Hoooray!!! Malaysia just won another 'The Most...'

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You think I print money?
Helmet Clan
Mar 3, 2005
Malaysia's 'worst in the world' taxis tarnish national image - Yahoo! Malaysia News

KUALA LUMPUR (AFP) - - The ads promoting "Malaysia: Truly Asia" aim to welcome visitors with a warm smile to a prosperous and modern nation, so the taxi fleet branded "the worst in the world" can come as a bit of a shock.

Even the locals are not spared the shabby service of unkempt and hostile drivers behind the wheels of decrepit vehicles who refuse to use the meter, overcharge and pick-and-choose which destinations they will travel to.
At the popular KLCC mall under Kuala Lumpur's iconic Petronas Twin Towers is a typical scene, as a gang of cabbies negotiate with a young Norwegian couple just metres from a signboard warning against "taxi touts".
"Flat rate, flat rate, no metre," one driver insists as the tourists try to find a cab to take them to their hotel, less than two kilometres (1.2 miles) away.
Anxious to escape the baking heat, they agree to pay 25 ringgit (7.22 dollars) for a trip that would have cost less than three ringgit on the meter.
"Is it expensive? We don't know, we thought it is normal here," said the woman as they piled in with their shopping bags.
More frequent visitors, however, are vocal in their criticism and say that aggressive and unprofessional drivers are tarnishing the nation's image as a squeaky clean and hospitable destination.
"I first visited Malaysia in 2006 and I was impressed by everything I saw except for the worst taxi service I have endured," said Kabir Dali, an Indian tourist waiting in vain for a metered taxi at another mall.
"I paid a whopping 260 ringgit (74 dollars) from the Kuala Lumpur International Airport to town and was later told that was twice the proper amount."
Complaints about taxis are common in many countries, but in Malaysia it has escalated to an outpouring of frustration, on blog sites and in letters to newspapers.
In a survey by the local magazine The Expat, some 200 foreigners from 30 countries rated Malaysia the worst among 23 countries in terms of taxi quality, courtesy, availability and expertise.
The respondents lashed the fleet as "a source of national shame" and "a serious threat to tourists -- rude bullies and extortionists".
Salvation is in sight though, as a number of smaller, up-scale operators enter the market to provide a more expensive but quality taxi service for frustrated visitors and locals.
The uniformed drivers, behind the wheels of smart new multi-purpose vehicles and sedans, switch on the meter as a matter of course and do not refuse destinations -- surprising and delighting commuters in the capital.
Abdul Razak, operations manager for Dubai-based Citicab which launched here in January, said that even in poorer nations such as Thailand and Indonesia, taxis are smarter and the drivers far more courteous.
"I would say it is the worst in this region, undoubtedly. I have travelled to all countries in this region and our company operates taxis in many parts of the world. The situation here is the worst I have seen," he told AFP.
"The vehicles are in shabby condition, the driver will take you if he likes your face -- that is, if he agrees with where you want to go for the price he insists on."
The government has called on taxi firms to lift their standards, but various campaigns have achieved little, and many blame the lack of enforcement on rampant corruption in the police and bureaucracy.
"It is difficult for the roads and traffic department to take stern action," said a security officer at one city mall as he watched the touts swoop.
"Taxi operators and the company which hold the licences are all linked to some politician or another," he said. "Drivers here are ruthless because they are unchecked by authorities who are almost non-existent."
John Koldowski, from the Pacific Asia Travel Association, said that "less than desirable" taxi drivers have an outsize impact on a nation's image.
"The first contact a tourist gets with locals is often during airport transits to hotels and it creates a very, very strong first impression, either be good or bad," he said.
"Authorities certainly need to do their jobs and act upon any complaints strongly, quickly and visibly."
hooray!! bravo malaysia!!
haih... very hard to cari makan nowadays... where's there an opportunity, one's greed will control himself... taxi drivers and 'Saya NAnti Rasuah' police are the same~
TNMKCCB, last time a taxi driver wanted RM20, 1 way, from YTL building to Pudu bus station. I told him I rather walk and he grabbed my hand wanna punch me. Likely I swing his hand away and shout at him " I'll walk to bukit aman in stead of bus station", then he back off. Those old one still not that bad, but those young-mid age one are generally just cannot be trust.
wat to do.... another races issue.... gov's fault....
tis news spreaded over internet news lo..can easily seen it anywer...
good la..at least let gov know tat how is our taxi company management in Malaysia..
Really need to improve seriously. Talking about 'the most'
Is there anything that Malaysia is 'the most' on the good side? I mean on the positive side. Anything?
English version:
haha... "Hot-hot Shit Chicken"... only ... hahahaha...

Malay Version:
haha... "Hangat-hangat Tahi Ayam"... saja ... hahahaha...
Last time when i was from KL sentral to UKM its just RM30, but when from UKM to KL sentral the cab ask me RM50, nego a bit then get RM40...

'Most' of the taxi driver in malaysia 'teruk'....
Last time when i was from KL sentral to UKM its just RM30, but when from UKM to KL sentral the cab ask me RM50, nego a bit then get RM40...

'Most' of the taxi driver in malaysia 'teruk'....

teruk because they are beruk who eats jeruk everyday. :biggrin:
Carry along a super sharp dagger. When you reach your destination, stab the taxi driver's spine through the driver's seat. But do this only to fuckup taxi drivers. Accidental stabs to innocent taxi drivers are still accepted.
perhaps, Bodowi shud take taxi and check on their service quality.....since there are no further news about his commment on KTM poor service.
maybe taxi driver gonna be better if Badawi ride their taxi after he ride with komuter/LRT a few moth ago.....
You guys take taxi? I would rather walk if its short distance. And i usually take a bus during my trips to the city. They are desperate and would skin you alive if you got on the nasty ones.
how i wish government wil invent rules like...during Operation "operasi" period or anytime that, if police stop u..they shud flash their ID first before proceed any further investigation on suspected vehicle/people..without doing so, citizen are given authority NOT to answer any question tat being asked..

let's say if we'r in a roadblock and blocked by officer..they didn't flash their ID but insist us to answer his question..we shud just proceed the investigation to nearest police station and let the officer in charge wit the P.D. to do his work...
dunno if it gona exist or not..

Malaysia Polis = Government Gangster

stil remember how some officer treat me in the past...is worst than an ALONG..

Officer : "woo turbo, car card mana?"
Me : "tiada la bang...u kan blh check dari nombor kreta i dah approve blum"
Officer : "lu ingat lu sape? mau ajar kita apa mcm kerja ka?"
Me : "jadi apa mcm bang, grant btul2 tarak...tapi comfirm dah approved.."
Officer : "aiya jgn ckp byk..RM20(in cantonese) saja la.."
"tiada RM20 a? bwa dia balik balai"

Me : *showing my wallet which left RM7.. " tarak duit la bang..u tengok sendiri la..u blh check jua,kalo ada u ambik semua la".

Officer : "EI EI..u pikir kita apa? along ka? jgn u buat itu mcm..i blh tangkap u punya tau?"
Another Officer : "u jgn ckp byk2...u ada ka tida...tiada kita bawa balik balai.."

Lastly, a good officer wit ID on his uniform come over and ask me wat am i doing there standing for 30minits.. i told him tat i waited for the officer to bring me to P.D. because i don have my photostate car card in my car and cannot show tat my engine was already approved or not..
and he said..."itu mcm saja ka? x apa la, jalan la"
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