Manchester united football club

keong_GSR said:
darren bent is d new emile heskey,quick n strong... as for torres,skillful player but not sharp enough... spain didnt produce any sharp striker for a long long time liao leh... we need some1 like mark huges or ruud,hope hendrik larsson can do d job for us for at least 3 months...
Christ...Bent = Heskey?

I don't know which Bent you've been watching mate. The Darren Bent I saw has a miles better first touch, balance and composure on the ball that Emile Donkey, who keeps tripping over himself.

Do u remember there is a song made by Leeds taken from what Cantona hv said:' I dunno y i luv u.... But i luv u!!!' Hahaha... After tht he transfer to ManUtd n it shock kao all de Leeds supporters!!! Well Done SAF!!! U hv got us 1 of de BEST players in Cantona!!!
Yeah, actually Giggsy had de same problem few yrs back where he failed to drop back enough to help out de defence whenever de opponent was attacking... And SAF hv asked him to improve on tht aspect of his game... Now v can see tht Giggsy did drop back a lots to protect Evra or Heinze...

Mmm... It might b last time MU did hv Incey n Keano in de team to run ard... So tht even if Giggsy stay up oso not a pro... But ever since Incey left, Giggsy was asked to drop back more often by SAF... So i guess de tactics employed n different players ard did required more from Giggsy...

As compare both flanks... Giggsy do give de back more protection than currently Ronnie did... So i guess its 1 of de area where Ronnie might need to look at... Of cause i know tht's not gonna b easy... But its improtant to do so in order to prevent opponents from crossing de ball into de box...

My 2 sents... :_:
I would rather Ronnie conserve his energy for his numerous lung busting runs forwards.
si|verfish said:
Christ...Bent = Heskey?

I don't know which Bent you've been watching mate. The Darren Bent I saw has a miles better first touch, balance and composure on the ball that Emile Donkey, who keeps tripping over himself.
maybe he'z referring to marcus bent? LOL...
Stormvolution 9 said:
Yeah, actually Giggsy had de same problem few yrs back where he failed to drop back enough to help out de defence whenever de opponent was attacking... And SAF hv asked him to improve on tht aspect of his game... Now v can see tht Giggsy did drop back a lots to protect Evra or Heinze...

Mmm... It might b last time MU did hv Incey n Keano in de team to run ard... So tht even if Giggsy stay up oso not a pro... But ever since Incey left, Giggsy was asked to drop back more often by SAF... So i guess de tactics employed n different players ard did required more from Giggsy...

As compare both flanks... Giggsy do give de back more protection than currently Ronnie did... So i guess its 1 of de area where Ronnie might need to look at... Of cause i know tht's not gonna b easy... But its improtant to do so in order to prevent opponents from crossing de ball into de box...

My 2 sents... :_:
each player has a different 'speciality'... i see ronnie as a more offensive player than Giggs. Bare in mind Giggs has been around way longer than Ronnie...

i'm sure a few yrs down the road.. ronnie will be a more complete player. He'z doing well so far... :)
Yeah, as SAF hv said, both Rooney n Ronnie best days r ahead of them... So lets wait n see how both of them develop into a truely world greats!!! Saha been doing well lately too... Its lotsa pressure on him to score for de team n himself... But he did well so far... Jus need to b more compose as he used to b in fornt of goal... Haha... Can see tht he is a bit nervous lately... Come On Saha!!! U can do it!!!

Ok, a message to Mr. Nicky Butt: Yo buddy, do us a favour today n kick kao Chelshit ass if u can... Hahaha... A draw wil b very nice!!! :_: Lets de Mr. Big Mouth eat kao his words as he oredi said this is a sure win match agaisnt Newcastle n 3 points oredi in their bag... Try ur best mate!!! Haha...
Actually not many ppl likes him, given de way he spoke n acted... Way too arrogant... Confident is 1 thing, but de way he expressed it is too much... :confused_smile: Whether or not he is a good manager i dunno... Would luv to see how is he doing without de millions of pound backing from Mr. Abramovich... Its always very dabateable...

