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Hattricks of hattrick from Berbatov this season!!! Fantastic n bravo to him for doing so... Hopefully there will b few more to follow!!! ^.^

It was a good game to watch as most of our players r playing well... Glad to see Giggsy stil flying along the left flank... Amazing given his current age... He stil beat defenders for fun!!! Thankfully tht we hv the game in the bag early so tht SAF can rest him ard 60min+... So he is a good bet to start the Blackpool game come Wed morning local time...

Rooney too, slowly getting back his confidence, touches n passes... I think goals will follow for him once he play with his heart!!! His understanding n inter-play with Berba is so good to watch!!! But he needs to train more on header!!! LOLzzzzzzzzz... Cos he missed a sitter from 2yards out~~~ ^O^

As for Berba, he started to play with believes n confidence too... I think team mates understand him better by now... So the services n passes he get, r much better to him... Hopefully he can continue scoring especially on away games n in Europe!!!

1 thing i need to highlight abt my displeasure~~~ I HATE to see what Nani did in this game!!! FUCK!!! I think he play too hard to impress ppl n way too selfish in the game!!! It frustrate not onli his team mates but all the fans too... What was he thinking abt?! Keep shooting himself aimlessly~~~ And when he chooses to pass the ball, it always ended up behind the post!!! >.<" I dun like what i saw in this game abt him... Yes, he scored a beauty!!! But he let everybody down with his decision... No good~~~

As for Sheasy, after the injury come back, he look much better now with his play!!! Fitter n faster in movement!!! No more clumsiness!!! But he jus cant keep tht performance for full 90mins!!! Strange!!! Haha... Complacency when we oredi 3-4 goals up?! Hopefully he is not...

Ok, with the Birmingham game in the bag... Now we hv to head to Blackpool n aiming for the same result!!! We need maximum points on our travel in order for us to hv great chances to win the League... So, make sure we r able to do so by putting on another great showing!!! With Carrick doubtful, Fletcher or Scholesy will b picked to partner Andon!!!

---------- Post added at 11:01 AM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 11:01 AM ----------

Oh yeah, Chris Smalling done pretty well too... I would love to see him more if Rio need time to rest his injury!!! ^.^
I gonna wake up tonite for the Blackpool game... Haha... So hopefully it will b great to watch n we can win the game handsomely~~~

Expect Rafael to b back as he escape further ban, which i think is too much... With Carrick out, Hope to see either Fletcher or Scholesy partnering Andon in the middle with Giggsy n Nani on the flanks... Nani must do better n pass more to his team mates whenever they r in better position to score!!!

Give Rio further rest i say, as our fixtures r getting tighter in the coming wks... So let's put Smalling in again... He had done a good job so far...

Going for a 0-3 away win for the Red Devils~~~ Errr... Mayb Berba score another Hattrick?! ^O^ ^O^ ^O^
What a come back n what a Big Lucky important 3 points for us!!! We jus hv to win this game n pull away from the pack as games r coming thick n fast... Luckily we managed to do so by coming back from 2 goals down!!!

In the 1st half, we were very very bad!!! So surprising tht suddenly few of our players looked ordinary n bad, by their high standards!!! Vida was all over the place where his judgement n positioning were questionable!!! Fletcher was bad with his touches n passes too... Made lotsa unforced errors... Rooney was sucky!!! Gibson was ineffective and Nani was no where to b seen~~~

When i saw Blackpool line up - 4-3-3, i thought we gonna hv an 'easy' game with our 4-5-1 formation where Rooney was being put to the left... But i was totally wrong!!! At times, i thought ManUtd was wearing Orange jersey as their passing were must better than us!!! Then it was as if the whole 'show' belongs to Charlie Adam!!! Commentators keep mentioning his name as he have had a great 1st half by dictating the Blackpool game well... Adam's corner kick was amazing - the pace n the way it dip!!! Why can't our Giggsy n Nani do tht?! >.<"

Bravo to SAF as he claimed Adam's corner alone is worth 10mil pounds!!! LOLzzzzzzzzzz... By saying so, it is dropping a big stone on Loserfool bid to sign Adam on a cheap!!! Hahahaha... Good 1, SAF!!! Bravo!!! ^O^ ^O^ ^O^
Source: Charlie Adam's corner kicks are 'worth £10m' - Sir Alex Ferguson hails Blackpool midfielder after Manchester United fightback -

Other than tht, got to respect SAF for changing our tactics by sending on Giggsy n Chicharito for Gibbo n Rooney!!! With Giggsy on, we hv a proper left winger who can attack Blackpool on the left, which both Rooney then Gibbo failed to do so in the 1st half... Then with Chicharito on, he gives Blackpool 'High-line' defence a big headache!!! His timing n his runs r great!!!

