How to purchase a car for cash?

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Known Member
Senior Member
Nov 12, 2006
When I buy my cars:

1. Don't pay deposit.
2. Test drive and agree on the price with seller.
3. Do checking of JPJ/PDRM blacklist (online or I usually call my friend).
4. Make sure seller's name and IC is the same as the owner stated in grant/reg. card.
5. Bring JPJ K3 from your nearest JPJ branch (you bring yourself).
6. Fill-in your details as new owner in the JPJ K3.
7. Ask seller to go to Puspakom do inspection with yourself.
8. When pass, ask seller to go to bank with yourself.
9. Do banker's cheque. No way can bounce one, can't do a banker's cheque if you have no cash.
10. Ask seller to photocopy IC on JPJ K3 and sign it.
11. Go get stamp at Commissioner of Oaths.
12. Give the banker's cheque to seller.
13. Take grant/reg. card to JPJ to change name (with/without seller), pay RM100 only.

a. Give as little deposit as possible (if possible don't give at all).
b. Do step no. 12 as late as possible (if possible last step).


Known Member
Senior Member
Mar 6, 2006
When I buy my cars:

1. Don't pay deposit.
2. Test drive and agree on the price with seller.
3. Do checking of JPJ/PDRM blacklist (online or I usually call my friend).
4. Make sure seller's name and IC is the same as the owner stated in grant/reg. card.
5. Bring JPJ K3 from your nearest JPJ branch (you bring yourself).
6. Fill-in your details as new owner in the JPJ K3.
7. Ask seller to go to Puspakom do inspection with yourself.
8. When pass, ask seller to go to bank with yourself.
9. Do banker's cheque. No way can bounce one, can't do a banker's cheque if you have no cash.
10. Ask seller to photocopy IC on JPJ K3 and sign it.
11. Go get stamp at Commissioner of Oaths.
12. Give the banker's cheque to seller.
13. Take grant/reg. card to JPJ to change name (with/without seller), pay RM100 only.

a. Give as little deposit as possible (if possible don't give at all).
b. Do step no. 12 as late as possible (if possible last step).

Full OS (Operation Standard) for buying second hand car for cash
Thanks for the OS, :wavey:


2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Feb 24, 2011
Shah Alam



Known Member
Senior Member
Nov 12, 2006
Full OS (Operation Standard) for buying second hand car for cash
Thanks for the OS, :wavey:
I once did step number 12 at JB and step number 13 at KL, almost a week later. And I didn't meet the owner at all. But if don't dare, then better don't do lar... My cars now are my 7th and 8th cars not counting father buy one when young...

I've been cheated of deposits 2-3 times ady... once lost RM3k easily... so no more free lunch for this bast@rds... nowadays wanna do business come with me to bank branch, go sit patiently and i give banker's cheque... no worry bounce cheque... never withdraw big amount of cash without bodyguards... the biggest amount I withdraw oso about RM20k++ oni but that's because the branch that I want to deposit upstairs only, that time oso I walk quickly...

But if car still got outstanding loan, I think need to go to central hire purchasing branch lar... Affin at Sri Kembangan, Ambank at Yap Kwan Seng, CIMB at Sentul area there... this one need to ask car dealer taikors... last time I sell one car at Ambank, give cash, settlement letter got there and there oni, not very long...


Junior Member
Thread starter
Jun 7, 2011
Kuala Lumpur
thank you all for your responses including those who pm-ed me. I get it more or less. as for now, i have still not paid any deposit. I have told the seller to carry on with the puspakom inspection. I will be there to pay for it. then get the insurance done. i will be there to pay for it as well. next the arrangement is to transfer the name in jpj. but for this, i will have to pay the whole amount first. then only we will go to jpj to transfer ownership. the seller still insists that i need to pay the full amount first. i understand his situation as we hardly know each other. furthermore, once the transfer of ownership is done and i runaway and make a police report that my car is stolen. he would be in trouble. i know i am not going to do that. but he needs more assurance. i truly understand that. i am still in trouble if things turn bad after i have paid the full amount.

i checked online for summons. jpj the car is not blacklisted but it is in the police records. i guess this shouldnt be a problem right? as the ownership of the car changes, the records of the car should still be referred to the previous owner. am i right? or wrong?

its really not easy buying a car for cash is it? my dad is already making noise. but the car i want is too old to get a bank loan.


2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Apr 28, 2006
it's hard when u don't know the buyer first hand...
and as we know it, ppl are always finding new ways to get easy money...


1,000 RPM
May 18, 2011
I m in the process of buyin a cash car. Its in the last few stages. just went for puspakom today. tomorrow i'll have to go to jpj with the seller to get the docs complete. the both of us go bank to transfer. in the mean time, both our wives will be at jpj with a runner. the moment money is transfered, our wives in jpj will proceed to change name at the counter. i paid a little deposit just for insurance and puspakom all. i just hope this last few crucial steps go on as planned. but trust me, it was difficult getting the trust from both sides. both of us were in a few misunderstandings but thank god everything seems to be fine now. whatever it is, i will update here what happens tomorrw. just pray for me all of u.


