GEN2 Buddies!!!

The sound like my rear box was damage ,When i speed it ok,?Can go to 195km but the problem is when i select N for auto gear ,Then i try to press fuel pedal,the sound like my rear S type box Marco can't received h.p from engine,Sound like vroomm...Brrrrrr.
I have plan to change my rear box to use designed like satria ori,but my one need to do some custom,or i just read story from benji gen2 from australia,He was using Hot bit system exzos 4+2+1,2 center bulet and the rear box he put before fuel tank,So he put 3 box in the on the floor,only the pipe was going out to the rear box area.He said can go more than 200km with some engine upgrade.
erm,so.....who have diy anything at their car....picture please....erm,i think this thread have its regular threader right....nice..
maybe we can make its more happening....

i got a 2cent idea.....y not we make our own sticker(diy) la.....stick it at the rear screen.....up,right area.......comment please...

like ...... gen2buddies .... with standard size and font...can we?so,everybody can stick it..
i'll make a sample...then post up here....but need support from u all.....kang aku sowang jek...
Any info regarding my problem,dfazli or mivecmerah how about ur idea.

benji's car is bling bing laa...
how sexy...

his website design also cun...very2 nice...
i dont have any experience on that as im using my standard ekjos...hehe..
maybe other sifu's here can help...
captor is just guiding or spot the car....if u think ur car safe enough to park anyway,i dont think that captor are fully utilize.....but if u think ur car is not safe enough,i prefer not to change till finish the services....

one more info here........ur alarm system are under the co-pilot seat...under the carpet.....i dont know why proton do like this......have to pake out the hard, but it maybe usefull to us but not to thiefs..hehe

think better best k bro....
aku ada call captor sbb nak tau apa benefit pkai captor..dia cakap kalu dia tk dpt kesan dalam 14 hari,dia akan kasi keta baru...insuran lain n captor kita dapat 2 lar lebih kurang gitu..

bro smua,kat mana leh dapat R3 spoiler n harga...
yamani1977 said:
aku ada call captor sbb nak tau apa benefit pkai captor..dia cakap kalu dia tk dpt kesan dalam 14 hari,dia akan kasi keta baru...insuran lain n captor kita dapat 2 lar lebih kurang gitu..

bro smua,kat mana leh dapat R3 spoiler n harga...

R3 spoiler... ko order dgn moe6 atau pun ko order thru (call Mr Idris 0193745558 - meet up during D1 racing at Shah Alam) utk R3 items..
R3 spoiler will charged you RM525 with white colour..paint by ur self..huhuhu
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