Then suddenly Berba came alive too... Thx God tht he is finally hitting the targets with will!!! Smiles r back onto his face n he is enjoying his football with confidence again!!! Nice!!!

After this, our next game this Sat is away to Southampton for the FA Cup!!! Then we will b at hom to Villa on Tues n away to Wolves on Sat next week in the EPL!!!

Cheerz!!! Feeling great now!!! ^.^
Again, we hv made things difficult for ourselves to claw back from a goal down to win 1-2 away from hom!!! Ya, its pretty to watch when we managed to do so... But the game as a whole, we really played badly!!!

SAF hv admitted tht he hv got the formation wrong (I guess its not the 1st time in recent wks!!! :P), but players like Gibbo, Andon, Obertan, Smalling, Sheasy n Evans shld do better~~~ Eventhough SAF said he got it wrong on the tactics but the mentioned players didnt show-up too~~~ Which is very disappointed to watch!!!

Smalling hv played 3 games in a roll, but for the last 2 he has been bad~~~ Where is his composure?! His positioning r doubtful too~~~ Gibbo was the worst player for us on the day... Obertan shld b playing on the flanks where he can run at players... But instead he was hobbling upfront doing nothing n contribute nothing... He came good onli when he was instructed to play on the right flank, where he set up Owen by beating 1-2 players...

Hmm... This really worried me if we r to trust on this batch on young players in the future without any big names players to lead them...

But a win is a win... Nice... And we r into the next round against Crawley Town at Old Toilet...

So for now, bring on Aston Villa!!! We need top beat them to stay 5 points clear~~~

3-0 hom win pls!!! Berba n Rooney, now over to both of u!!! ^.^
just one word. Gibson sux.
There were some who were criticising Carrick that all he'd ever done was to play square passes.
Whilst i think that criticism in itself was not justified, believe me when i say that Gibson can't even play a square pass. He's that bad, really. And i seriously don't know what's he contributing to the team apart from making up the number.

As for the rest - Obertan, Evans, Smalling and Fabio - none of them performed to the expected 'reasonable' standard. Evans was still all over the place which was very frustrating to see and typically him.

It's very discouraging when we have to rely on the old heads each and everytime.
We knew it for many, many seasons now that Giggs and Scholes cant carry on playing forever but there seems to be no positive efforts taken to replace them. For the past3-4 season we had already acknowledged this problem but no solution was found.
Gibson for Scholes? You gotta be kidding me. At this rate he cant even make it into the Selangor's team.
Anderson? He was blowingh hot and cold all the time and with Scholes playing next to him he made Andon looked like a primary school kids. Did you all see Scholesy's range of passing the entire match? Goodness me. He pumped those 60-70 yarders at pinpoint accuracy without breaking a sweat and Anderson next to him cant even make a 10 yard pass.

It's pathetic really, when the first noticeable cross was made in the 63 mins - after Nani came in.
I know they are the second team but it was no excuse. The are the second team of Man United and the opponents are two league(s) below. Those reserves were simply pathetic. They should be ashame of themselves.
I just can't believe that we manage to pull of a win at Southampton with that poor display of football. I agree with you Gti that we still do not have the suitable replacement for both Giggs & Scholesy. I really thought that Gibson might be the one as he started to emerge last season with his long range goals but this season, he's just clueless now. Anderson would saw fit but his shooting skill has been a major letdown for me.

I just wish Valencia to return back in action to add more attacking option in the front.
is Torres gonna leave Liverpool? hopefully he does, stunted growth and lack of achievements is definitely a factor in his decision. But what sort of impact will he make in Chelsea?
is Torres gonna leave Liverpool? hopefully he does, stunted growth and lack of achievements is definitely a factor in his decision. But what sort of impact will he make in Chelsea?

Definately, a big enough impact to make us winning the league 10times harder.
Torres is a tried and tested in the EPL.
Unlike other world class strikers that flopped (Shevchenko, Crespo) (but why all of them involved Chelshit? for thought) Torres has been banging in goals for fun. Well, at least before the world cup.