De way he thrashed Wanger abt their negetive minded tactics r very sohai... What would he expect??? If his team cannot win then shut de fuck up... Tht means ur team r not good enough... Y wait til de last few minutes n blamed kao ppl played with negative tactics???
I actually agree with suggestions that Mourinho is like a breath of fresh air to the Premiership. Before him, the feud was always between SAF and AW. Even though Houllier revived us somewhat, he was never as charismatic. I can accept Mourinho's arrogance as I feel he wants to portray confidence which can only be good for team morale. What I hate is his constant whining and excuses when things are going against him.
but when it comes to whining...i would say moanrinho comes second
arsene whiner always come first.
A Q here... Do u guyz think its a good timing to play against West Ham now as they hv jus got Pardew sacked n get a new manager... Although it might not make too big a difference, players wil b eager to show what they can do to de new manager... And as a new man in charge, i think Curbishley main aim is to get a point from this game n stop losing... Expecting him to play lotsa players behind de game...

Really hope to see Tavez n Mascharino (or something) play... Hahaha... Wanna them to know tht they dun fit or qualify to play for Manutd rather than they choose not to join us... LoLzzzzzzzzzz....

Park Ji Sung is back to full fitness, expecting him to play part of de game but not from de start... Its a great help to de team tht Park come back jus at de right timing... It allow SAF to rest 1 of his flank player from time to time... Personally i prefer Park on de flank than Flecther... Park r more effective with his cut-in runs on de sides n i stil think Flecther best position is in de middle...
darrent bent... when heskey around his age,no 1 can complain bout his ability leh...
Heskey at Liverpool was still in his early/mid 20s lar mate. Way, way, way in his prime. What are you trying to say? The fact of the matter is, he is and was crap as a footballer. He is big and relatively fast. But his shit balance, shit shooting, shit first touch, shit passing, shit vision, shit footballing brain, condemns him to be a really very average player. He would be an absolute crap player, playing in division 9, if it wasn't for his physical traits. He would have never played for England if it wasn't for his link up with Mickey Owen at Liverpool. That and also the fact that Sven is an idiot.
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Stormvolution 9 said:
Actually not many ppl likes him, given de way he spoke n acted... Way too arrogant... Confident is 1 thing, but de way he expressed it is too much... :confused_smile: Whether or not he is a good manager i dunno... Would luv to see how is he doing without de millions of pound backing from Mr. Abramovich... Its always very dabateable...

De way he thrashed Wanger abt their negetive minded tactics r very sohai... What would he expect??? If his team cannot win then shut de fuck up... Tht means ur team r not good enough... Y wait til de last few minutes n blamed kao ppl played with negative tactics???

mr mourinho is a good manager,when u dun hav confident,u can't be a manager though! arrogant just a tactic only... without abramovich backing,he still can bring porto beat us then be d winner later? manager vs manager normal lar... tactic mar... after d football game over,they will go n eat dim sum together 1 leh!hehehe...

when he transfer to liverpool,he already out of form... when he was with leicester city,he was a star there u know... quick n strong! very few defence can stop him... i still remember he scored when vs arsenal...
He was at Liverpool for 4 years! You're telling me he was out of form for 4 years?

Quick and strong. Yes, that's all he is, quick and strong and nothing else. He was good at Leicester for 2 reasons. Number one, he was new and people didn't know what to expect of him. Number two, Leicester played to his strengths i.e. lobbing the ball forwards at every opportunity.

It's like I said. Apart from being "quick and strong", he has no other good footballing qualities. If he wasn't quick and strong, he'd be playing in division 200.
Heskey did score 23 goals in our 2000-2001 season and he managed 14 the next season. Hardly the most prolific but 15 - 20 goals is a decent return for any striker. I don't rate him either especially after he went on a 32 game barren streak but he wasn't always shite.

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