integra Headcounts!!

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Re: integra Headcounts!!

wah... been really tied up with work and weddings this month. sorry mat, never replied ur message. penat x ingat.

hey, my 3-4 synchro out already. how much ar sychro? since opening up the gearbox, might be thinking of other clutches as well. super single costs how much ar? heheh...
Achor....did my 3-4 at Spoon...I think I paid 550 for the ori synchro new.

My gearbox also very noisy recently dunno wtf is wrong with it....
Event proposal for merdeka day

This merdeka time i think we all TT at Sepang...a lot of event that time..concert,race, audio system, etc...
we lepak2, minum2, borak...what u all think? it ok...
must let me know in advance leh all this plan
cos right now i'm scheduled to work during Merdeka =(
Re: integra Headcounts!!

guys, please check ur schedule for 25th and 26th of august. me, mat and shah would like to organize a convoy to melaka to eat seafood. it's ok if you guys wanna bring along spouse n kids. basically go, eat, drive back. prabably last convoy before puasa and raya. so check now.

initial planning is, go by morning/afternoon. jalan2. evening, head to designated makan place.
Project : Jalan jalan Cari Makan
Date : 25th /26th August 2007 (Plan)
Location : Melaka

Organize by: Achor, mat, shah
Sponsor By : -----------------

No Name list: Remark

01. Anchor-----------------------------------> Confirm
02. Matt -----------------------------------> Confirm
03. Shah -----------------------------------> Confirm
04. Shan -----------------------------------> In progress (70% confirm)

Your cooperation and attention in this matter will highly appreciate.

Should you have any problem regarding this, please do not hesitate to contact us.

If i'm there.. i'm there. No internet. Very hard to check in. Hehheheh.. But i'll try. Anyway, I'm trying to remap my ECU. Anybody from penang have a chip burner, EPROM emulator and erm.. blank chips? hehehe..
Re: integra Headcounts!!

Updated list
Date : 25th /26th August 2007 (Plan)
Location : Melaka

Organize by: Achor, mat, shah

1) Achor
2) Mat
3) Shah
4) Shan
5) Danny
6) Kiat

anybody else?

somebody contact helme please
sean wat about u?
adrian; going back home town is it?
kent, kelvin... wat about u guys? coming or wife say stay at home? heheh
rin, mane kau ni?
fa, dah planning dah. so coming or not?
brahim? where r u? wife say stay at home is it? hehehe
who else i missed?

others from jb or any place else... come la.
Sounds good.....Closer to the date I can confirm....teantatively its a yes....we not staying over rite...coz for me day trip is preferred.....

We can also look for a place to do a photoshoot....maybe A Farmosa (a group of beemers went but i didn't get to follow ler ...i dunno....
aiyooooooooooo...y it fall under the 4th saturday? i'm working on that saturday lar..sunday morning sure cant make it lor, coz need to attend church services mar..
i feel so bad alwayz miss out the gathering with u guys .. haih .. cannot ler, start from this weekend, muz go out again with u guys ..
harlo .. everyone . .soon from pahang .
i will join u all to melaka.
can someone lead me to it
Re: integra Headcounts!!

Sounds good.....Closer to the date I can confirm....teantatively its a yes....we not staying over rite...coz for me day trip is preferred.....

We can also look for a place to do a photoshoot....maybe A Farmosa (a group of beemers went but i didn't get to follow ler ...i dunno....

old man driving old car. hahahaha.... not staying overnite la. basically wanna go in the afternoon, 9-10pm go back already. who wanna stay back, up to them la.
Re: integra Headcounts!!

i feel so bad alwayz miss out the gathering with u guys .. haih .. cannot ler, start from this weekend, muz go out again with u guys ..

i thought people cuti on 2nd n 4th saturday. why la?
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