Im sure it will galvanise the old Chelshit team. Unless of course the curse strikes again...hehe.
There gone our Unbeaten record~~~ ^O^ ^O^ ^O^

I think we all agreed tht this defeat was coming as we displayed very badly in the past few games... But in some games we were very very lucky to pull through to come back n win it!!!

Again, there were many under-performers, which were very frustrated to see... Even Vidic looked bad in the Wolves game!!! >.<"

I think SAF shld really really look into the matters as we all know, we need some fresh players especially in the midfield area!!!

ManShitty is coming to town this wkend, and we really need a big performance to boost our title charge!!! Fingers cross, we need Rio back to partner Vida in order to provide the solid platform for the rest to fight on!!!


Hehe... Sorry, i really do think Carrick stil hvnt move back to his normal high standard yet!!! There were 1 or 2 games tht he played ok, but overall he is stil bad to me... I expect a lot from him as he is 1 of our big players!!!! I think he is back against the wall at the moment as he needs to fight for his future as in whether he will b offered a new deal in the coming summer...
Yup, no denying.
Maybe it's about time to move on in the summer. Something just isn;t right. with this whole midfield. Perhaps in the summer we can try to bring in Charlie adam to see how it goes. He;s almost like for like but he;s got a left foot as sweet as Giggsy and he can hit 'em hard too.
But i am not too sure bout this dude on the highest level. But u never know...he could be a great bargain.

And u know what, Evans sux.
There goes our dream of landing Pep Guardiola~~~ Sigh!!! Finally he set to sign on the extention contract for another season at Barca~~~ >.<" I thought he might b the BEST replacement for SAF!!! So... now we hv to wait on the Mourihno camp n see what's d development... LOL....


Ya, i', very impressed by the dude Charlie Adam... Love his left foot for the power n accuracy he got with it!!! Would b a good buy for the team as he look solid n very discipline with leadership quality too... I think 10 - 15mil, we can bag him!!!

As for Carrick, frankly speaking, it will b a waste to let him go... But base on his form for the past 2 seasons, he really do hv a lot to improve on!!!! His confidence seem suddenly lost~~~ And this affect his play!!!

Fletcher isnt the fighter he once was for this season too... Andon onli shown glimpses of his promised talent... Gibbo is the worst of the lots~~~ =.=" To b honest, we r pretty damn lucky to stay top and things stil look rosy at the moment!!! Both Giggsy n Scholesy hv done their best to carry the team this far...

Other than tht, Nani really need to 'Wake Up'!!! He is good n i'm greatful tht he scored lotsa goals for us too... But at times, he was way too selfish n show-pony!!! He shld look up more to pass on the ball when others r in better position to score than himself!!! Oso, he needs to sharpen his crossing skills too~~~ >.<"

Ya, agreed with u bro on Evans case!!! What actually happened to him?! At the beginning of the season, it was a nightmare to watch him, Sheasy n Carrick played in the same line-up!!! Heart-attack~~~ As u know mistakes from either 1 of them can happen anytime in the game!!! Sigh~~~

Smalling stil hv a long way to go... But at the moment i prefer him to Evans... Let's hope Rio can recover n play for us more often, especially in big games...

Hey, what do u think abt our future keeper?! WHo u fancy?! Hmm... I'm not the 1 for Pepe Reina~~~ Dun think he hv got what it takes to b our No.1... He can b pretty shaky at times too...
It;s about the right time for Carrick to go too considering his age.
But the thing bout him is, pace has never been his greatest assets. So he's something like Scholesy in which he can play till the mid 30's if his form is good.
But just like Wazza, suddenly they just couldn't locate their form no matter how hard they try.

As for GK - i've no specific preference. I havent really seen any of 'em play so much. So i'll just leave it as it is. I know u like Stekelenburg a lot. But having seen him play at the WC, i'd say he was nothing to shout about as well. IMHO, same rate as Reina. Best bet would be either De Gea(cos he's young) or Adler (cos he's supposed to be in front of Neuer in the pecking order prior to his injury).
But like i said before, no specific preference cos i don't have any in depth knowledge on any of them so i'll leave it as it is.

