lots of get rich scheme...so which u choose?

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1,000 RPM
Senior Member
Nov 7, 2004
abfund,empay............all i know its going down the drain very soon.....anyone involved in this schemes.......
all of my frens that involve with em-pay is getting richer. Coz you dont need to sell/buy anything
all tipu one la.... not need to work but get money.... too good to be true... :)
If you ask me, you have to pick a product or service you are convinced by. IMO though, one should make his money and take it elsewhere to setup a more stable business. Can you imagine being an agent or whatever until you are like 30 and then the company folds? You have to look for a new job and you will have absolutely nothing on your resume.
empay really can rich ehh?? is it true??

Depends on ur downline also la. Even without downline u'll get money but very2 slow. My frens who are active almost everyday he got new ppl joining. Senang2 he buy new laptop with the money he gets
I am with swisscash and raking it in monthly in USD.
which one bro....put rm1900 get rm1500 one ah........wah that one cool la.....my buddy go witdraw money the bankteller ask where u get the money from...he say u come with to dinner la i willl tell you..........btw how much u invest and u got howmany account.......
Depends on ur downline also la. Even without downline u'll get money but very2 slow. My frens who are active almost everyday he got new ppl joining. Senang2 he buy new laptop with the money he gets

oo.. like dat ka.. hd go through the website, quite interesting starting at rm168 but is it can be long lasting?? hd u join it munky??
I am with swisscash and raking it in monthly in USD.

i'm with u bro
i'm into my 4th month now...
3 more months and i balik modal [as clearly stated] =P
thot of putting more...
coz my mom's upline..fuiyoh...200 orang wei...
cpz he did full time la
kekek im with swedenfund...

yeaaa after three months u do get the money...and it still running...so im not complaining...

some ppl soo tamak...they say wahhh so littlee....kekek but u put 10usd u expect thousands in return...

well i invest a good amount laa...a safe amount...

practically there are a few i heard of in the market...but get a good upline who is working hard....if not u susah....check their line first...
I wish they'd be a get rich scheme that is about "Eradicating Mat Rempits" ...

maybe the company will be called "MatMampus" .. or maybe "EmPits" .. (Emway)

u get paid to eradicate the rempits, then u can hire people who want to eradicate the rempits too ... and u slowly build your downline ....

and get more money as your downline help you do it .. then u can just sit back in your own boss chair with a big smile.
everywhere's risk man
even the market is risky...
greedy ppl who failed blame the market lousy or "god not on their side"
my dad alwayz teach me,invest within ur limit...
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