KL trip with toyota kaki

Originally posted by Rekalo@Dec 16 2004, 12:24

Any TRD TT upcoming ? :unsure: ...My Fren wana join...me too intrested.. :)
tomorrow maybe got... watch this forum as GB TRD16v will post here..
Originally posted by EG9@Dec 16 2004, 13:24
Look like I cannot join the TTT anymore coz no TRD part in my car. :lol:
yeah, me too.. only got ERD :P :lol:
who say dun have? u both got TRD parts in ur cars, im the one who is tak malu still want to join mah! :lol:

whaat? betul la!!

TRIAL RACING DEVELOPMENT parts mah! got lah! :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by 4agze@Dec 16 2004, 07:59
whatever lah..
wahahahahahahhahahahahah :P :D :lol:

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa .. TTT = trd teh tarik ??? hmmmmm i got qualify worrrrrrrrrrrr :blink: :P :D :lol:
Originally posted by AE80TypeD@Dec 16 2004, 14:37
who say dun have? u both got TRD parts in ur cars, im the one who is tak malu still want to join mah! :lol:

whaat? betul la!!

TRIAL RACING DEVELOPMENT parts mah! got lah! :lol: :lol:
car only visit TRIAL wor... did not do anything :rolleyes:
2moro no TTT session but next week got but i am not joining cause i got dinner 2 attend on x'mas eve n oso pak thor case wif my Mrs.TRD.. hahahahahahaahaha! :D

em... come la, make a TTT on 31st of Dec, last day of 2004
wei gurubesar i think ur otak a bit miss-q liao... tomorrow if official TTT laaaaa .. last week one not official but special TTT for our member tauhu .... :unsure:
ohhh 2moro ar? ohhh ok la.. i tot u all tak mau minom mar.. ahahahahaahah.. ok la i post the TTT session now as at 12 midnite! so all pls reply to it ok? ahahahahaahahaaha.. :D

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