Local Grad Vs Oversea Grad

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1,000 RPM
Senior Member
Sep 5, 2004
Well jus had a discussion with my fren juz now
from a normal discussion...it escalated to some...er...arguments haha
btw what do you guys think?

Do you think that an oversea grad will always have more privileges and opporturnity first compared to a local grad?

Opporturnity such as Reknown International Comp only employ oversea grad and that an oversea grad will always perform better than a local grad.

I will reserve my point of view till later.
I prefer to see what the majority thinks first then only i will vomit out my point of view.

So...feel free to debate...what do u guys think?
Esp the oversea grad here...pls share your experience and widen my knowledge.
overseas grads are exposed to a different culture therefore they may potray a not so irresposible yet selfish thinking that most asians would do. usually angmohs are more straight forward and friendly yet produces a lot of team work effort which i reckon would enhance a company's status.
overseas grads are rather independant when compared to the local ones due to the different environments they are exposed to.
the working etnics are there when u compare between an overseas grad to a local grad.

this is what i heard from a boss who has a fair bit amount of overseas grads compared to local grads working under him and according to him he prefers those who graduate from the overseas.

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it doesnt matter wat uni local or overseas.....it depends on the grad.....
Gti said:
Do you think that an oversea grad will always have more privileges and opporturnity first compared to a local grad?
NOPE, for fresh grad, your final year project and your presentation during job interview is much more important than your cert.

Opporturnity such as Reknown International Comp only employ oversea grad and that an oversea grad will always perform better than a local grad.
first part of the statement, I'm sorry for those MNI who will miss out a lot of talented ppl. Second part, no such thing, there are screw up oversea grad, many of them.

BUT i can tell you that some those use the power of tongkat ali to enter local U, really tak boleh pakai. Sorry to tell you, but I have bad experience with those, you extend their probation, and extend, but at the end, you need to ask them to leave. It's attitude problem. If you don't know anything, I can teach, but you don't want to learn, no one can help you.

for me, i dun care where you graduate, just show me how capable you are.
I used to have staff talk english damn fluent, and he really can talk big, with those UK accent, but that's all he have. He might score in sales line, but not in technical field.
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LPPL lar...local or overseas also got good and bad ones.

Just that there are a lot lot more local grads and therefore it seems like there are more bad ones (also blame the local Unis for accepting every Tom, Dick and Harry).

Are you definitely a better person if you studied overseas or is it because you are more priviledged (ie rich or got the Government's support)? How many people can afford to go overseas for their tertiary education? How many top students get to go overseas?

I've also come across my fair share of "bo liao" overseas grads. Ada gaya, takde mutu.

If someone tells me they are better than I am or any other local Uni graduate just because they studied overseas, I'd give them the StoneCold Stunner on the spot.
si|verfish said:
LPPL lar...local or overseas also got good and bad ones.

Just that there are a lot lot more local grads and therefore it seems like there are more bad ones (also blame the local Unis for accepting every Tom, Dick and Harry).

Are you definitely a better person if you studied overseas or is it because you are more priviledged (ie rich or got the Government's support)? How many people can afford to go overseas for their tertiary education? How many top students get to go overseas?

I've also come across my fair share of "bo liao" overseas grads. Ada gaya, takde mutu.

If someone tells me they are better than I am or any other local Uni graduate just because they studied overseas, I'd give them the StoneCold Stunner on the spot.

LOL, so does that mean i deserve one of ure oh so famous stone stunners with what ive mentioned in the above? haha
spare me man, pls. :_:

nakata86 said:
LOL, so does that mean i deserve one of ure oh so famous stone stunners with what ive mentioned in the above? haha
spare me man, pls. :_:

Actually I agreed with part of what you said.

Going overseas is a great opportunity and great experience. With the right person and the right attitude, you will probably gain a whole lot of useful experience.

But, again it depends on the person.

Just to make myself clear, I have nothing against overseas grads.
Ok here's actually what happened.
My lil fren there was complaining how shitty his colleagues were.
Then nicely until some part...he said that all of them are 'katak' bcos none of them actually went oversea before except for him.

