integra Headcounts!!

good la, long time never go driving with teggers
theres a dc2 at my apartment also la, yellow color wan
havent met that guy yet
Re: integra Headcounts!!

hi guys...

just got back from germany. so any tt? mesh sms me but i was still not in m'sia at that time.

joe, DC2 ar? good2. adrian, when u want to DC2 as well =p
DA6 is the father lar....hahaha....anyway when lar u all wanna meet up? How about this Fri nite tt?
hi...anybody know anyone selling dc2 type r...keen on buying me please..
to all d teggers bros,
HAPPY NEW YEAR all of u,all d best for d year 2008.
Happy new year boys! Hope this new year will bring greater opportunities and fortunes to all. That means more money to upgrade power... :)
Tat day tt where all u hiding? Hahaha

Happy New Year too... to all u guy ... more mods...more hp and more vtec
hey guys...any one of u knows any dc2 ori/conversion for sale....
i`m stil searching for it.....
plz do pm me thanz.........appreciate ur help guys.........!!!!!!!!!
Re: integra Headcounts!!

Hi guys, happy new year. Anubis here, lazy to log into my account so im using Dannys. According to Danny someone mentioned something bout DC2 type R spoiler before, mind posting the thread up again coz i spent like almost 1 hour to look for it but cant find nething. Pls assist me in this, stil using the cacat ori low spoiler. =P Thanks.
hey guys...any one of u knows any dc2 ori/conversion for sale....
i`m stil searching for it.....
plz do pm me thanz.........appreciate ur help guys.........!!!!!!!!!
hie guys im dealing in all kind of merchandise,from t shirts key chains mugs thumblers umbrella stickers note book,pens, caps, crystals and a whole lot more item
so for the year 2008 if u guys are planning to do anything u guys can let me know i got a catalogue for u all to go thru and see what u guys want to make for 2008...if ur company also want to do it can be done
cheere guys
for futhure inquiries u can contact me at 017-6122855(rajie) or u can PM or email me at [email protected]
have somebody want to sold integra da6 2 door..? i'm looking for so long but now i'am using my EF 4door..want to sale..anyone..
almostevo~the integra selling 45k i think its 4doors.......its black in coulur rite???
i`m looking for 2 door integra....tq for ur info.....
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