Kemaman Drag Car

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my suggestion is dont post any haram event here before the game done..
just sembang2 after the game ok...
hopefuly trg drag strip akan betol2 be true..
dah tak sanggup kena rush dah...

idup motorsport...

peace to all..
for the time being kemaman Dragers dont wan play haram game in Kmn... becoz among of us got polis informer...hehehe. be careful bro..
usually an informer not be there, he will stay jauh2...
jauh as Miri, Serawak maybee...... hahahahhahaaa......
adosh..jengkleng la like dis..
sure infomer ka..must b jeles guy la..
comeon la..
bkn jual dadah..
motorsepot ni...
witch mat jang?kmmn or?

this happens because of "gambling". Illegal drags involve money.That's why there will be "jealous" ppl or "informants". If its only a friendly match for the sake of motorsports ... conducted in an empty location and not endangering other road users...cops also will be ok.
how about eg matjan??
already release??
"raya nok dekat doh ni..
takut dok dang nk nyetting"...huhuhuhu
three of the EGs already realease...
but with some saman polis and JPJ..
they just ikut the procedure..
its better than try tu "feed" them...

*dosa o0o0oo rasuah...."
barua always exist....

but the main things is .... some of these fan are mulut pompuan @ mulut lembik
when there's event...they want to talk as much as they can
even when they see anybody that they dont know...they could sembang and just after few minutes of sembang

then they'll open story la to nampak hebat depan orang....

"bro..tonite got game maaa....".....

not blaming newbies of oldtimer.... the mulut lembik happens to all group of motosepot fan....

these kind of peple shud stay at home...masak for sahur and buka pose only laaa...
its true..
mybe informer get money also...
but i think police know the game mybe from "sembang2 at warung"..
mybe before penonton want see race,penonton pegi pekena "teh tarik dulu" and then talk2 about the game...but unconscious behind was "BON"...
its true..
mybe informer get money also...
but i think police know the game mybe from "sembang2 at warung"..
mybe before penonton want see race,penonton pegi pekena "teh tarik dulu" and then talk2 about the game...but unconscious behind was "BON"...

Waa x kan all the time...
very danger ar motosepot leni....if not beware can be charge 42(1) at court if busted....
the thing is our country still lack of facilities especially for the drag strip... if govt build the drag strip i believe no one gonna race at normal street or highway.... be it charity run or commercial run... sighh... now i believe ppl race for 300-400m drag only... not like in the movie (forgot the title).. race from klcc to klia... duhhh....
movie, always like that, just want to make it ganas jerr, even not logic at all...
back in 1995, the Jackie Chan movie, THUNDERBOLT....
sometimes that evo111 or celica castrol at Tsucuba circuit, sometimes at Batu Tiga cuicuit, sometimes at other tracks pulakk..... hahahhaa.... funny plk when tengok balik, but at that time very ganas o0o0oo that movie.... really adore the EVO111 by watching that movie...

Jackie Chan's movie the best laa..:top::love:

kemaman police not taken the big issu in kmn balai...Trg Kp very2 bpr also masuk campur...

you know who took the money 4k from the Three Stoges....He is midleman using Honda Civic eg3 white color plate no DW 25**....before that he is the best friends matyie...huhuhuhu

We can see who is kena tangkap dlm masa terdekat ni......

To all trg dragers......kalau boleh jgn lumba di kemaman untuk sementara waktu ni.....
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