Help me on AE 101 cannot start

bad news
the car still cannot start on night!
but i m not there already
cannot try by pass starting for him

and damn buzy with works nowardays
maybe he would need to sort out by him self loh

but i still wanna adk for a experience wireman???

anyone here got experience wiremen around KL area to intro for my friend???

i need a wireman
i need a wireman
i need a wireman
Where is ur fren staying dude..haha!! pity ur fren le... ^_^

guess u can't wait till friday gua...
Brother the car still cannot start?????
Wut happen oledi...?????
Last edited: sad heard what happen on ur ae101.let i try it..check starter conditon,battery..distibuber conditon..sprak plug,plug cable..with am it conditon..if u pandai..try main api..dengan cabut one by one plug cable..test it with screwdrive...ask 1 ppl trying start engine..tengok ada api pada antara plug dan screwdrive...faham?maybe..i dunno how to explain to you...pada pengalaman saya sebagai technician kat toyota selama 4 tahun.saya rasa masalahnya berpunca dari distuber..kalau boleh..pergi pinjam distuber dari kawan.test dulu sebelum belinya dari chop shop.confirm dulu...hope my tip can help u...minta tolong sifu sifu lain ..tolong saya terangkan cadangan saya kepadanya..kalau sifu sifu faham apa yang saya maksudkan...tq all the best.:regular_smile:
Hi i said change to new battery. Betul battery problem..use battery ..60... For sure bettery punya pasal. Actually you tak rugi what. My experiences same as you.
i ask him to change to NS 60 and try loh
the car had been in the parking lot for more than 2 weeks already
no time to take to workshop already fedup for this car already

no my friend also fedup and just put there lah take bus to work lah (wahahahah)
jimmyae101 said: sad heard what happen on ur ae101.let i try it..check starter conditon,battery..distibuber conditon..sprak plug,plug cable..with am it conditon..if u pandai..try main api..dengan cabut one by one plug cable..test it with screwdrive...ask 1 ppl trying start engine..tengok ada api pada antara plug dan screwdrive...faham?maybe..i dunno how to explain to you...pada pengalaman saya sebagai technician kat toyota selama 4 tahun.saya rasa masalahnya berpunca dari distuber..kalau boleh..pergi pinjam distuber dari kawan.test dulu sebelum belinya dari chop shop.confirm dulu...hope my tip can help u...minta tolong sifu sifu lain ..tolong saya terangkan cadangan saya kepadanya..kalau sifu sifu faham apa yang saya maksudkan...tq all the best.:regular_smile:

brother u ask me to check the plug cable ah??
sad lah not even a cranking sound when start leh
how the plug cable got fire?

sad sad

the car just buy no more that one months leh
badguy said:
this after noon
forman come again
he direct used the battery to start the car and by pass the switch
and the car can start imediatelly
and take the car back to workshop to check some wiring problem and found out that the old alarm cable were still incontect with the wire (i also donno how he know that is the old alarm cable lah)

then after taken out the old alarm part then the car can start any time i turn the switch

then we take back the car and go home!

and now the car is under observation
until night time i will try to start it again see whether it can start or still cannot start lah

damn..............never buy any second hand 10 ++ Years car again

but luckly the car is not mine (is my friend punya)
Wah, this really hurt my feelings man. I'm driving 15 year old car...she'll be 16 this year. But honestly, I sleep well every night knowing that there isn't a loan on my shoulder...ok, maybe housing loan oni lar. But if house and car loan, koyak wei. look at it this way, RM220 compared to RM8000 going to the bank for a RM40000 loan (5 years lar I assume, nowadays 7 years oso got...really nuts) doesn't sound to bad does it? Also the fact that the RM40000 will get u a pretty darn good car in the U.S. and the U.K., no kidding.

Anyways, good to know problem solved.

My dua sen.
hahaha!! sleepy fellow... ^_^ rm40k... dun think can get a that nice car here... ^_^ right..hahah!! but u can get a nice 2nd hand car..if u can select nicely..

and btw..badguy, to me..i won't be panicking le.. coz 2nd hand car the most important stuff u need to remember is..
- engine condition is running good..
- body chasis never got touched or BAnged before..
- body steel no rusted...

if this 3 thing is there.. u can just take some time to rebuild or retouch everything back to normal stage.. even a car shaking every morning like..having flu...shivering ones... if u take some times to understand and find a good mechanic who willingly to check properly for u de.. u see la.. later u start u car.. put one glass water also, u won't see any swirl effect on the glass... suprise heh... ^_^

toyota build to last ones... my SEG is 13 yrs old...this year 14... then my KE20 is 35 yrs above... condition... hahhaa!!! can say as... one hell of active old baby car.. ^_^ :P

well, badguy... why not u drive ur car with ur fren come to sungai long tt with u this week... then we will explain it out back to u on how ur fren told us the situation is.. or many after the tt..we all cabut to ur fren house and terbalik ur fren car and examine it..hahaha!!! ^_^ my car got enough tool to even cabut ones person gearbox out if I want to...hahhaa!!! :P
Hi all I am a new comer to this forum and I am sooo into SEG.
Actually, test drive 1 this Sunday. 2nd hand 1 of cause.