2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Apr 28, 2006
hope all goes well for u bro


1,000 RPM
May 18, 2011
thanks man! just hours before i get my car! cant sleep last nite, cant wait any longer! keep praying guys!

TS, may i know whats the progress on your side?


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Dec 28, 2004
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last time... i sell my eg6 to one of young guys...

here my scenario :

what i do is, i show the car to the buyer, and a proper document (geran, insurance, service & other bills, receipt... etc etc) ... and then buyer do a test drive ... then buyer really syiok then want the car that very night.. lol... i said, have to wait laa, coz i got no car... i tell him, we deal in monday... then i said to take a pics of everything, coz to guarantee that he will get every parts.. (he scared i change parts :p)

i go balik kampung, borrow car from my father ...

this day, i do everything with him... bring him(the buyer) to puspakom and then do the insurance for him and then tukar nama... and the crazy parts is, he bring 36K cash with him together... damn... i said, u're crazy man... he said, he want the car very bad... then after tukar nama, straight go to bank to bank in that money... scared maaa...

to the TS, it is not hard to buy a 2nd hand car with cash if both of u (seller n buyer) willing to do together... the process just from 8-5 pm only... if u do puspakom earlier (maybe a week or day before) then sure really easy coz have to go to jpj only...


500 RPM
Senior Member
Apr 19, 2009
My previous car were bough for cash, after making decision the purchase,i was asked to pay some deposits, anywhr btw rm 500 to rm 2000, so we agreed with the deposit and paid rm 1000 in cash, after that he will start with the name transfer n inspection all that, repair n fix the necessary damage. We issued a cheque to the used car of the remaining balanced n waiting about 3 days to be cleared. But it is better to have a bank draft instead of cheque. Make sure the used car is been there for a while or a trusted 1.


1,000 RPM
May 18, 2011
hey guys, sorry for the late update. was kinda busy during the weekend. well, i have got a great news. i successfully bought the car cash without any problems. there were a few nervy moments but that god everything went just fine.

so this is my story of how i bought the car for cash. first see the car n test drove it. next, gave a deep thought on whtr or not to get the car. next, decided to buy the car for cash. paid the owner some deposit to book the car. next, paid the owner a little bit more to proceed with insurance and puspakom. after that, met owner the next day. signed the change name form. went to bank to transfer the money. ended up withdrawing the balance to pay cash. called the owner and told him to meet me first to transfer the money into his account. drove to the place i m supposed to meet him. locked the car and drove as fast as i can to the place i am supposed to meet him. damn scared man!! its a lot of money! waited for him and he showed up a few mins later. while waiting kept looking around to make sure i was not followed and no one comes to the car with a gun! haha. maybe i was too scared and over imagined. but just being careful. owner came, went to bank n transfered the cash to his acc. went to jpj next, transferred the name to my name. checked the grant to make sure everything is ok. shook hands with him and drove home in my car.

not advising u ppl to follow my steps but u can use it as guide. a little trust, a little headache, a little misunderstanding, a little tension will definately take place.

thanks to the seller and those who prayed that all would go well for me. thanks.

a happy new owner



2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Apr 28, 2006
when dealing with alot of money....the must always be a little trust on both sides..
if u feel something is wrong, better not proceed with the transaction..


Junior Member
Thread starter
Jun 7, 2011
Kuala Lumpur
Thank you all for all your ideas. I guess I am drawing closer to get my car.

I would be meeting the seller tomorrow to do the inspections and then proceed to JPJ. I have paid the seller a small amount first. Tomorrow, after the inspection, I will pay him the remained in full and take the car home.


2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Apr 28, 2006
good to hear things are going well for you nic...hope everything goes according to plan.


Junior Member
Thread starter
Jun 7, 2011
Kuala Lumpur
Thanks a lot guys. I managed to get the car by noon. It was really fast. I could even go back to office after lunch. Thank you all for all your inputs.


Known Member
Senior Member
Dec 17, 2006
ddv_nk12;1063570375 went to bank n transfered the cash to his acc. went to jpj next said:
Bro,just wanna ask u not worried after tranfer money to his acc then went JPJ when tranfer name got problem?I still worry this part la...

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1,000 RPM
May 18, 2011
i was kinda worried but what to do? i really liked the car. just had to wait and hope for the best. it was risky. furthermore, i was there after 4. jpj closes at 5 and i had about 90+ ppl in front of me when i took my number. nervy but luckily everything went well for me. i wouldnt recommend the way i did my transaction as it was quite risky. i just believed the seller. thats all. the seller i met is also a nice guy. so ... u decide how u want it to be. u can try to saveguard urself more to get the name transfered 1st but i dont think the sellers would agree to it.


Known Member
Senior Member
Dec 17, 2006
i was kinda worried but what to do? i really liked the car. just had to wait and hope for the best. it was risky. furthermore, i was there after 4. jpj closes at 5 and i had about 90+ ppl in front of me when i took my number. nervy but luckily everything went well for me. i wouldnt recommend the way i did my transaction as it was quite risky. i just believed the seller. thats all. the seller i met is also a nice guy. so ... u decide how u want it to be. u can try to saveguard urself more to get the name transfered 1st but i dont think the sellers would agree to it.
Bro,thanks for ur input:rolleyes:
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