Electronic Blow Off

for rm290 better buy sumthing else ler... if below then 50 maybe can still consider... haih like those in the diy forum sed.. if u got NA car n wan bo juz lower down yr window n start shouting keeepppiisshh or cchiiinngg!!! n although u got those electronic posie thing u still haf 2 push a button 2 activate it.. doesnt work when u release accelerator.. so hafto press everitime.. damn mah fan..
This should be in the ICE section since its only use is entertainment :p

najibkl said:
Anyone here been using this?? This electronic blow off valve suitable for non turbo car. There have 3 type of sounds such as "psssttt", "chiinngg" & ferrari sound...

For promotional price, its sale @ RM 290.

i never heard dat stuff but i really wan it.can it fix to my standard kelisa?n how could i buy it?
plzz...reply ASAP :)
saltydogg said:
"Berita baik untuk abang-abang dan adik-adik.......Electronic Blow off valve, yang akan berbunyi seperti real Blow off, kini anda tak perlu beli enjin TURBO untuk kepuasan, mepunyai 3 suara yang anda boleh pilih, sesuai semua jenis kendaraan anda."

aku nak sgt2...kat mane aku leh dapat?aku pakai kelisa jer.aku teringin nak pakai...tolong reply kat aku...kalu nak senang contact jer aku 012-5165482
was queue-ing at the traffic light at 3 in the morning in kuchai lama sometime last week or maybe the week before - then got a dark green satria (stock appearance with major dents in passenger-side door and fender, stock rims too) pull up and stop next to me. windows tinted pitch black mine was rolled down fully. no other cars around just 2 of us at traffic light, then the satria driver started revving his engine like mad!! he was going absolutely f*cking nuts! i mean this is not the normal 'competitive' revving u normally experience from some cap ayam cars out there, he was revving SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DAMN hard it sounded like the damn engine was gonna DROP! or f*cking explode! hehehe!

ok ok so i chuckled to myself then all of a sudden i heard the sound of the SSQV type 'ching' sound! came from his car cos not a soul around! i was surprised! cos his engine was stock (by the sound of it) then next thing i know i hear the 'horse' blow-off kinda sound (u know when ur air don't go out ur blow-off an back thru ur turbo??) yeap that sound! sounded super duper fake too. some more after his 'peak rev' the sound only came a year later... aiyooo... bet he tekan a button then the sound come, but his timing very bad also.

the INSANE revving continued with both arrays of BOV sounds... THEN, his engine died... he started it back then it promptly mati again. start again then only ok..

after that no more revving :) man i had a good laugh too,. after that i rev at him once before chao-ing - let him hear what real blow-off sounds like hehehe!
murcielago said:
WAH!!!!! can use remote control and activate the sound anytime u want woh..damn good...even better than original blow off valve...maybe next time they can programme horse sound to show off yr horsepower..

hahhahahaha...funny chap!!:biggrin:
Better use the money for other purposes, rather than buying an Electronic Blow-off.

Just my 2 cents... Not to offend anyone. :rock: :vroam:
VexRed said:
was queue-ing at the traffic light at 3 in the morning in kuchai lama sometime last week or maybe the week before - then got a dark green satria (stock appearance with major dents in passenger-side door and fender, stock rims too) pull up and stop next to me. windows tinted pitch black mine was rolled down fully. no other cars around just 2 of us at traffic light, then the satria driver started revving his engine like mad!! he was going absolutely f*cking nuts! i mean this is not the normal 'competitive' revving u normally experience from some cap ayam cars out there, he was revving SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DAMN hard it sounded like the damn engine was gonna DROP! or f*cking explode! hehehe!

ok ok so i chuckled to myself then all of a sudden i heard the sound of the SSQV type 'ching' sound! came from his car cos not a soul around! i was surprised! cos his engine was stock (by the sound of it) then next thing i know i hear the 'horse' blow-off kinda sound (u know when ur air don't go out ur blow-off an back thru ur turbo??) yeap that sound! sounded super duper fake too. some more after his 'peak rev' the sound only came a year later... aiyooo... bet he tekan a button then the sound come, but his timing very bad also.

the INSANE revving continued with both arrays of BOV sounds... THEN, his engine died... he started it back then it promptly mati again. start again then only ok..

after that no more revving :) man i had a good laugh too,. after that i rev at him once before chao-ing - let him hear what real blow-off sounds like hehehe!

That my friend, is a Grade A++ jerk/s-hole/dumbass! hahahahaha!
hahaha to many ahbeng want to be tommy makinen wif rm200 budget...hehe

i also cucuked by ahbeng wif all sticker around the car n space ship lamp too hahaha... very2 nice car.
Aiyoh... Why la waste RM200plus with those "Ah Beng" stuff...??? Plz go n get a real BOV larr... For those who r consider of buying it plz think of this: -
1. Will the fake BOV makez ur car more faster....??
2. Will the fake BOV helps u to fetch more AH MOI????(maybe) HAhahaha...???
3. Will the fake BOV makez other real turbo driver scared of u...???

WHy dun think about this way...!!!(with fake BOV)
1. What happen if ur car with fake BOV kena tail by a stock car...??? (shitz)
2. What happen if ur frz ask u to open the bonnet to see....?? (aiyoh)
3. What happen if ur car keepz on "pssssshhh" n a granny driving 20km/h laughing at u...???

Conclusion: Save those money for the next increase of petrol price larr...!!! AIYOH..!!!
Answers :

1. yes (in their minds they are always the baddest and the fastest..)
2. yes (indon wan)
3 yes (turbo drivers scare of becoming like one)

1. Rev high high n push the BOV button nonstop
2. Escape line - 'My bonnet pins are stuck..kenot open laa' (mandatory item - bonnet pins)
3. a)Before that happens, must tint 200% so that u kenot see outside, those on da outside kenot see u..
b) change car but keep the fake BOV.

anyone want to contribute other possible answers?? hehehehehe...

IMHO total waste of money lar..

but if can cross with car alarm...
lock: kapish
unlock: chi-kurkurkurkur
alarm: chiu~chiu~chiu~chiu~chiu~ :D

reason, alarm so common your car alarm sound in car park ppl also won't bother see got thief or not, this one ar... sure got more ppl see. sommore its interesting :D
rollakid said:
IMHO total waste of money lar..

but if can cross with car alarm...
lock: kapish
unlock: chi-kurkurkurkur
alarm: chiu~chiu~chiu~chiu~chiu~ :D

reason, alarm so common your car alarm sound in car park ppl also won't bother see got thief or not, this one ar... sure got more ppl see. sommore its interesting :D
lolz... respect man.... :congrats: :adore: :adore:
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