pay and pay we will! MAS was already hobbling on crutches and when tragedy struck MH370, it lost 1 of them, now with MH17 MAS is literally brought to its knees. While we are at that, might as well give it the death certificate.

We can surely give credit to the man, who single handedly brought MAS down simply because the man refuses to make the right decision at all times. So much for our leader. This is history in the making and should go down into history books! Finally, will a change in leadership herald in change of the country's fortune, I sure hope so cause it surely can't get any worse than the existing shit Malaysia is made to face.

With the avalanche of news coming out in the next few days, brothers, please separate the wheat from the chaff to keep the sanity cause this is a frequently used tactic deployed to divert attention from the pressing issues, as they say in football, keep your eyes on the ball.
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Towards Asia, there was only a few airlines remained that path while clever ones avoided it even if it means less earning to them. It's a big risk these airlines r taking. Also, I mentioned CEO of the airline to step down because of the deadly wrong decisions they made, not the world leader bro. Our leader, acting transport minister, RMAF general, or MAS CEO should have stepped down during MH370 incident because it was so poorly handled our country got so famous for the wrong reason. Discrepancies, wrong assumptions, no action taken when the radar detected the plane, giving wrong info, refused to accept questionnaires, etc etc. but wel, typical Malaysia ministers/politicians...face skin is thicker than 20w-50 engine oil

No more Acting Transport Minister, now got Transport Minister. Bad Luck for him just started and now got this sh*t to handle.....
On the contrary, Transport Minister first official press release was rather quite good at he knows or at least seem to know the rules of engagement and got his act together. Today is just 1st day, we shall see how it all pans out if he can manage to keep his shit together. Wish I could say this for the rest but I simply cannot.

With the premier DEMANDING a safe entry into the crime scene, I wonder what statement would the perpetrators be sending out, if they decide to take down the Malaysia rescue team too. That would really be the scoop of the century!
Just as same for MH370, plenty of speculations and other stories are appearing, so don't know who to believe....:smokin::banghead:
vr2turbo : Just like any criminal investigation, the element of motif is where you begin with.

I think we have just heard enough about Flight MH370 with everyone saying that until today Malaysia has nothing to show for after spending RM141 million and counting! So I will just about put my neck on the line and gut feeling and state not only Flight MH370 has not been accounted for until todate but it will never be accounted for neither can it be accounted for under whatever circumstances. My deepest fears is that Flight MH17 too is heading down that road, despite whatever many heads of state are saying.

As the Malay saying goes: "Gajah sama gajah berjuang, pelanduk mati di tengah-tengah."
Pouring over the pictures that are coming out of the crash site and against the reports, I cannot help but notice how helpful and good looking those rebels are! The pictures of the rebels are almost picture perfect, isn't it? All well posed for the shot! Hmmm .... Criminals, rebels, warlords whatever are good at hiding but to come out an exposed themselves for the world to see while contaminating the crime scene!

Conclusion either:
1. The rebels has repented and turn over a new leaf and now involve in the rescue mission on humanitarian grounds ???, or
2. The culture of a rebel is totally different from what I know a rebel should be ???, or
3. Someone is really bend on misleading the world or at least the world's preception of these men. Somebody eventually has to take the rap so that is what the world needs now a fall guy, in order that the devil can scoot away.
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Its pathetic what some Malaysian becomes when a tragedy like this happen.
Some used it to throw racial abuse at the pilot, some political abuse, some just want to play hero by publishing anything they seems readable.
People at developed nation will lough at us looking by the way some of Malaysian behave.

Its even more pathetic for the military force in control of the area where MH 17 is down to not let rescue workers in and collect the bodies. Its just civilian bodies whom does not take side in your war.

It becomes outrageous pathetic when MH 17 issue is used by world power as a platform to 'free' Ukraine from Russia while no action taken by the whole world on the civilian slaughter in Palestine.

I do believe someone will go to war when the side responsible for shooting the plane is determine.
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