That aside, I'd say had this been any other season, we would be languishing in 4th or 5th on the table. Liverfool would be fooling around with relegation. Arse and Chelshit would be fighting to be in the top 6. I'd say there is a general drop of standards from the traditional 'Big 4'.
Though Sir Alex's denying it but it ain't fooling me nor any of us. Fact is we can see it with our own eyes that the performance was no longer at where it was. the 'fluidity' as demonstrated in the 07/08 season was painstakingly missing.
Tmr ManShitty is heading to Old Toilet for the derby game!!! It will b a very interesting game for us!!! We needs the 3 points n at the same time, kill off their slim hope of dreaming abt the title!!! Recently, few of their players came out n talked craps!!! I jus hope we can slap them on the face with a great big win at Old Toilet tmr, and show them tht we r still the BEST team in Manchester despite all their 'oily' $$$$!!!! LOLzzzzzzzzzzzz.... ^O^ ^O^ ^O^

According to reports, Rio will not b featuring due to calf injury!!! Sigh!!! His experience will b missed greatly!!! In his absence, Smalling will b picked to play along side Vida!!! Hopefully both them can forge a great partnership to shut down Shitty attack!!! We need Vida to show his great quality again in this game where physical battles r expected!!! Expect them to field Dzenko n Tevez upfront!!! So Smalling must play with discipline n great awareness!!!

Both them will b supported by Rafael n Evra, whom i hv got good confidence on... Rafael need to stay calm n not to b provoked by any idiots wearing blue jersey!!!

I hope SAF will go with the 4-4-1-1 formation rather than the 4-5-1!!! But u never able to guess what is going on in SAF mind, do u?! Haha...

I assume it will b a 4-4-1-1 with both Rooney n Berba leading the front line!!! Its time for both to show their worth to our team again by scoring a few goals past the blues!!! I believe with Berba inteligent, he is able to open up the Shitty defence which lack pace!!! Rooney shld b fired up enough to beat them too, as he himself oso needs goals to boost his own confidence level!!!

In the midfield i hope Nani n Giggsy on the flanks with Fletcher n Carrick in the middle!!! In this kinda games, midfield battles r always crucial... Whoever bozz it, stand higher chances to win the game!!!

I'm going for a 4-1 hom win over Shitty at Old Toilet for the Red Devils!!! Hehehe... Braces from both Berba n Rooney!!! ^O^


Yo, again agreed with u!!! This season team is really 1 of the worst team as compare to the last 5 season!!! Strength in depth is no longer there!!! A very worrying sign!!! So, I'm hoping SAF will b allow to open the cheque book to sign at least 2 big players in the coming summer and 1 of the must b in the midfield area!!! We need a leader in there!!!

Neville is gone!!! VDS is stopping once the season is off!!! And both Giggsy n Scholesy will b having 1 last season next year, but how many times can they play in it?! Brown might b offloaded in the summer... Gibbo, Andon n Obertan r clearly stil hv plenty of works to do b4 they can b considered as a 1st teamer!!! Hargo is giving up of coming back himself!!! What's Bebe doing at the moment?! Totally no updates on him... Is he the player who we all expected him to b, including SAF himself!!!

Things definitely aint all bright for us, isnt it?! We really needs to buy n lay off some fringe players in order to balance the book in the coming summer!!!

Do u agree?!

Besides, what do u think abt Saha?! Hahaha... He is stil 1 of my fav striker... Infact, might b 1 of the BEST in EPL if he stays fit!!! Look at his recent performances~ Awasome, powerfull and he hv got great pace!!! Jus too bad tht it doesnt work out for him when he was with us... He hv got way too many injuries then!!! >.<"
I hope Scholesy will play tonight. his experience will be vital.

I'd say all Mancs would want at least one or two marquee signing. But at the moment it just aint happening. That said, to a certain extent SAF was right too. There are just no stand out players that;s setting the footballing world on fire available in the market.
Half decent players will cost you an arm and a leg. I, for one, has really no specific players that i really like in mind. At the same time i am actually quite excited when i look at the progress made by Welbeck, Cleverley and Macheda with their respective loan club now. (Welbeck esp - which is kinda unfortunate that he;s now injured.)
Just gotta say that the 'basic' foundation is there. Just that we are missing the 'outstanding' pieces of jewel. Such as the Cantonas, Keanes and Ronaldos.
Rooney has failed to step up to the plate (yet) this season. But we must not forget what he had done last season. Just gotta keep believing that form is temporary like the old saying goes. And i am desperate for him to kickstart his season and what a better game to do it than with the noisy neighbours.

