JB New Section........ Part 4.....

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i think only me curious about that...
then u also arrr cal..
then i assume its custom made coz all malaysian were expert in mod.....
huhuhuhu... :banghead::banghead::banghead:
whahahaha... i was being told Someone FORCE to play BARN BUDDY....!!! whahahahaha......
good morning....!!!

bro own....
talked to my bro ytd abt ur car's prob...
i heard ur mech go get a set of wiring n ecu from him n ur car edi can start huh???
true o not wor????
btw....he got one evo3 dat a customer trade in (coz dat fella upgrade)....
condition all chun...
but kindda pricey ler....
complete engine + wiring n ecu = RM5k++ - RM6k (if he say like dat, normally end up RM6k one)...
i asked him how abt g/box....he say can use back ur 4g67 one....
n oso asked him wan trade in o not....he say no need.....

the 4g91 auto really not worth to buy sial...
i let ah dee shoot ytd....
coz i always compare wif 4g91 manual h/cut price...
then he told me 4g91 auto h/cut oni around 4k.....
oni i "wake up"....
yea man...ask the seller fuck usb port....

bapak dia....
all the pipes looks like a BIG sotong sial!!!!
but then 1 thing v funny..
looks like a GSR to me....but how come the intake n exhaust is terbalik one???
somemore this one not the GSR terbalik/CK model....
timing belt still at passenger side, head cover longkang n oil filter cap at its original position....
calling for frank, frank pls reply...!!!!
can so easily terbalik the intake n exhaust mer???
sorry...i noob!!!

yes,engine edi can start but bout my mech changed the wiring n ecu i don't know bout that.
6k eyh,hehe must thinking..thinking..and thinking..heheheee.for me the price is ok laa..
yes,engine edi can start but bout my mech changed the wiring n ecu i don't know bout that.
6k eyh,hehe must thinking..thinking..and thinking..heheheee.for me the price is ok laa..

for me the price is ok laa.. da original word is i will get da engine A.S.A.P before someone grab it
i memang was forced wei....
my colleague wanna get a free dog....
then i kene....
but i edi go create havoc in a few farms...
quite fun wei....

bro own....
better think fast n act fast man......
later the engine run away then u cry oso no tear....
ur wife damn smart huh???
use ur account to plant bug n weed in my farm...
then use her account to clean for me....
then can earn experience...
damn cunning sial!!!!

Bump: babi...
ur wife damn smart huh???
use ur account to plant bug n weed in my farm...
then use her account to clean for me....
then can earn experience...
damn cunning sial!!!!
i memang was forced wei....
my colleague wanna get a free dog....
then i kene....
but i edi go create havoc in a few farms...
quite fun wei....

bro own....
better think fast n act fast man......
later the engine run away then u cry oso no tear....

it's ok, i won't cry if i don't get it..maybe just abit regret only for not having money to buy that engine. :D
now only u know calvin wasnt normal all this while? jeezzz......... whahahhaha
seems everyone greet in a long 1 word.. so
waazzzzzzzzzzzuuupppp!!!!!!!!! :D
if you do read back 3 weeks ago youtube thread that we posted, then you will know why .... whhaahha
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