This get a lil on my nerves as i am a local grad myself...so was he trying to say that i am cute lil frog living under a coconut tree?
Then i try to explain to him that if a person grad from overseas, it does not make him a better person on the spot.

Then i also tell him that i might go to England soon to take my masters.
And immediately,this used to be best fren of mine said 'wah i am damn proud of you because at least one of my fren is graduating in england'
I said what was all the fuss about?Is graduating in England such a big deal?
Every Tom,Dick Mickey Minnie Donald can afford to go to overseas and study if their parents wallet is thick enough.
Education today is unlike 10-15 years ago where going oversea is really a big deal and u have to be really good to be able to do that.As for today,all this twinning programs that the overseas U offers is so commercialise.
I try to get the point to him but he seems to be pissed as he thought that i could be undermining him as he was a grad from some U in Aus oso.

Yes i agree there was some undermining because i think it is justified.
First to say that all local grad is like katak shows that he has been disrespectful and he beloings to one of them also.
Second, to say that an oversea grad is definately better than a local grad is wrong because for a simple fact,though he grad in Aus, he can't even speak proper English and form a proper sentence with proper spelling for God's sake.

Now does this make him a better grad than me already?(Though we are from different field)
If he says that International Company only employ overseas grad(and he cited Standard Chartered as one of them - pls can someone clarify this?)
Does this mean that even if the grad's English is in the level equivalent to that of a form one student,will still be employed?
I believed all of our answers will be a Hell No!

Imho opinion, i strongly believes that yes,an oversea grad does have certain advantages over us.
Firstly, we will suffer from culture shock there bcos everthing will be so different compared to here.The education system will be different as there will be no more spoon feeding as everyting is depended on your own research.
Secondly, the way they communicate out there will be so different as there are so much more emphasis on team work and perhaps, like one of the tailo above said, they are more responsible compared to the prima donnas available here.
It is a great life experience to be able to study overseas and which is why i hope i would be able to do so one day.

However, to say that a foreign grad is always better than a local grad?? Hello?? Could you gimme a kit kat break pls?
How could one be so shallow??
He totally do not understand how the system works.

Say for example, if Harvard is to provide an external Law programme in Malaysia that does not require twinning (Harvard ranks No.1 in the world in Law) and a certain person grad locally with a Harvard Degree - compared to a person who grad with a degree from ABC U in England, - which one do you think is the better quality one??
I would say a Third class Degree from Harvard is better than a First class than that Capalang Uni.

That is what i am trying to tell.The quality of the degree - the Uni which gave it, is so much more important than the place where you grad.
Graduating from oversea can only give you a different life experience.It opens your eyes to the world and for me that's as far as it goes.

And to a certain point, i tink he oso tulan aredi as he said that i am not qualified to judge this as i had not been to oversea and studies before.
Harsh but that's the truth.

So for all foreign grad here, pls flame me and enlighten me with whatever that i fail to see for being a local grad.No disrespect to the foreing grad, but i jus wan to clarify that such a view from my friend is not correct and i sitill believe so.Hope someone can prove me wrong.
Ok.It has been a long grandfather story........and Silverfish...yes i really wanted to give him a tombstone+people's elbow+rock bottom+sweet chin music on him.
But he was a very good fren of mine..so i sabar je la...dinn even use some harsh words on him.
Sigh...it really bothered me...went to watch Click oso failed to make me laugh...but it makes me forget it for a while....hahaha
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Ditto everything Gti said.

He also highlighted this trait amongst some overseas grads...arrogance. They think cos they graduated from somewhere else, it automatically makes them better....yeah right...

I've also had encounters with these fellas whos "engrish is very powderful one".

Another important thing that people miss out is the quality of the institution not the country it is in. These days, money talks when it comes to going overseas. Some of my friends (sort of) who couldn't get a place in a local U went overseas instead. Why? Family loaded mah. Mau masuk med school pun boleh lah, tak kisah how bad their results are.

