i just wanna say sorry to this gold wira arrowback this morning.

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Drifter & Racer
Senior Member
Jul 4, 2004
TO the gold wira arrowback owner i met this morning at 10.55am on NKVE,

i was in a bad mood actually.SO sorry to have cause u inconvienience... i forgot what car plate number was it la... but i wanna say sorry for my reckless driving today.. on the NKVE... T___T

i noe u show finger at me laaa... i understand.. it was my fault...i didn't look at the mirror when i changed the lane..

i hope u get this msg...

"i doubt it" -__-lll
i wouldn't even ask for forgiveness from a guy who shows me the finger, moreover if i'm a girl.

few years back, was driving a kancil and wanting to cut left. i put on my signal and cut into the left lane but i didn't saw this blue honda accord which was on the blind spot of my mirror. kena horn rudely from this person so i slowed down and wanted to put my hand up to say sorry. basket, turns out to be a middle age lady and from her facial expression, she was cursing like mad and pointing her fingers at me as though i ran over her dog like that. seeing her do that, i just let let her pass by me and i cut to the left and gave her a nice horn back. i mean wats the point la, i do get assholes cutting into my lane abruptly, but no point tailgating him or horn him or finger him back.
Wah! Acura.. u so careless ar? Remember you are driving a big car now with equally big ponies.

Remember... With Great Powers, Comes Great Responsibilities.
u drift infront of that wira ???? :D :D
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haih..... i feel so guilty...:(
u feel guilty cause u dint drift all the way ??? :p :p
G-4 said:
u feel guilty cause u dint drift all the way ??? :p :p

-__-lll heh!

no laaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Sometimes ppl horning doesn't mean rude. I often horn ppl when a situation arises that they may pose a danger, usually when they slowly stray into my lane without signal. It's either horn or bang, in these situations. And I'd rather choose the former. Not to be rude but it's the only way I can warn the other motorist that I'm there, if highbeaming doesn't work.

But if the honker starts to stare cock and point fingers...that one a bit too much la.
WAJA 1.8 is drived by Wire, and I hope that your Airtech Turbo is not drived by your mood. So sad to hear that your emotion take charge this morning. Hope that you dun repeat it, need to take cares of other road user, + I'm NKVE daily user also :)
veli easy next time this happened again juz look at d driver and give a wonderful smile to he/she. they will think of sumthg else... this is best way to distract d driver attention better than return back d international sign..haha actually i alwiz do tat
Acura: Hohoho... biasa ler this kind of stuff, dont have to feel guilty.

Speaking of rude people. Once on an early morning (7+am) with good weather, with people jogging and little kids playing in the padang infront of my house, birds chirping, the tall grown trees all green and yellow reflecting sunlight... I reversed my car out and stopped it beside the road for a while to wave to my neighbour's relative who just arrived, for about 5 seconds. Didnt notice this middle-aged auntie driving a Kelisa coming infront of me. So I made an apologizing (waving) hand signal to her then moved to the left lane to let her pass...
That auntie frickin stare cock at me. At 7am. On a morning with nice weather. With me having a good mood. Stare cock with a rude expression, and then shook her head infront of me.
Hello? I took a *bit* of time to wave to my neighbour because I didnt notice her, and I already apologized. Still want to stare cock. Rempit want to stare, some young punk want to stare, now auntie also want to stare. Sigh.
That one instantly ruined my mood for the morning. :(
IMO, if ur emotion can affect ur driving, it's better u dun drive for temperary when u r in bad mood.
btw, it is aeroback :P
no la yong, not my car, if me i won't show the middle finger, i'll show the 6th finger only.

rude or not, just be careful that's all, cause once u bang them, u maybe not have to pay them cause u're in front
prodigy said:
i wouldn't even ask for forgiveness from a guy who shows me the finger, moreover if i'm a girl.

few years back, was driving a kancil and wanting to cut left. i put on my signal and cut into the left lane but i didn't saw this blue honda accord which was on the blind spot of my mirror. kena horn rudely from this person so i slowed down and wanted to put my hand up to say sorry. basket, turns out to be a middle age lady and from her facial expression, she was cursing like mad and pointing her fingers at me as though i ran over her dog like that. seeing her do that, i just let let her pass by me and i cut to the left and gave her a nice horn back. i mean wats the point la, i do get assholes cutting into my lane abruptly, but no point tailgating him or horn him or finger him back.

After reading this, I still think it's your fault and deserves to be horned.
prozac said:
Sometimes ppl horning doesn't mean rude. I often horn ppl when a situation arises that they may pose a danger, usually when they slowly stray into my lane without signal. It's either horn or bang, in these situations. And I'd rather choose the former. Not to be rude but it's the only way I can warn the other motorist that I'm there, if highbeaming doesn't work.

But if the honker starts to stare cock and point fingers...that one a bit too much la.

I cant agree more with prozac. to horn doesnt mean we r rude. its juz a reminder that we are not alone on the road. but it still depends on how we use it. if tekan horn like mad, of coz that way cari gaduh one.

i wonder what happened when every car no horn. will the drivers shout to each other instead? ha ha ha..

p/s but more interesting if for every time u press the horn, u get 1 Real Rewards point. how about that?
ambayah said:
After reading this, I still think it's your fault and deserves to be horned.
I'm second in line with this. If no mood, either...
- do not let mood affect driving concentration
- park at a place, call up a friend to talk or chill out or something, then drive again when mood returns
- don't drive till the next day
Some of it sounds stupid but "sorry" don't mean anything when the harm/damage has been done, when it can be easily avoided.
No flames, just opinions. Peace.
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