izzit worth buying??


Senior Member
Senior Member
Jul 5, 2004
as the topic states...i'm going to buy my frens sound system...he is offering to sell at RM800...

now..this is wat included...

1) mohawk(blue) 6.5" compnonent set - used around 3 yrs
2) mohawk(blue) 12" woofer 1unit - used around 3yrs
3) 4 channel amplifier(dunno wat brand, but he bought for 600++ n used around 1year)
4) pioneer single disc player...(should be DEH-2650..the flat face one)

the price for each items would be...
1) RM100
2) RM100
3) RM400
4) RM200
ps: he just simply break the price....but i hav to take all lar..but then i think that the amp n player is expensive...

above that i were suppose to pay for the workmanship to move everything over to my car...tats around RM120...

so can all sifus here tell me whether its worth it??
if its not..then wats the more relevant price??
pls advise...thanks

them 4ch amp is not worth it unless it is branded and not cap ayam
then wats the relevant price for these items??
all sifus...pls tell me a price that is relevant.....then i'll discuss wif him

DJ...u r correct...budget quite tight...around 1k

oldskol...onli the 4th item is worth it if its 150??...means other items all not worth??

intrigue...i'll find out the brand
yeah lor.. not worth at all.. RM1k.. slowly rather than getting stuff that about to explode.. keke.. get good HU first.. if u want boom .. 12" now also cheap.. amp buy used 1 nvm but speaker n woofer better get new 1 la.. but up to u la.. since usaid that is ur fren.. nego a bit.. mayb RM600 can?
is to expensive dude
note tat r some stuff he use more than 3 years..
oh my god...as a fren...shud sell cheap cheap 4 whole package lar..
i oso dunno la...
i not good at ICE stuff...so i think its quite hard for me to buy separately at the market place....(if any sifu free to help me then good la...haha...~thinking wishfully~)

i think 600 would be better bargain la....see if he agrees o not...if not then...sigh

do u guys think i can get the same setup below 1k at accessory shop??..kindda impossible huh??
Hi, for new mohawk stuff U can get below RM250 if I not mistaken loorrr but U get offer RM100 for 3 years old.. did you think it worth... definetely not worth at all.. My advise ... if have time try survey at ENEOS Car Stop Center at Jaya Jusco Kepong... I sure you can get it around RM1K or max RM1.3K..
3 years for the speaker and woofer... Unless the car is kept under the roof all the time, maybe you can consider to buy it. The speaker rubber also almost time to fail...
The amp 600 last year and now still want to sell at 400? He really is a 'good' friend. You just buy a new amp from the shop today and install it, say price is 700. Tomorrow you want to sell back to them maybe is worth 500. So after 1 year how much you can sell?
For me, if want to take mean I will give 400 the max.
Mohawks for that price 3 years used... definately not a bargain (Well you've got your answers above :cool: )

I gave my 1.5 year old Red series free :wink:
all sad answer...
i discussed wif him today...
i offer 600...then he say 700...but then i tell him to adjust la...

for 700...this is how he break....
mids n woofer = 100
amp = 400
player = 200

found out his amp brand is AGAKO...1200W
oh...the price include all his wiring...(dun think cost much)

sigh...one thing oso i lazy to look around la...not enough budget to get new set somemore...so hopefully can get 600-650 la...
i feel that his sound system is still in good condition la...listen to it everyday...

DJTho...y u not my fren??? lol

thanks guys...
actually...if u like it..then go ahead! :biggrin:

but the might not be satisfying after listening to other brands! hehehe :biggrin: :biggrin:
Item used more than a year.. shud sell half the price unless it is branded stuff.. agako is cap ayam also.. he bought RM600+ so must sell RM300 like dat.. mohawk used for 3 years then i dunno how to say la.. i sold my mohawk 15" at RM80 oni but i bought at RM250.. used 1 year oni.. keke.. i dun mind also..
dun listen to ur fren.. i think he wan to parang u... with RM1k.. you can get many cap ayam at least better than the mohawk 3 years.. the quality lembut like roti edi...
I tell u sumthing... its not worth it at all... but the player its ok la... ask for somewhere around RM 130... the rest dun even think of buying... the speakers are about time to kaput already... furthermore very less people buy 2nd hand speakers furthermore there is no value for it if go 2nd hand... my caliber 2nd hand 1 month old sold for RM 100 but for RM 220... hehe 1 month old only u know...

Yr fren is not a fren he is more like the audio shops that like to potong yr neck if u dunno... be smart... dun regret later on... u will such end up changing everything soon enough n will just land up wasting money...

My advice... go to www.lelong.com.my, u can good bargains there... currently got people selling lanzar 6.5" component which is quite good only for RM 100+, u can get a 4 channel amp caliber for RM 300, then the player u get from him la...DONE...

Dun forget after buying his 3 years old stuff u must fork out money for installation, speaker cables, RCA etc..

Its not worth it... I went trough this once... im telling u trough xperience.. :thumpdown
thanks for the replies guys...
but then i edi close the deal wif him la...RM600 for everything...
well...i personally think its a reasonable price lar....i oso dun wanna push too low n makan him...

as for the condition of his stuff...i think its not near to kaput la...since he take care of it quite well n dun blast music often...tat day he blast a bit i feel ok lor...

well...going for installation tml...thanks for the replies again...merry christmas!!!!

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