Importing rims

Jul 3, 2011
Kuala Lumpur
hi bros,
just wanna know if nebody here has imported rims on their own before? how much tax & duties is to be expected ah?

true its gonna be easier if buy from shop, but the rims i'm looking for nobody selling, aaiii... any info would be greatly appreciated.
i think its quite a hassle if ur doing it on ur own.. i suggest u try easybid..
i import my rims through them.. safe and easiest way.. tax & duties all will be included in the final pricing of the won bidding price.. very friendly & very generous.. u can bid rim through them by your own or u can ask them to bid for u.. they also will help u on getting / calculating the final figures including tax & charges.. i got mine in very reasonable price & they handle ur stuffs really well..
If you're buying online, make sure buy from known/trustworthy sources like ebay - otherwise possible be conned.
Already in Malaysia, means tax already paid, right?
yup.. usually tax & delivery charges will be abit expensive due to those charges are calculated by the weight of the item in which a set rims are quite heavy.. but i got mine even cheaper price (including tax & delivery) then malaysian price like in mudah.. but the famous the brand & type the same expensive it'll become in japan too~
If importing on your own, yes, have to calculate shipping cost and then import duty and taxes.
If used, then can play around with the price.....
yup.. most of those i'm browsing is in and i looked for the used 1 coz those are the most affordable.. since its an auction based so price sure can still be low.. except for the likes of P1, ssr, te37, sp1.. even when they appear in low price.. but the final bid price will always jump over the selling price as many people also bidding for 'em~
yup.. most of those i'm browsing is in and i looked for the used 1 coz those are the most affordable.. since its an auction based so price sure can still be low.. except for the likes of P1, ssr, te37, sp1.. even when they appear in low price.. but the final bid price will always jump over the selling price as many people also bidding for 'em~

Most of them bid last minute to see whether worth going in or not......:biggrin:

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