I have check the car exterior and interior...quite promising. But there is some question I really need some advice from all the sifus here.

I start the car after a big rain... really big 1 at setapak yesterday.. some of u guys might heard of it... all those big trees falling down and blar blar blar even the dealer's office roof "tercabut" like after a tornado... the big tree beside the dealer's place also falls down... but miss my PRECIOUS>> SEG ler.. hahah ..opss lets stick to the point..

White smoke...coming out when I start the car. Those smokes are like vapours (stims) and no petrol smell... izzit normal to have white smoke after a cold start or rain for a car?
The engine run smoothly, I off air-con and found that the daskboard not shaking and the steerling not shaking... good sign?

1 more thing I notice, the RPM is quite high 1.1k when engine started. Rev a few round ( not driving, just rev the throttle) its falls back to 1k then raise back to 1.1k

I browse some forum saying that SEG normal RPM should be like 850?? Idle... and yeah mine 1 is Auto so izzit normal??

Really need help from all ur sifus here..

HKNP tok non stopr..hahaha!! siok r. ^_^

white smoke.. means white stim... it is "wap air"... means ur engine is running in humid condition which means it is healthy... and if after u drive it for like house to works...around a short distance..after u engine still hot..and got white smoke..then means something is wrong inside engine already...

1k rpa is too high.. mine is around 800-900... if active raise to 1k something but quickly falls back to 900 something...after the engine balanced back it power with the aircond...

btw start the aircond and see if car is shaking or not.. reason why, here is malaysia.. u use aircond most of the time... unless like me..sot plak ones..until right hand like dark color ones... :P coz always save aircond.... and if ur seg is using 4afe engine(original)... i doubt they will be very healthy... but if converted ones.. might still last a bit... coz original 4afe engine if u rev too much.. they will give u troubles... this engine is *Seriously for family slow cruising..*.. not for u to kejar people ones... ^_^

u checked body chasis gluing already r? got thick thick glue or not.. ^_^ make sure chasis is ok r... :P
Oops...I not sifu lar. But I hope you don't mind I impart what little knowledge I have here. I like to do it coz it makes me feel smart. Anyways, to the point.

The smoke/vapour you see on a cold happens to my car too. Most of the time after rain. I'm not sure why, but I think it's normal since it happens to the two other newer cars my family have. If it's a problem...damn...I'm gonna laugh at them new car owners...hahahah..

Dash and steering not shaking is always good. You comparing it to proton car issit? Just kidding.

As for rpm. Mine (4AGZE, manual tranny) is about 850 to 900. Pretty steady. But on a cold start, it goes up higher, about 1000 to 1100. When it warms up, it drops back. Ur SEG sounds normal to me. Maybe you wait till it warms up and see if the timing drops.

Ok, now I can sit back, feel smart and wait till sifoos start shooting.

Check already... toyota ori glue all very ugly 1... but this ensure they glue it "generously... no cut cost on glueesszz.. ^^

Yeah, the 1.1k is too high.. dunno why... ok I will check the car again today with the aircon on and rev it abit.. to see if there is anything wrong..

Eh about the 4afe engine... what about it... some say very very good... some say too old... mines 1 is still at shop .. not buy yet.. so will need a lot of input before making decision.

Auto car what to check and what to consider.. please fill in more information.. really noob in this car thingy..

some more I found that the tangki air ..izzit what u all call.. the square big thing infrom the fan 1..what u call it...with a lot of grill 1... got rusty abit.. meaning its leaking or what... change 1 how much..

I am searching high and low for a Manual SEG 1.6 AE101... no way to be found... searching from Penang > Ipoh > KL > Johore... sad sad sad...

Any 1 know lobang here and there ar... if really cannot get 1, I might take this auto 1 ler... btw 34k for 1995 SEG1.6 (A) AE101 with 245K Kms worthy??
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sbirdz said:
hahaha!! sleepy fellow... ^_^ rm40k... dun think can get a that nice car here... ^_^ right..hahah!! but u can get a nice 2nd hand car..if u can select nicely..

and btw..badguy, to me..i won't be panicking le.. coz 2nd hand car the most important stuff u need to remember is..
- engine condition is running good..
- body chasis never got touched or BAnged before..
- body steel no rusted...

if this 3 thing is there.. u can just take some time to rebuild or retouch everything back to normal stage.. even a car shaking every morning like..having flu...shivering ones... if u take some times to understand and find a good mechanic who willingly to check properly for u de.. u see la.. later u start u car.. put one glass water also, u won't see any swirl effect on the glass... suprise heh... ^_^

toyota build to last ones... my SEG is 13 yrs old...this year 14... then my KE20 is 35 yrs above... condition... hahhaa!!! can say as... one hell of active old baby car.. ^_^ :P

well, badguy... why not u drive ur car with ur fren come to sungai long tt with u this week... then we will explain it out back to u on how ur fren told us the situation is.. or many after the tt..we all cabut to ur fren house and terbalik ur fren car and examine it..hahaha!!! ^_^ my car got enough tool to even cabut ones person gearbox out if I want to...hahhaa!!! :P

thanks brother for the information
i know SEG is a very good car
but my friend unluckly buy this problem car (sad - he not even take me for a ride then already broken down)
about the SG long TT i think i cannot joint u all because my friend over sea for 3 months start on sunday morning (so i think his car......................put there forever kekekek jk jk jk)

-his engine condition is very good as u say
-body "chasis" never got touched or BAnged before but the cover got lah
-body steel no rusted (i check togather with him punya)
and the body steel also not

but .......sad.........engine we donno how to check loh
1995 seg AE101? rm34k.... original engine? 4afe woh...