Yes Saha is great. Actually one of our best. A natural finisher and athletics. I;ve said it before few years back in this very forum. Instead, he was one of the main reason we managed to wrestle the title back from Chelshit in 2006. But alas, he was made of glass.....

Hahaha... Rooney scored a wonderful overhead goal to win the derby for us over the noisy neighbours!!! LOLzzzzzzzzzzz... He was pretty quite for the whole game eventhough he worked very hard to chase most ball~~~ I thought he was very ineffective in the game given himself play alone upfront where our midfields stayed very deep... He was very frustrated too... But tht is the Goal of The Season to me, no contest!!! Hahaha... What a great technique n timing for him to do so... Hopefully he can build on from here n keep scoring few more for us in the coming games!!!

But sadly, rumours stil keep circling tht he will b sold next summer~~~ >.<" I do not know what SAF hv told him in order for him to sign his extention deal, all i hope is tht he stay with us... Hopefully there will b no story such as: U sign d extention to protect d club interest and we will grand u yr wish in the summer to play abroad!!! =.="

Back to the game, i think Shitty played pretty well yest... And i'm a bit surprised to see SAF playing 4-5-1 formation too, eventhough i know he might do so b4 the game... When Berba came in, i thought we played better too as he was able to hold up d ball n bring others into the game... Mayb tht's something to do with Shitty changed their formation...

Not to say tht SAF was negetive at hom... He played 3 central midfield by picking Andon, which means he wanna Andon, deployed as an attacking midfield, to support Rooney as much as possible in attack... But Andon jus cant do it in a very effective way... Perhaps, SAF can think of buying an attacking midfield whom he think can play in such a role when we favour the 4-5-1 to a much better effect... If SAF is being negetive, he will put Carrick instead of Andon...

Do u realise the performance of Evra lately?! Hmm... I thought his marking was pretty shocking for the past few games... How to say it... He jus not as hard working as he was... Many times, i saw him walking instead on rushing into position to help cover up his team mates or mark players, when we were under pressure!!! Hmm... Not good... Is something bothering him?! His future?! Staying or going?! Hahaha...

As for Scholesy, he might b the BEST ever midfield to play in the EPL... But sometimes he made mistakes tht r worst than a school boy!!! >.<" His back pass to VDS yest was shocking!!! LOLzzzzzzzzzzzz....

And i like what d commentator said abt Giggsy in the game: "Do u think, year by year, Giggsy is getting older or younger?!" Hahahaha... With the way he plays, he really do not look like a 37 man!!!! ^O^ ^O^ ^O^

As for d marqee signing, i agreed with u again... Not many choices in the market... Haha... Unless Modric, Bale, Fabregas n Gerrard wanna come over to us!!! ^O^ ^O^ ^O^

As for keeper, i would think Buffon as a short term stop gap keeper is a great choice!!! Say 3 yrs, so tht Lindegaar can gain more experience during tht period!!!!
Good tht SAF came out and said he was trying to sign a player in the Winter transfer window, but tht didnt work out due to the other party not ready yet... He confirmed tht he will do the deal over summer...

With his statement, i think the media will b linking the whole world to ManUtd soon... Hahaha... Some said its A. Young from A. Villa... Some said its a keeper whom we hv discussed b4 in here... Some said Sneijder...

But do we really need another winger?! Stil think we need a leader in the middle of the park!!! ^.^

Any comment, guyz?!
Rooney's Best Goal Ever, I'm gonna mark this down as the best goal
ever and able to silent the noisy neighbour Manchester City.

That Toure from Manchester City, can keep his mouth shut for now.

Hahaha... Yaya, too bad tht K. Toure wasnt able to play... Else it will b good tht when Rooney smack the ball into the net, on d same time give him a good kick on his face when he try to put his head in jus like Richards!!! ^O^ ^O^ ^O^

Oh ya... Charlie Adam will b great addition too...

I do hope the take over deal can go through, as a new Qatar owner is buying up all Glazer's shares!!! So tht we will again hv millions to spend!!!! Not tht we will do it like Shitty n others, but at least we know we will b financially strong in the market!!! FCUK kao RM, Shitty, Barca n Chelshit!!! LOLzzzzzzzzzzzz....
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