Lady killed in crash while being chased by thugs

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its a sad story n how ruthless our society thugs have become.......wat has happened to law n order ??????? sigh.........
maybe due to anxiety, confusion or panic or all of them at once. No offence to the Zth macha's but those particular indian thugs ought to be dragged on the road naked.
our police is just a in this country is very n super subjective..
puchong so many gangster wan..

more than kepong oledi..

never heard the other side of the story yet....
from what I read from the chinese and english paper (usually story got slightly different one).

It's her fault on the accident. But than she was like "Claim insurance lar" this type of attitude and just went off. If that is the real case, don't say the thugs; I would also be enraged. They smashed the windows as an act of retaliation.

Than I think the mum called his son over to "negotiate"......I think that leads to the fateful incident.....

If only someone could explain what exactly happened.
Like the Klang case, also remains a mystery.
the mother already so terrified, i'm sure she would've preferred to be in the same car as her son right? also, if you were the son, wouldn't you ask your mom to come along with you rather than have her drive alone in a car full of shattered glass?
that's why I said that there's something fishy or something in between...
now we only hear story from the victim side.
Even the victim's family is trying to take legal action against Asunta Hospital complaining that the delay in medical attention is also the cause for the death.
Than in the paper (Malay Mail), Asunta spokesman sent out the chronological log which is the opposite of what the victim's son claims.
So don't know who's right who's wrong........

what has the world turned into?!
in this week itself... 3 chinese were killed..

the three cases :

1st one : The nan yang employee that we are diccussing....poor lady...but i am having a doubt why she went back to the scene...

2nd case : bkt mertajam(i think) the Klang case where this kind young man actually tried to chase the car snatchers when he saw a lady's car got snatch...and where he was eventually pulled by those people out and hit him to death..(vios owner)

3rd case : Johor, a young chinese male approach a guy who pee in public...and that insane man called his gang and killed this guy too..

ZTH taikos...

sorry to say.. i am not racist here but all three cases have one common point...there are all ....... I dun wish this will be a sensitive issue(racial issue)...but these cases remind us that even being kind will lead to such consequences...and who will be willing to help le? aiks.....
upon reading it... it stated they both drove to police station.. i'm sure itz to make police report, as for evidence. But never did they know that the bastards were waiting for them halfway thru.

but the kid... should have follow thru.. shouldn't have left his mom alone.

but it had happened.. nothing much could be said... fuck those bastards...
than again, like the 2nd case; no one can verify what exactly happened also...
even the papers and police came out with 2 possible stories.
I've roughly translated the news in the other thread.
Have a read.
contradicting versions..:confused_smile:
what an unfortunate incident!!..:sad_smile:
i'm just curious why no witness oni....
ppl who saw the incident even if they don't stepped out before (fright/don't want to get hurt; etc...) can step out now in the police station. I would believe it would help solve the case.......
not to say ppl are selfish or wat lar,as i know most of the malaysian thinking is ''i better dont care about this later i might in trouble or killed''
so to solved case in malaysia is slower

but i wonder in the star said different story 1 :s

it said the lady son yeld and all the gang ppl run off ??
hmm since when gang member scared of ppl yelling??
according to today's sinchew, neighbour of that lady heard the lady argue with a group of ppl outside the "pagar" in the middle of the night.

Neighbour did advise her not to go out, but she insist going out to buy alcohol. :(
very complicated incident.
next time jus ram n bang over those idiots...rather than to put urself in this situation...
it said the lady son yeld and all the gang ppl run off ??
hmm since when gang member scared of ppl yelling??

her son can yell like zhang fei in the battle of chang ban in romance of three kingdoms??
Those group of thugs is control by one Gangster head, u know who, in Puchong, anyone working in puchong police station will know his name and where he stay, this is the work of his "ma chai", its impossible the police don't know about, its a matter whether they wanna 'closed' the case or not, as no witness come forward to give statement.

Ya agreed with Djgerm, digging into the story more,we will oni talk more about that "race" that commit so many cases whether in Puchong or Klang (especially Taman Sentosa).

Our country is no longer safe anymore, all rules by Gangster and Law and police are becoming a puppets to just for show,we are wasting our money to pay tax. I rather get my own Ak47 n granade for own protection.
haih..malaysian wouldnt stand out until the very last minute one...because they are afraid of the consequences...just like the Klang case...a kind good young man is doing a good deed and he himself got killed without any reason...

its all fate..and i just pity him and his family...

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