MEch that screw up my car after $7k and nearly 3 months.

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Apr 23, 2005
I am posting this so the bros and sis here can learn from my mistake. This mechanic lie alot and I trusted him and pay him in full.

For those that dunno my story. Can read here

BAsically I gave this mech RM$7k and 3 months but in the end he just screw up my car.

User name in ZTH

HIs workshop close at 2pm. HIs worker didnt open shop cos he never pay worker too.

My car in his workshop.

My car towed away.

He open workshop for worker then he left. I tried to call him when i towing away but he refuse to pick up. His customer driving a honda city with air brush white tiger call him, he pick up.
I left about 6pm. when he knew about it about 10pm, he called me to scold me and demanded more money.

Some of his reasons when delaying my car.

1. "Your car ready, but someone rob my shop. Police is here. I cannot deliver to you."
2. "I send to you halfway, ECU spoil. so i tow back."
3. "My father in hospital. He got cancer.
4 "My grandmother died"
5. "I got some personal problems"
6. This was after i say he lie cos he said on the way but in the end never come.
"U keep acccusing me. I am angry. pissed off. I am turning back. You collect your car youself.

Then i went the next day. Car cannot start at all.
bro, obviously its a fly by nite company. he doesnt even have a proper signboard. Anyway shld the excuses that you mentioned is really what he said, i think this guy is hopeless liao. I think not only need to inform the ZTH but mass forum. phone no can change. company name can changed. but if got his pic... he habis liao... whahahah
sampah ppl lolz
for wat he had done i think he got no ballz to com out say somthin
...even if he is watchin da tread dat slow-tortise posted
so next time when do anything wit a stranger....DO NOT GIVE FULL PAYMENT...

once money at his hands...he wil not entertain u oledi...beware guys

so owes go to the workshop tat u know or rekomen by frens...better

my 2 cents to all zth members....
yeah, actually this doesnt practise in car mod but in generaly purchasing or engage services that will consume some large amount of money. never ever pay full until the job done with satisfaction. Sales talk is cheap. they can promise sky high but can they deliver its totally another issue.

sometimes its not that we stuck up but nowdays a garage or shop images / reputation i do take in seriously. As i mentioned not only in car mod only. i rather pay alittle bit more to get assurance
i have learnt my mistake.

i am too gullible. trust people too easily. lose alot of my hard earned money. at least the car is back into my hands.

last time i still must worry if he will open workshop when i go see my car. cos he always dont pick up my phone.

got one day i try calling him from morning 8 am till 10 pm. he can ignore all my calls and sms.
i have learnt my mistake.

i am too gullible. trust people too easily. lose alot of my hard earned money. at least the car is back into my hands.

last time i still must worry if he will open workshop when i go see my car. cos he always dont pick up my phone.

got one day i try calling him from morning 8 am till 10 pm. he can ignore all my calls and sms.
normality78 said:
bro, obviously its a fly by nite company. he doesnt even have a proper signboard. Anyway shld the excuses that you mentioned is really what he said, i think this guy is hopeless liao. I think not only need to inform the ZTH but mass forum. phone no can change. company name can changed. but if got his pic... he habis liao... whahahah

This is the best i can find. Dont think he will let me take his pic now.
wa..wokshop like these u also can send ka...nothing just have compressor..wokshop not arrange properly..scrary men..
yah think back. i should have seen all the signs. but i was too happy when he promised me all the things that he can do that i just go ahead with everything blindly.
like me so hcut from ming( toyota forumer )condition ok..can stat..1st cannot stat la..coz some grounding wire not tighten.after my mech inspec all wire & air flow sensor the eng mech also accept my gze eng..just plus rm300 for wokman ship..& 3 day all kautim..
wah !!!slow tortise bro,
how come u pay him money b4 everything done...
not after finish then start the car and test it then onli settle the payment and deliver the car 1 meh ...
too bad ... pity u ...that kind of ppl sure mati cepat ... eat ppl money ......kanasai.... let curst him :secruity: hehehe...
u dare to send ur car to a shop that look like bicycle shop( bicycle shop also better than the shop) i dont think that shop is main for business la no engine oil no hoist and look like a mess la
the user profile stated that his birthday was 1985 jan, so young own a garage with no proper sign board, i think this shop never register....good luck bro, so how's ur car now?
I feel your pain bro, I feel your pain.

I suggest you go to PowerSpeed Bandar Teknologi Kajang (Ah Nga). Long wait, but tip top for quality and experience in Toyotas (RWD, FWD, 4WD cars you name it). Call him 019-2174320, explain your situation and need.
slow_tortise said:
3. "My father in hospital. He got cancer.
4 "My grandmother died"

wahlou a... :eek:this guy realy hopeless liao. :mad: (if he lie)

slow_tortise, don't so sad lah, as long as now you take back your tahfu car. when yr car done, pm me la.. :tee:
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