*mouth senget a bit already*...

hahaha!! high low of course won't find it.. last year around nov-december time, I seems to find that a lot at my house there.. (Seri Kembangan down until Serdang)... like mushroom.. ones.. right after I got my car... but lately.. AE101 seem to be rare item again... maybe season haven't come gua... but u should goto here.. coz Feilo is searching for one..too.. and Jimmy also hor...

use this link..

and err... i dun think the glue part u mention is correct.. Factory glue.. means never got banged is meant to be kindya thin... and u can see it is not as ugly as hand made ones... u can see the surface is sort of one time goes one.. not like sapu sapu and then like bukit bukao ones... ^_^ and give u one extra hints.. SEG AE101-111 behind comes with a carpet cover until whole CARboot!....if any of the carpet is being cut out, hahha!!! man!! straight kasi Target at their body corner headlamp side there.. probably got some banging effect already ones..

and if u are talking about the radiator tangki... the one we are using is 1 liter water.. mine is same..but I found one 2 liter ones.. rm150.. ^_^ tembaga ones...(standard le).. but 2 liter man!! hahaha!! cooling awesome... :P but have to wait mine to pecah first... already coming soon de..can see those effect coming.. and if in front of the bumper ones is ur aircond tangki..

well, u list down some info on the link given la.. maybe they will be able to find one for u.. ^_^

badguy said:
thanks brother for the information
i know SEG is a very good car
.......check loh

then u borrow his car.. and try to come to sungai long tt!! we all here nice nice ones..hahaha!!! we dun race car... we drive there slow like turtle.. coz there got lot of better car than our uncle car... evne my car is stock looking whut.. ^_^

and FEilo! U drive the Initial D van comes out... later if kenot start also we can straight open works there.. kasi terbalik his engine..hahaha!!! then we settle it and go back drink 2nd round..hahaha!!!

engine side.. i am not very pro too... like my engine..i feel it is nice.. no problems.. but my fren say... not very healthy also... then i was like.. har? sure boh!! reev till 7k above also haven't picah woh... dunno la... but i do know an engine which shivering.. puke white smoke...after get hot... then swallow ur fuel (carbon inside too much)... then swallow ur black oil... then u need to take it to see doctor for sure.. ^_^
i also have to sent him to air port that night (actually he promis me to let me drive his car.............
but................who know now i have to sent him by my car kekekekekeke

still donno yet
if i got time to touch his car i think i will try to by pass the switch and start the car
by direct the current to starter (hope this will work as the previous forman also do like this)

now he assign his sister to take settle his car problem
so i be quite now.................
see how first
because his sister wanna used his car to school (so she have to settle this problem by she own money......................kekekeekek

yeah yeah yeah
this car is 1995 years buy at RM 36K from a second hand dealer at seremban (expensive or not??) original engine
used for 2 or 3 weeks break down
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Dun let ur fren know.. but if AE111 is ok woh... if AE101... :P

mine is 93... rm31k last year september de.. and still consider expensive.. baka r.. but then who ask me to manage to found my car thru one nice fren..some more drive out..until workshop... I terbalik the car until below also got checked woh.. after lap like madcow with 3 round, 3 driver.... car comes back... aiks!~~ not shaking de..?

so worth it la.. until today thing change is..
- timing belt.. rm err.. 75 or 150 r... trd not toda r..hahaha!! ^_^
- front wheel bearing.. (rm 75/set... not sure also..lupa le)
- tyre front only... (-_- rm200/pcs.. got slaughtered ones)
- engine oil service (x2), gearbox auto oil (1x)
- re-wiring set(from dashboard till taillight behind).. rm250-300.. forgotten ler..
- right side power window.. rm 30? recon de..
- aircond fan motor.. rm30 r... (changed the fan wings from 4 wings to 7 wings de..)
- whole brake set (front x2) , rear (x1)

hihi!~~ absorber kong liao.. at behind but still can drive just kenot sit more than 2 fella and now waiting to change to something better....hehehe!!! and radiator goin to kong soon... but got it ready..

so... ^_^ i guess I am quite lucky already..hahaha!! really tiiieng quiwwww that uncle sold that car out..hahah!! and i manage to catch it first..

got some fren say i am already spending too much on it.. but compare to a fren got a gen2 brand new and aircond suck all outside air + smoke comes in.. then one savvy bumbumg bocor air ones.. ^_^ hahaha!!! no feel at all la... hahahahkaka!! naik bukit so easy... compare to them..
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