Overseas education does not necessarily equal a better graduate.
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for me it dont metter if u have overseas paper or local paper cos it end up the same the only thing is the grad comunication skill who know how to sweet talk they will get the job faster for those that not good in comunicating its very hard to get a job
it just the way the system works. The industry normally chooses to "recognise" overseas grads (as in their certs, qualification) as they put emphasis that there is at least a level of vetting a potential employee capability. It serves them to, in a way that at least think they arent employing grads with "dodgy" local degrees.

By no means that is a stamp of approval "that" a overseas grad is better than a local grad. I do find some overseas grads just as clueless as some local grads who hasnt the opportunity to taste foreign "culture". (even after 3-5 years outside malaysia). technically everyone should be seen as equal. but even if both grads are employed; some industry do "reward" the overseas grads (as long there are recognise grads la, not some eastern bloc unniversity) with higher pay.

I never had the opportunity to further my studies overseas (for that matter even the opportunity to gain entry to local university because of the way our system works) it been over 20 years but "c'est la vie"

local grads or local diplomas; well stick with the shitte & work like dog. (pardon my analogy)
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Hmm.....most huge companies will gv privilleges to overseas students rather than local.....dunno y...but it is fact.

let's say one local grad and one oversea grad fresh students are interview for the same job, they mostly will recruit oversea one..

tat is the reason y most of the students nowadays will try to further their studies to overseas for the final year, so tat they will get the oversea cert.

my 2 cent only
talking bout Local U......no discrimination here...

non-bumi are hardly recruit by the U, tat y most of non-bumi students further theur studies in local private college or some directly to oversea.

u can read these kind of news in newspaper....

remeber the wangsa maju murder case las few week>? the tarcian from ipoh with 11A in SPM.....he tried apply Local U before n rejected, tat the reason he chosen TAR.... (pai seh off topic)

No discrimination ok? just for info .....

let me know if offense anyone...will just deleted this...
I'm a engineering student in london. Putting aside the prestige of the school, I feel as if we are paying too much for too little study.

And to the question of do we really know better about our subjects...I cant say so.

I bet the National university of singapore produces more academically superior students.

Heck, even my friend in Uniten is better than me, and I need to ask her for homework guidance sometimes.

You get to see different cultures, but as for me, I can only conclude that Malaysia is not that bad.

Westerners/caucasians may be able to carry themselves better, but they are still as lazy or as greedy as everybody over the world. Yet they still think they are superior to most asians.
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But for my experience, its more like Famouse Uni VS Normal Uni..i know this comparison is not appropriate but whati see is....when those normal uni grad are struggling to get an rm1.5k jobs...those famouse uni grad are already enjoy with several offers which usually can be more than rm10k, right before they were grad....

so next time if you really want a good future..dont just get into uni...get into a famouse uni....harvard...princeton...stanford...cambridge..oxford...once you can grad from these..you have no worries for jobs in the rest of your life..even you can only do shits but those companies still wants you
huakenny said:
Hmm.....most huge companies will gv privilleges to overseas students rather than local.....dunno y...but it is fact.

let's say one local grad and one oversea grad fresh students are interview for the same job, they mostly will recruit oversea one..

tat is the reason y most of the students nowadays will try to further their studies to overseas for the final year, so tat they will get the oversea cert.

my 2 cent only

any evidence to back this up dude?
or it's jus how u feel?

I'm not an english nazi, but at least try to use the correct spelling.
links said:
But for my experience, its more like Famouse Uni VS Normal Uni..i know this comparison is not appropriate but whati see is....when those normal uni grad are struggling to get an rm1.5k jobs...those famouse uni grad are already enjoy with several offers which usually can be more than rm10k, right before they were grad....

so next time if you really want a good future..dont just get into uni...get into a famouse uni....harvard...princeton...stanford...cambridge..oxford...once you can grad from these..you have no worries for jobs in the rest of your life..even you can only do shits but those companies still wants you

That is what i am saying....and i would say ur comparison is by no means inappropriate.
It is how it should be.
By getting a honours degree from a famous Uni is always tougher than a lousier one.
The famous Uni do not get high rankng for nothing.
Gti said:
any evidence to back this up dude?
or it's jus how u feel?

one of my fren's brother told me this....how they select/recruit new staff....(given both r fresh graduate without any working xp)

but it may vary from companies...
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