Exhaust smell inside the car when i drag


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Senior Member
Sep 21, 2007
Hello to all sifus,

Need advise coz each time when i drag...got very strong smell of exhaust smell coming inside the car from my wastegate. I have already seal all the holes from the aircon outlet & still the exhaust smell comes in. I've also check my front screen no leaking during washing. I've check all doors for wind noise & others...this smell happens only when i drag the car. During normal driving there is no smell. My wastegate is ok. Has anybody face this problems before ? I've already read in all ZTH forums about exhaust smell inside the car...and they all say is the aircon problem...i assure u even when i off the aircon & seal all the holes from the outside air...the exhaust smell still comes inside the car when i drag. Pls help & need advice coz running out of options.
maybe u should bring it to exhaust shop to check leaks on your exhaust system? Cos exhaust smell, especially the white smoke type, will get into
your cabin even though it is sealed.
Thank you for your advice sexycar...but i've done that oredi. The white smoke oni comes out when i start the car early in the morning. The exhaust smell oni comes into the car when i drag kaw kaw...m fed up oredi :-(
i tot the same way tooo last time
bt r u sure its exhaust smell
i suspected mine for exhaust smell
bt it was actually clutch getting burned during revs
or its fuel fume from ur fuel line connectors that went thru inside your car?
To Jinkl, u may be rite coz my ori clutch is slipping. Will be modifiying my ori clucth soon coz 2 years using racing clutch cant tahan oredi...my kaki jammed and to renxun i will get the fuel lines chech too...in two weeks time my second hand evo LSD gearbox will bw coming. I will PM u guys once it is done. Thank u all :adore: :adore: :adore: :adore: :adore: :adore:
M more than welcome if others out there have anymore suggestions :idea:
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