Looking for HID 4300k....

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Looking for HID 4300k....

Anyone else?

Urgent buy....Must be below RM350 for 4300k.
-_-" below RM350.. i also wan la bro.. RM400+ from zth member.. if not mistaken.. wiramod is the nick.. dunno still got stock or not.. i also wan to get from him but dunno got stock or not.. we'll try to search next year..
btw, stupid government.. any light also can blind people when u stare at it.. why HId only kena ban? must blame those stupid HID users.. we know HID range is longer.. so dun adjust to point higher.. higher means further n that's y la... bodoh.. isk.. ! i think jpj shud consider to use torchlight..
SAFC? Just sold RM500. Sorry.i'll let u noe if there is stock and btw all the stuffs i sell is second hand and its not stolen goods.(Just for your information)
Amedion said:
-_-" below RM350.. i also wan la bro.. RM400+ from zth member.. if not mistaken.. wiramod is the nick.. dunno still got stock or not.. i also wan to get from him but dunno got stock or not.. we'll try to search next year..
btw, stupid government.. any light also can blind people when u stare at it.. why HId only kena ban? must blame those stupid HID users.. we know HID range is longer.. so dun adjust to point higher.. higher means further n that's y la... bodoh.. isk.. ! i think jpj shud consider to use torchlight..

I don't think u can find anything for below RM 400 now .... cause the person who sell and stole is in the JAIL now ........
Wow....I never knew that...

Anyway....I'm looking for people who
wanna sell their 2nd hand HID 4300k.

Maybe who bought in this forum before.

Anyway again...still hunting for seller....TQ bro....
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