Digi - Most Coverage in Malaysia?!?!


1,500 RPM
Senior Member
Nov 30, 2003
i am a digi user...but i am very frust that these days when i was in my taman and in my home....there is NO RECEIPTION on my cellphone!!!!i though that was my phone problem...then i go out to other places but it's ok...full of receiption....so i bring my gf 016 also to try in my taman...it's same..no line at all....i am very frust and doub what mean by MOST Coverage IN Malaysia means....it is really shame....not sure got any other digi user had same problem as me o not...
Digi might be good, thinking of switching.
I use Hotlink, and all the service messages come in Malay language and advertise 'Free Siti Ringtone' la 'Mawi' la 'AF' la this la that la

Siti is hotlink ambassador (sort of) maa. All those AF things are sponsored by hotlink wan, that's why. I use maxis postpaid, 90% of the sms they sent are in english
I used to be digi user but switched cause of the poor reception. Been happy with Hotlink ever since!
Yeah, all that crap that Hotlink keeps sending me is annoying. But as a service 012 is alright. I don't really think there is any point in going through the hassle of switching operators because there's not much difference really. They've all got problems.

But as far as coverage is concerned, I think Celcom tops it.
Maybe the "yellow guy" haven't arrived that area. haha

Ya. Hotlink dam annoying. Everytime my credit almost expired, its sends me a message to remind me of reloading the credit. What!!! You scare i don't want reload ah!!!

Ya. Agree. Celcom is the best in coverage. Got coverage even in pulau redang.
err.. i am a Celcom postpaid user..
sad 2 say their customer services is teruk!!!
got 2 line here......one maxis, one is digi.....
maxis, i'm happy to using it.....nothing happen at all......
digi, haizzzzzzzzz......sms got delay this what i don't like.......
got 2 line here......one maxis, one is digi.....
maxis, i'm happy to using it.....nothing happen at all......
digi, haizzzzzzzzz......sms got delay this what i don't like.......

Yeah the sms delay is the most annoying. I sent sms to my friend's 016 using maxis and one day later he baru receive it. And that's not during festive season somemore.
when i was at Cameron Highlands, Maxis signal strength was good while Celcom shows no bar signal at a Tanah Rata apartment..
& i hv 2 keep borrowing my fren's hp..:sad_smile:
My opinion, well coverage MAxis, price Digi. Celcom i dunno.

Well my Maxis has good coverage but damn CEKIK DARAH. Even with their stupid promo (activ5 n crap still the same). Wait i dont get it, how can my prepaid message is english.

Weird la u guys can get those stupid AF messages. I dont have u know.

My digi, yes kinda bad coverage but the price is ok to me. Even i call to other lines they are cheap (not sure about u guys).

Celcom i dont dare to take bcoz once i read newspaper it says "One cent sms, n some calls" when read carefully below it says

"one cent on morning, 5 cent at evening n 10 cents at night"

Thats why i dont want to take celcom.

*damn kena apply gak bcoz gf using celcom =.="
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I'm riding on 2 different network (Maxis and Digi) and soon will get my Celcom line.

Through my experience,
Digi, many complain that Digi have the poorest coverage among the 3, but more than sufficient for KL coverage. Price is very competitive. Bill statement is clear.
No 3G (but not Digi fault), but EDGE is good for data pulling.

Maxis, many claim that Maxis have better coverage then Digi, but maybe I'm the unlucky 1, usually I get a lot of miss call sms from Maxis (but my phone didn't ring at all).
I also experience difficulty to get service inside some popular KL commercial office.
Billing is kind of funny, you can call to check your balance, but it will shoot high when it reach month end. (I'm having RM75 fix plan)
3G coverage is disappointing.

Celcom, never deal with them, but heard that coverage is the best
, but some warn me that billing is suck in the past, lately improve a lot, no more "pangilan Hantu" that shoot your billing rocket high.

just my sharing
so thats mean the advertisement on tv...the yellow man...

sin ka lan lor

2zz, no la just that the places they failed to receive fullbar transmission is not auspicious aka WONG

as per advert, u must consult a fengshui master to identify key auspicious areas in order to receive fullbar transmission ma.
yup, i cant get shit out of my digi line in my room..
gotta walk out sometimes to talk long..
but to be fair, i've experience full bar reception on my 016 while frens hav poor reception with others in certain places..
if i've not forgotten it's some toilet/basement of sum shoppin complex..

my room not 'hou gunn yiu wong' la i guess..
2zz, no la just that the places they failed to receive fullbar transmission is not auspicious aka WONG

as per advert, u must consult a fengshui master to identify key auspicious areas in order to receive fullbar transmission ma.

haha nice one =)
Digi...in my room...suddenly no line suddenly half line...never full line...stupid la...widest covergae...KONON LAH!!!

hahaha very usefull information in here
lol, n digi really does put hell alot investment on advertising, newspaper/internet/cinema etc just every where omg
yeah..they really spent alot on branding.... but still..

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